Important Health Warning About Playing Video Games

Important Health Warning About Playing Video Games Important Health Warning About Playing Video Games

from walter.katharina23 More from this publisher

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<strong>Important</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Warning</strong> <strong>About</strong> <strong>Playing</strong> <strong>Video</strong> <strong>Games</strong><br />

Photosensitive Seizures<br />

A very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to certain<br />

visual images, including flashing lights or patterns that may appear in video games.<br />

Even people who have no history of seizures or epilepsy may have an undiagnosed<br />

condition that can cause these “photosensitive epileptic seizures” while watching video<br />

games.<br />

These seizures may have a variety of symptoms, including lightheadedness, altered<br />

vision, eye or face twitching, jerking or shaking of arms or legs, disorientation,<br />

confusion, or momentary loss of awareness. Seizures may also cause loss of<br />

consciousness or convulsions that can lead to injury from falling down or striking<br />

nearby objects.<br />

Immediately stop playing and consult a doctor if you experience any of these<br />

symptoms. Parents should watch for or ask their children about the above symptoms—<br />

children and teenagers are more likely than adults to experience these seizures. The<br />

risk of photosensitive epileptic seizures may be reduced by taking the following<br />

precautions: Sit farther from the screen; use a smaller screen; play in a well-lit room;<br />

and do not play when you are drowsy or fatigued.<br />

If you or any of your relatives have a history of seizures or epilepsy, consult a doctor<br />

before playing.<br />

PEGI ratings and guidance applicable within PEGI markets only.<br />

What is the PEGI System?<br />

The PEGI age-rating system protects minors from games unsuitable for their particular<br />

age group. PLEASE NOTE it is not a guide to gaming difficulty. Comprising two parts,<br />

PEGI allows parents and those purchasing games for children to make an informed<br />

choice appropriate to the age of the intended player. The first part is an age rating:<br />

The second is icons indicating the type of content in the game. Depending on the<br />

game, there may be a number of such icons. The age-rating of the game reflects the<br />

intensity of this content. The icons are:<br />

For further information visit and

Family Settings<br />

Family Settings in <strong>Games</strong> for Windows – LIVE and Windows Vista ® parental<br />

controls work together. Parents can restrict access to mature-rated content.<br />

Approve who and how your family interacts with others online with the LIVE<br />

service. And set time limits on how long they can play. For more information,<br />

go to<br />


1. InstallatIon<br />

take the CD with the game and insert it into your CD/DVD drive. the<br />

installation program runs automatically. If for any reason this does not<br />

occur, go to your computer desktop screen, click on start, then choose<br />

My Computer and subsequently your respective CD/DVD drive icon.<br />

Find the setup.exe (or just setup) file and run it by a double-click of your<br />

mouse.<br />

all you need to do now is follow the instructions of the installation program<br />

which will guide you through the whole installation procedure.<br />

During the installation, all programs required for a smooth run of<br />

the game will be installed in parallel with the game itself. therefore<br />

it’s required not to interrupt the installation procedure and let it run<br />

to its finish. In the opposite case, full function of the game within all<br />

operational parameters cannot be guaranteed. If that is the case, restart<br />

the computer and reinstall the game.<br />

oK, that’s it, now the game shall begin.<br />

technical issues/remarks: In order to offer you a high-quality visual<br />

experience from the game, the latest version of DirectX9 is required.<br />

DirectX9 is included with the installation CD and runs automatically after<br />

the installation of the game itself.<br />

this game utilizes aGEIa PhysX program which is a vital part of the game<br />

and without which the game will not function. Make sure this program<br />

has been installed correctly during the game installation.<br />

During the installation, other inevitable program packages will be<br />

installed as well. these programs are harmless to your computers and<br />

contain no viruses, trojans or spam programs.<br />

If an error occurs during the installation or game and the program<br />

terminates, please, contact our customer support which will gladly<br />

provide assistance and instructions of how to solve the problem.<br />

2. tEChnICal suPPort<br />

Before you decide to write us, make sure you have all the important<br />

information:<br />

•Error description<br />

•Where the error has occurred (installation, game)<br />

•the folder :\Documents and settings\\My<br />

Documents\ contains a file < name of the game>.<br />

html. this file, together with detailed error description is required to<br />


solve the problem. this file is only created during the playing of the<br />

game, if the error has occurred during the installation, then this file will<br />

