Ageod WW1 Manual Cover.qxd

Ageod WW1 Manual Cover.qxd Ageod WW1 Manual Cover.qxd

from walter.katharina23 More from this publisher

The 7-6-4 Mountain Unit The 7-6-4 Austrian Mountain Corps has “elite” morale only in mountains. Its morale is only veteran elsewhere. The Austrian Generals The pool of generals does not include General Below (German) and Eugen (1916). Conrad (GHQ): Misunderstands Hindenburg: When Hindenburg is at the Eastern GHQ, he does not get along well with Conrad. The Austrians’ initiative is 2 (rather than 4) on the Eastern Front. German and Austrian Armies have an additional penalty of -3 for coordination rolls. (Both of these penalties are the same ones covered above, not in addition to them.) Boroevitch: A Croatian general. Slavic units under his command do not suffer the usual morale penalty when facing Russians or Serbs, even after the death of Franz-Joseph. Eugen: Added to the pool in 1916. He can also appear as a general at the beginning of the game (by Option). He is attached to the I Army. The Slavic Desertions Beginning in 1917, the Austro-Hungarian Army suffers chronic desertions. Austria-Hungary rolls a D6 at the end of each Reinforcement Phase. The result is the total number of losses suffered from her forces: +0 in 1917 +1 if the Czech Committee is in place +1 in 1918 +1 if Istria has been ceded to Italy Divided freely, without restriction, regardless of nationalities. ● Intact units are chosen first. ● Reduced units are then chosen, and roll a special morale test. The test is done with a negative effect of -1, ignoring all other modifiers. This, without loss of RP. ● Losses from desertion have no effect on the Austrian NW. Slavic desertion ceases if the Empire is successfully Reformed into a Triple Monarchy. If that happens, this rule is nullified. Promises to Italy In 1915, Italy is divided into two sides, but favors Entente, though it had been officially allied with Central Powers. ● Austria-Hungary can promise to cede territory to Italy in return for its support. ● Austria-Hungary has the choice between: - to give up nothing - to promise Trentin Promise: Austria-Hungary loses -2 to NW (immediately, no matter which territory is promised). A promise has two positive effects: ● Trentin: only a -1 Central Powers penalty for “D’Annunzio test”, and gain of a +1 diplomatic bonus with Italy. Cession: if a promise is made and Italy declares war on Entente, then Austria-Hungary gives Italy the promised territories. The cession has these additional (or worsened) negative effects: Trentin (only): ● suffers -4 to NW and the Parliament moves 1 level to the left ● suffers a -1 penalty on all social tests (strike, mutiny, revolt, etc) for the next 1 year (9 turns). Italy at Peace Italy is versatile from one turn to the next. Alignment: Italy is pro-Entente 50% of the time IF Entente AMB ≥ Central Powers AMB. Higher Bids: Effectiveness of the AMB in 1914: column +2 or -2 maximum. D’Annunzio: Beginning in 1915, if Central Powers player makes a Diplomatic Action in Italy, a “D’Annunzio” roll is checked first: [Cancel this rule if Austria chooses Option “Concessions to Italy” (at war start) or if France surrenders.] Success on 8+ (only once per side). The following modifiers reflect relations among Central Powers -1 Jan-Feb 1915 +0 Mar-Apr 1915 +1 May-Dec 1915 +2 1916+ -2 for Central Powers (or -1 Trentin promise) (or -0 Trentin + Istria) -1 if Turkey is at war against Entente +1 if Italy is pro-Central Powers this turn +1 if this is the first D’Annunzio roll +4 if Entente has previously attempted and failed D’Annunzio Success: Italy becomes pro-Central Powers this turn (if it was not already). World War One: La Grande Guerre 1914-1918 145

● get an extra +1 diplomatic bonus with Italy (this turn). Failure: Too bad. The Central Powers diplomatic Action is canceled. Entente must roll D’Annunzio at first when the next Action occurs in Italy (never mind who tries). Objectives of War: if Entente recognizes Italy’s war objectives against Austria-Hungary, she obtains a diplomatic bonus. On the other hand, Entente will have problems negotiating peace together. French Promise: France may promise Tunisia to Italy if Austria-Hungary has already promised Trentin and/or Istria to Italy. The Czech Independence Movement – Masaryk Beginning in 1917, the Czech leader Masaryk, in exile, begins to influence the Entente powers. The Entente player may play Event “Masaryk”, to officially recognize the Czech Committee in exile. These are the negative effects for Austria-Hungary: ● suffers -4 to NW ● peace negotiations are hindered ● a penalty of -1 on all social tests (strike, mutiny, etc), except surrender tests (this effect is permanent) ● Czech units have a -2 penalty on their morale checks The effect of Masaryk ceases if the Empire is successfully Reformed into a Triple Monarchy. If that happens, this rule is nullified. Albania and Serbia All countries can intervene militarily in Albania, without declaring war. Units of Montenegro are considered Serbian in all respects. Skopje, Cetinje, Belgrad are sources of supply for the Entente, even if not connected to another town. This is an exception to normal supply rules. 146 World War One: La Grande Guerre 1914-1918 The Austro-Hungarian Railway Beginning in 1917, rail transport capacity drops by 1 per year. Austria-Hungary: 1914–1916 (11) 1917 (10) 1918+ (9) Reformation of the Empire The new emperor, Charles, favors reforming the Dual Monarchy into a Triple Monarchy, by uniting with the Slavs (but he prefers to await peacetime first.) Hungary is profoundly hostile to the whole idea (because it would threaten their territorial integrity). This could cause a major crisis and the end of the monarchy. Austria-Hungary may take a special Political Action to put in place Reformation of the royal and imperial institutions. The goal is to nullify all of the long-term negative effects of the problems of minorities in the Empire. This Action may be selected only once per Interphase. Vote: 9+ (roll D12) +/-? Parliament +1 in 1918+ -1 Strike or Revolt is in progress -1 Austrian or German Grand Offensive is in progress (no matter where) -1 Wilson’s Fourteen Points are in effect Result: the Triple Monarchy is created, but a Hungarian Crisis test must be made first. Effect on National Will: Success: special Failure: -5 to NW The Hungarian Crisis If a Reformation of the Empire is attempted and succeeds, Hungary can provoke a major crisis with Austria. The Crisis takes place after having done all NW variations from Political Actions of Austria. A D6 is then rolled: ● if even, nothing happens, and the Triple Monarchy is created. ● if odd, Hungary reacts and a riot breaks out in Budapest. Continue with these effects, in this order: Austria-Hungary immediately loses a D12 from its NW. An instability test is rolled, with an extra penalty of -1, even if the NW marker is not in the Unstable Zone. If the result is negative, a 2nd test is rolled with a penalty of -2 (additional). If the second result is negative, a 3rd test is rolled with a penalty of -3 (additional).

