Ageod WW1 Manual Cover.qxd

Ageod WW1 Manual Cover.qxd Ageod WW1 Manual Cover.qxd

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25.3.1 Surrender of Russia If Russia surrenders unconditionally, apply the effects of the victorious Separate peace above. 25.3.2 Surrender of Austria-Hungary If Austria-Hungary unconditionally surrenders, apply the victorious separate peace effects above. 25.3.3 Surrender of Germany If Germany surrenders unconditionally, it signs a very harsh peace treaty, with the following effects. ● This surrender ends the war. All other Central Powers will sign the peace too. ● Germany cedes all her colonial dominions to Great Britain; Alsace- Lorraine to France and the Danzig Corridor to Russia. ● France gets 50 EPs as war indemnities and 10 VPs bonus. ● Also, the German navy is sunk! 25.3.4 Surrender of France The game may not be over even if France surrenders, because Russia is may be still at war (she may be victorious if Britain helps her). ● If France signs an unconditional surrender, she accepts very harsh conditions, with the following effects. ● Germany must leave 12 corps garrisoning the French border. ● France does not cede any region to Central Powers, but Germany gets 50 EPs as war indemnities, 1 point for her “agricultural shortage”, a 2 points flow of MUNs, and 10 VPs bonus. Also, the whole French navy is ceded to Germany! ● Germany receives one additional AMB during each Winter Interphase. 25.3.5 Surrender of Britain The trade blockade is immediately cancelled. Freedom of the seas is reinstalled. Great Britain cedes Nigeria and South Africa to Germany. In addition, Germany gets 40 EPs as war indemnities, a 1 point flow of MUNs, and 5 VPs bonus. Also, the whole French navy is ceded to Germany! Germany receives one additional AMB during each Winter Interphase. 25.3.6 Surrender of Italy ● Austria-Hungary must leave 5 corps garrisoning the Italian border. ● Italy cedes Lybia and Rhodes to the Ottoman Empire, provide it’s at war. Austria-Hungary gets 10 EPs as war indemnities, 1 points for her “agricultural shortage”, and 3 VPs bonus. ● Austria-Hungary receives one additional AMB during each Winter Interphase. 27.3.8 Surrender of Turkey ● Austria-Hungary must leave 5 corps garrisoning the Italian border. ● Turkey cedes Palestina and Mesopotamia to Great Britain (if at war), Syria to France, Erevan to Russia (if still at war), Smyrne to Greece (if at war), and Armenia to Persia (if at war). Great Britain gets 10 EPs as war indemnities and 1 VP bonus. ● Great Britain receives one additional AMB during each Winter Interphase. 25.3.9 Surrender of USA ● No region is ceded by the USA, but Germany gets 30 EPs as war indemnities and 1 point flow of MUNs. ● Germany receives one additional AMB during each Winter Interphase. 25.3.10 Total Conquest If a major power loses all its national cities (in Europe) (not towns), is must surrender unconditionally. World War One: La Grande Guerre 1914-1918 139

● For Russia, all Off-map boxes must be conquered also. ● For France and Germany, apply the effects of involuntary surrender (the harshest). Voluntary Surrender France/Germany The Surrender Test If either one (or both) of France or Germany thinks the outcome of the war is hopeless, it may sue for peace and surrender unconditionally. Voluntarily asking for peace lightens the magnitude of the defeat. Voluntary Surrender of Germany (Historical Result) In such a case, the conditions of Germany’s unconditional surrender above apply, but the amount of VPs gained by the enemy amounts to 7 VPs only. Voluntary Surrender of France In such a case, the conditions of France’s unconditional surrender above apply, but the amount of VPs gained by the enemy amounts to 7 VPs only. 25.4 General Peace If Germany surrenders, or if both France and Russia sue for peace, the general peace is concluded with all powers still at war. 25.4.1 End of the War – Surrender of the Central Powers If Germany concludes a peace with the Allies, the other Central Powers nations automatically sign the peace too. 25.4.2 End of the War – Surrender of the Entente If both France and Russia sign the peace with Central Powers, all the other Entente powers automatically sign the peace too. Assessing Victory in the Great War after 1914 140 World War One: La Grande Guerre 1914-1918 Victory Points Table The “victory magnitude” is assessed by the victorious side, depending on the types of peace it received in the East (Austria/Russia) and West (Germany/France). The victorious side adds the East VPs and West VPs: - Central Powers victorious: West (France), East (Russia) - Entente victorious: West (Germany), East (Austria-Hungary) ● If another enemy power has surrendered before the peace, the winning side gets a VPs bonus. ● Each power, friendly or enemy, which turned Communist, gives a cumulative -3 VPs penalty. ● There are several victory degrees: from the decisive victory (the best) to the impending Bolshevik Revolution (the worst). ● The other enemy powers (Britain, United States, Italy and Turkey) accept to sign the peace, under acceptable conditions. 25.4.2 The Consequences of War Here are prophesies of what might happen in the following years in Europe. Decisive Victory: your side obtains a complete success. Your main two opponents have surrendered with the worst possible conditions. Your side obtains supremacy in Europe until the end of the century, and is the de facto leader of the Society of Nations. The risks of a Second World War are averted for a long time. Major Victory: your side has won the war, but maybe not the peace. Your major enemies have surrendered, averting total defeat. Peace has been signed, but there are still hard feelings on both sides. Risks of a Second World War exist, but your side is the favorite. Minor Victory: your side got a lukewarm success. Your main enemy is out of action for some time. Peace, between the victors, is not a viable one. The Second World War will erupt soon, and your side is not united. Revenge!: the military victory is incomplete. The enemy side hopes it will get its revenge. The Second World War will erupt within 20 years, and your victory, dearly bought, will again be jeopardized. The enemy side will have the possibility to prevail again. World Revolution?: the Great War ends with a bad peace, but more important, with the emergence of Communism in Europe, in one or several nations. The risk of a Bolshevik Revolution spreading over the world is very strong, since there is no other power able to install its world order. The Peace of the Peoples will spread, you just have to wait. Historical Example: Germany surrendered voluntarily to the West (7 VPs) and Austria-Hungary surrendered (7 VPs) = 14 VPs.You have to subtract 3 VPs because of Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. The result is 11 VPs: it is a Minor Victory. The Great War did not install a long peace in Europe.