not be created yet.<br />

3. lEVEls<br />

During your poaching career you can explore four hunting locations. Each<br />

location has unique characteristics which result in certain advantages,<br />

as well as drawbacks….<br />

africa<br />

Predominantly grasslands with numerous herds of elephants, gazelles or<br />

african buffalos. the few lions can be found near the lake, as well as in<br />

the hills down south. one of the most prominent starting points is a base<br />

camp of a group of wannabe hunters looking for some safari experience.<br />

no one knows exactly which direction they took but it’s better not to<br />

encounter them at all, since they’re greenhorns with a tendency to shoot<br />

at everything that moves, even humans. the vegetation is sparse, with<br />

just occasional trees, enabling good orientation and improved visibility.<br />

this can be a disadvantage as it presents fewer opportunities to sneak<br />

up on the animals. once spotted, evading guards is also a complicated<br />

task.<br />

Europe<br />

uplands with rich and dense forests and mountains in the East. Most<br />


of the time the landscape is abandoned with very few cottages or other<br />

places for establishing base camps. the borders of the forest are defined<br />

by rivers from three sides.<br />

the forests provide good cover from guards, and enable opportunities<br />

to sneak upon the animals. Visibility is moderate, enabling short-tomedium<br />

distance shots. Deer can be found in the vicinity of water while<br />

for wild hogs you need to enter denser forests. Mountain goats are<br />

exclusive to the rocky eastern side, and bears usually stay near the river<br />

banks.<br />

america<br />


Flatlands with a variety of lakes providing shelter for numerous bears. at<br />

the same time, this is the only forest type where moose can be found.<br />

america’s forest provides great hiding places but also reduces visibility<br />

and makes long distance shots next to impossible. Excessive water<br />

creates swamps which can be dangerous for a lone hunter. at the lake<br />

shores cottages and logs can be found, providing great place to take a<br />

rest.<br />

savannah<br />

the landscape is divided by old railway lines having served as means of<br />

transportation for harvested crude iron and later gold. the only things<br />

left over from those times are remains of a town from 19th century- a<br />

perfect place to start a mission. at the edge of the town you can find<br />

an abandoned log, providing a great hideout from incoming guards.<br />

the savannah mostly involves grasslands with hordes of bison. the<br />

few widely spaced, scattered trees provide cover for roe deer families.<br />

occasional bears only can be found in the abandoned corners of the<br />

area, in the vicinity of water.<br />

Every area contains places to take rest at night- these are marked in the<br />

map.<br />

4. PlayEr attrIButEs<br />

In order to become a good poacher, you need to prove your worth<br />

first. therefore you will be starting with low attributes and improving<br />

your skills with time, so that you can subsequently be aided by better<br />

weapons, larger bag etc.<br />


Weapon – the most basic attribute of all. higher value enables you to<br />

purchase better and more effective weapons (longer range, large bore<br />

for large animals). In order to improve this attribute you need to collect<br />

trophies. the more precise the aiming, the faster you can achieve the<br />

next attribute level.<br />

strength – In order to go hunting, you need to take along weapons,<br />

rounds, food, as well as a map and/or a compass. For all this you need<br />

strength, a parameter than can be improved by walking in the woods.<br />

this attribute has impact on overall carrying capacity of the bag (max.<br />

three guns and 20 items). Besides this, the strength parameter also has<br />

an effect on your stamina, meaning the distance you are able to walk<br />

without having to take a rest. If your stamina is low and you are not<br />

able to increase this parameter by additional food, don’t panic, just<br />

take a rest and wait for this parameter to rise.<br />

tracking – this attribute enables you to follow the animal tracks, as well<br />

as blood stains after the animal has been wounded. In order to improve<br />

this skill, you need to search for tracks and follow them. the longer you<br />

can keep the tracks in your field of view, the quicker the attribute can<br />

improve.<br />

hiding – Most animal depend on their excellent senses, therefore it’s<br />

natural that being a good poacher requires the talent to get as close as<br />

possible without being detected. the higher the value of this attribute,<br />

the closer you can get unnoticed. With improving skills you might be<br />

able to slap a bear on his back, increasing the value of this attribute<br />

requires frequent training .<br />

luring – If you get a feeling that it‘s getting increasingly hard to find<br />

any animals then you might want to either change your perfume or<br />

take a decoy or bait and try to lure some. Even the little luring skill you<br />