● get an extra +1 diplomatic bonus with Italy (this turn).<br />

Failure:<br />

Too bad. The Central Powers diplomatic Action is canceled.<br />

Entente must roll D’Annunzio at first when the next Action occurs in Italy<br />

(never mind who tries).<br />

Objectives of War: if Entente recognizes Italy’s war objectives against<br />

Austria-Hungary, she obtains a diplomatic bonus. On the other hand,<br />

Entente will have problems negotiating peace together.<br />

French Promise: France may promise Tunisia to Italy if Austria-Hungary<br />

has already promised Trentin and/or Istria to Italy.<br />

The Czech Independence Movement – Masaryk<br />

Beginning in 1917, the Czech leader Masaryk, in exile, begins to influence<br />

the Entente powers. The Entente player may play Event “Masaryk”, to<br />

officially recognize the Czech Committee in exile. These are the negative<br />

effects for Austria-Hungary:<br />

● suffers -4 to NW<br />

● peace negotiations are hindered<br />

● a penalty of -1 on all social tests (strike, mutiny, etc), except surrender<br />

tests (this effect is permanent)<br />

● Czech units have a -2 penalty on their morale checks<br />

The effect of Masaryk ceases if the Empire is successfully Reformed into<br />

a Triple Monarchy. If that happens, this rule is nullified.<br />

Albania and Serbia<br />

All countries can intervene militarily in Albania, without declaring war. Units<br />

of Montenegro are considered Serbian in all respects.<br />

Skopje, Cetinje, Belgrad are sources of supply for the Entente, even if not<br />

connected to another town. This is an exception to normal supply rules.<br />

146 World War One: La Grande Guerre 1914-1918<br />

The Austro-Hungarian Railway<br />

Beginning in 1917, rail transport capacity drops by 1 per year.<br />

Austria-Hungary:<br />

1914–1916 (11)<br />

1917 (10)<br />

1918+ (9)<br />

Reformation of the Empire<br />

The new emperor, Charles, favors reforming the Dual Monarchy into<br />

a Triple Monarchy, by uniting with the Slavs (but he prefers to await<br />

peacetime first.) Hungary is profoundly hostile to the whole idea (because<br />

it would threaten their territorial integrity). This could cause a major crisis<br />

and the end of the monarchy.<br />

Austria-Hungary may take a special Political Action to put in place<br />

Reformation of the royal and imperial institutions. The goal is to nullify all of<br />

the long-term negative effects of the problems of minorities in the Empire.<br />

This Action may be selected only once per Interphase.<br />

Vote: 9+ (roll D12)<br />

+/-? Parliament<br />

+1 in 1918+<br />

-1 Strike or Revolt is in progress<br />

-1 Austrian or German Grand Offensive is in progress<br />

(no matter where)<br />

-1 Wilson’s Fourteen Points are in effect<br />

Result: the Triple Monarchy is created, but a Hungarian Crisis test must be<br />

made first.<br />

Effect on National Will:<br />

Success: special<br />

Failure: -5 to NW<br />

The Hungarian Crisis<br />

If a Reformation of the Empire is attempted and succeeds, Hungary can<br />

provoke a major crisis with Austria.<br />

The Crisis takes place after having done all NW variations from Political<br />

Actions of Austria.<br />

A D6 is then rolled:<br />

● if even, nothing happens, and the Triple Monarchy is created.<br />

● if odd, Hungary reacts and a riot breaks out in Budapest. Continue<br />

with these effects, in this order:<br />

Austria-Hungary immediately loses a D12 from its NW.<br />

An instability test is rolled, with an extra penalty of -1, even if the NW<br />

marker is not in the Unstable Zone.<br />

If the result is negative, a 2nd test is rolled with a penalty of -2 (additional).<br />

If the second result is negative, a 3rd test is rolled with a penalty of -3<br />


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