● For Russia, all Off-map boxes must be conquered also.<br />

● For France and Germany, apply the effects of involuntary surrender<br />

(the harshest).<br />

Voluntary Surrender France/Germany<br />

The Surrender Test<br />

If either one (or both) of France or Germany thinks the outcome of the war<br />

is hopeless, it may sue for peace and surrender unconditionally.<br />

Voluntarily asking for peace lightens the magnitude of the defeat.<br />

Voluntary Surrender of Germany (Historical Result)<br />

In such a case, the conditions of Germany’s unconditional surrender above<br />

apply, but the amount of VPs gained by the enemy amounts to 7 VPs only.<br />

Voluntary Surrender of France<br />

In such a case, the conditions of France’s unconditional surrender above<br />

apply, but the amount of VPs gained by the enemy amounts to 7 VPs only.<br />

25.4 General Peace<br />

If Germany surrenders, or if both France and Russia sue for peace, the<br />

general peace is concluded with all powers still at war.<br />

25.4.1 End of the War – Surrender of the Central Powers<br />

If Germany concludes a peace with the Allies, the other Central Powers<br />

nations automatically sign the peace too.<br />

25.4.2 End of the War – Surrender of the Entente<br />

If both France and Russia sign the peace with Central Powers, all the other<br />

Entente powers automatically sign the peace too.<br />

Assessing Victory in the Great War after 1914<br />

140 World War One: La Grande Guerre 1914-1918<br />

Victory Points Table<br />

The “victory magnitude” is assessed by the victorious side, depending on<br />

the types of peace it received in the East (Austria/Russia) and West<br />

(Germany/France).<br />

The victorious side adds the East VPs and West VPs:<br />

- Central Powers victorious: West (France), East (Russia)<br />

- Entente victorious: West (Germany), East (Austria-Hungary)<br />

● If another enemy power has surrendered before the peace, the<br />

winning side gets a VPs bonus.<br />

● Each power, friendly or enemy, which turned Communist, gives a<br />

cumulative -3 VPs penalty.<br />

● There are several victory degrees: from the decisive victory (the best)<br />

to the impending Bolshevik Revolution (the worst).<br />

● The other enemy powers (Britain, United States, Italy and Turkey)<br />

accept to sign the peace, under acceptable conditions.<br />

25.4.2 The Consequences of War<br />

Here are prophesies of what might happen in the following years in Europe.<br />

Decisive Victory: your side obtains a complete success. Your main two<br />

opponents have surrendered with the worst possible conditions. Your side<br />

obtains supremacy in Europe until the end of the century, and is the de<br />

facto leader of the Society of Nations. The risks of a Second World War are<br />

averted for a long time.<br />

Major Victory: your side has won the war, but maybe not the peace. Your<br />

major enemies have surrendered, averting total defeat. Peace has been<br />

signed, but there are still hard feelings on both sides. Risks of a Second<br />

World War exist, but your side is the favorite.<br />

Minor Victory: your side got a lukewarm success. Your main enemy is out<br />

of action for some time. Peace, between the victors, is not a viable one. The<br />

Second World War will erupt soon, and your side is not united.<br />

Revenge!: the military victory is incomplete. The enemy side hopes it will<br />

get its revenge. The Second World War will erupt within 20 years, and your<br />

victory, dearly bought, will again be jeopardized. The enemy side will have<br />

the possibility to prevail again.<br />

World Revolution?: the Great War ends with a bad peace, but more<br />

important, with the emergence of Communism in Europe, in one or<br />

several nations. The risk of a Bolshevik Revolution spreading over the world<br />

is very strong, since there is no other power able to install its world order.<br />

The Peace of the Peoples will spread, you just have to wait.<br />

Historical Example: Germany surrendered voluntarily to the West (7 VPs)<br />

and Austria-Hungary surrendered (7 VPs) = 14 VPs.You have to subtract 3<br />

VPs because of Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. The result is 11 VPs: it is<br />

a Minor Victory. The Great War did not install a long peace in Europe.

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