have can be helpful, especially if animals are starving, so make sure to<br />

prepare some firepower and hide in a good spot. Improve the luring<br />

skill by training hard to lure as many animals as you can, and to get as<br />

close as you can.<br />

5. Play<br />

In the woods you are on your own and you can only depend on the<br />

weapon you are holding. the screen provides all necessary information<br />

to make sure you have an idea of what’s going on around you.<br />

on the left side of the screen there are two bars, the red one for<br />

remaining stamina and the blue one for remaining strength (refer to<br />

chapter Player attributes). the bottom side of the screen is reserved<br />

for the contents of your bag. this area is hidden during play but can<br />


e highlighted by pressing the action key (sPaCE, by default). you can<br />

review the contents of your bag by using the mouse scroll button or<br />

respective keys on the keyboard (Page up and Page Down by default).<br />

after moving your character, the contents of the bag will be hidden.<br />

above the area for bag contents you can find an arrow showing actual<br />

the speed of your movement. a single arrow indicates walking, a double<br />

arrow means running. a flashing double arrow stands for sprint at full<br />

speed (results in rapid loss of strength).<br />

the right side of the screen provides information about the items you<br />

are holding in your hands. If it’s a gun, then a number in the gun window<br />

indicates rounds left and a number in a separate window shows rounds<br />

(or arrows) contained in other mags you’re carrying. there’s also a<br />

time indicator showing the actual in-game time, as well as time left to<br />

successfully complete the mission.<br />

From time to time, a short list of all player attributes with actual values<br />

shows up on the right side. It can also be highlighted by pressing an<br />

appropriate key (“n“ by default). the top side of the screen also includes<br />

a compass and a wind indicator. the compass shows you the direction<br />

you are heading and can be replaced by a GPs device which also shows<br />

your actual position on the map. Wind indicator shows actual wind<br />

direction which is a useful piece of information if you want to avoid the<br />

animal being scared off by human body-odor.<br />

special attention must be paid to a progress bar which provides<br />

information about incoming guards. If the field below the progress bar<br />

is blank, then you can let the guard simply pass you by without any<br />

harm. on the contrary, one or more sheriff star symbols highlighted<br />

in the field indicates the guards being informed about your poaching<br />

activities. We advise you to run away in this situation. the more star<br />

symbols are highlighted, the more guards are looking for you and the<br />

more quickly you should run away.<br />

Every hunt starts at a starting point which can be chosen on the map.<br />

It pays off to choose a point relatively close to the assumed position<br />

of the animal you are trying to take down. a map upgraded with<br />

poacher’s information helps you determine the approximate position<br />

of the animals in the forest. the marked positions are broad; you might<br />

need to lurk around the spot for a while.<br />

If the mission does not go as planned, you can end the hunt by either<br />

entering the ending point or by quitting the game. If points and trophies<br />

collected so far in the level do matter to you, then the former choice is<br />

advisable because quitting the game will make you lose all your trophies<br />

and collected experience.<br />

to complete the mission you must fulfill all tasks and go to the control<br />

point. the game will remind you of that and the map will be enhanced<br />


y further information, so watch the screen closely. after completing<br />

the mission in the control point you can end the game on the spot or<br />

proceed to the ending point, it’s up to you.<br />

6. GaME MoDEs<br />

now that you know what burden lies on your shoulders, you should<br />

also learn what else you can try out in the game.<br />

as a warm-up, “Quick game” mode is available. In this mode you only<br />

choose one character and one level, fill up the bag and start hunting.<br />

It’s a good mode if you need to wait for your coffee or tee to get cold or<br />

dinner gets warmed up in the microwave.<br />

For those who want to bring up their character from a complete rookie to<br />

a hard-core pro, there is a career mode that starts you off in your warm<br />

log where you can take a nap. on the desk there is your dictionary where<br />

you find all required info about your character, mission to complete,<br />

as well as poacher’s notes with priceless information collected from<br />

old hunters. reading every single word is strongly recommended (see<br />

Chapter “Poacher’s notes“). a smaller house is located next to the cabin<br />

where you can store everything necessary for your activities including<br />

old guns, food and ammo.<br />

a laptop on the table serves as a connection to the outside world.<br />

here is where you will be getting your mission orders. If you decide to<br />

accept a task, a successful completion of the mission will become your<br />

obligation and not meeting the mission objectives will be penalized.<br />

therefore starting with easier tasks and only gradually moving on<br />

towards more complicated ones is advisable.<br />

If you need to buy something, take the path leading from the log to the<br />

shop. you can also use a teleport from the warehouse or laptop.<br />

If you want to try out some career missions, proceed to the challenge<br />

mode. this mode includes all missions which you can later find in the<br />

game and provides an opportunity to train before you give it a go. In<br />

order to get access to the higher level missions, at least 50% base level<br />

missions must be completed.<br />

training mode has a sole purpose – to improve your shooting skills.<br />

this is the only mode in the game that allows access to all weapons<br />

and items. Besides that, a few animal herds can also be found in the<br />

vicinity of the shooting range, so don’t miss the opportunity to scare<br />

them out a bit.<br />


7. PoaChEr’s notEs<br />

you will never be alone in your poaching career. you are not the first<br />

and not the last poacher in this world, those who were here before you<br />

have left precious experience behind. you can read their knowledge in<br />

the Poacher’s notes which can be accessed in the log from the main<br />

menu. next to useful pieces of advice you will also find descriptions of<br />

various guns and recommendations for their use. these notes might be<br />

vital for your successful completion of the missions.<br />


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Credits<br />

ProjECt ManaGEMEnt<br />

Egon Friebus<br />

Marek Machaček<br />

ProjECt DoCuMEntatIon<br />

Peter Plančár<br />

tEaM lEaDEr<br />

Peter Plančár<br />

ProGraMMErs<br />

stanislav Kudláč<br />

Peter Demčák<br />

Martin Petrik<br />

Vladimír Kríž<br />

Peter Plančár<br />

juraj antaš<br />

3D artIsts<br />

ján Kocúr<br />

Marcel stankovič<br />

Peter Venglarčik<br />

anIMal anIMatIons<br />

Peter Venglarčik<br />

CharaCtEr anIMatIons<br />

Marcel stankovič<br />

ján Kocúr<br />

2D artIsts<br />

Matej Kiraľvarga<br />

MusIC anD sounD<br />

ján hudák<br />

tEstInG<br />

Peter Plančár<br />

Martin Petrik<br />

Peter Demčák<br />

DataBasE aDMInIstratIon<br />

stanislav Kudláč<br />

translatIon<br />

Martina Voller<br />

Dagmar sajková<br />

Martin Guľa<br />

VoICEs<br />

Maria siegfriedova<br />

Michal Kmec<br />

Kalypso Media Group<br />

ManaGInG DIrECtors<br />

stefan Marcinek<br />

simon hellwig<br />

ProDuCt ManaGErs<br />

joachim Wegmann<br />

timo thomas<br />

Dennis Blumenthal<br />

MarKEtInG ManaGEr<br />

anika thun<br />

Pr DEPartMEnt<br />

stefan Marcinek<br />

lindsay riehl<br />

ruth Fraser<br />

Keiron Fraser<br />

jj Penny<br />

KalyPso MEDIa uK<br />

andrew johnson<br />

Charlie Barrett<br />

KalyPso MEDIa usa<br />

Deborah tillett<br />

lindsay riehl<br />

loGo & PaCKaGInG<br />

joachim Wegmann<br />

tEstInG<br />

timo thomas<br />

Dennis Blumenthal<br />

Christoph Bentz

Kalypso Media customer service<br />

Free customer service<br />

our customer service is available 24 hours a day, seven days per week via<br />

email. If you have any questions or problems with one of our products,<br />

we offer you answers and solutions to the frequently asked questions at<br />

our forum or you can drop us an email under the following address:<br /><br /><br />

therefore, we need the following information:<br />

- the complete product name.<br />

- If available, the exact error message and a description of the problem.<br />

Both services are free of charge. Please note, that we are not able to<br />

anwser requests concerning tips and tricks via email.<br />

however, before you contact our support team:<br />

- Please make sure that your PC fullfills the system requirements.<br />

- When you are placing the call, please make sure that your PC is switched<br />

on. additionally, please start the DxDiag program before your call, as the<br />

information of this Microsoft software will help us to find the problem.<br />

how to start the DirectX diagnostic program (“DxDiag”):<br />

Windows XP: Please click on the “start”-Button on the taskbar and<br />

afterwards „run”. Please enter “dxdiag” (without quotation marks) and<br />

click on „oK“.<br />

Windows Vista: Please klick on the “start”-Button. under “start search”<br />

please enter “dxdiag” and push the „Enter”-Button.<br />

Exchange of serial codes (serial number / CD-Key)<br />

notE: serial codes cannot be replaced! Please make sure, that you<br />

don´t lose your serial code. In case of loss, you have to buy a new game.<br />

therefore, please avoid requests in this vein.<br />

Exchange of CD/DVD‘s<br />

We offer you a free exchange of damaged CD/DVD’s, up to one year<br />

after the first publication of the product. therefore, please send us only<br />

the damaged media as well as your name and address to the following<br />

address:<br />


Kalypso Media uK ltd.<br />

asmec Centre / Eagle house<br />

the ring, Bracknell<br />

Berkshire rG12 1hB<br />

united Kingdom<br />

limited software Warranty and license agreement<br />

your usE oF thIs soFtWarE Is suBjECt to thIs lIMItED soFtWarE Warranty anD lICEnsE<br />

aGrEEMEnt (thE “aGrEEMEnt”) anD thE tErMs sEt Forth BEloW. thE “soFtWarE” InCluDEs<br />

all soFtWarE InCluDED WIth thIs aGrEEMEnt, thE aCCoMPanyInG Manual (s), PaCKaGInG<br />

anD othEr WrIttEn, ElECtronIC or on-lInE MatErIals or DoCuMEntatIon, anD any anD<br />

all CoPIEs oF suCh soFtWarE anD Its MatErIals. By oPEnInG thE soFtWarE, InstallInG,<br />

anD/or usInG thE soFtWarE anD any othEr MatErIals InCluDED WIth thE soFtWarE, you<br />

hErEBy aCCEPt thE tErMs oF thIs lICEnsE WIth [KalyPso MEDIa] (“lICEnsor”).<br />

lICEnsE<br />

subject to this agreement and its terms and conditions, lICEnsor hereby grants you the non-exclusive,<br />

non-transferable, limited right and license to use one copy of the software for your personal<br />

use on a single home or portable computer. the software is being licensed to you and you hereby<br />

acknowledge that no title or ownership in the software is being transferred or assigned and this<br />

agreement should not be construed as a sale of any rights in the software. all rights not specifically<br />

granted under this agreement are reserved by lICEnsor and, as applicable, its licensors.<br />

oWnErshIP<br />

lICEnsor retains all right, title and interest to this software, including, but not limited to, all copyrights,<br />

trademarks, trade secrets, trade names, proprietary rights, patents, titles, computer codes,<br />

audiovisual effects, themes, characters, character names, stories, dialog, settings, artwork, sounds<br />

effects, musical works, and moral rights. the software is protected by united Kingdom copyright law<br />

and applicable copyright laws and treaties throughout the world. the software may not be copied,<br />

reproduced or distributed in any manner or medium, in whole or in part, without prior written<br />

consent from<br />

lICEnsor<br />

any persons copying, reproducing or distributing all or any portion of the software in any manner or<br />

medium, will be willfully violating the copyright laws and may be subject to civil and criminal penalties.<br />

Be advised that Copyright violations are subject to penalties of up to £100,000 per violation.<br />

the software contains certain licensed materials and lICEnsor’s licensors may protect their rights in<br />

the event of any violation of this agreement.<br />

lICEnsE ConDItIons<br />

you agree not to:<br />

(a) Commercially exploit the software;<br />

(b) Distribute, lease, license, sell, rent or otherwise transfer or assign this software, or any copies of<br />


this software, without the express prior written consent of lICEnsor;<br />

(c) Make copies of the software or any part thereof, except for back up or archival purposes;<br />

(d) Except as otherwise specifically provided by the software or this agreement, use or install the<br />

software (or permit others to do same) on a network, for on-line use, or on more than one computer,<br />

computer terminal, or workstation at the same time;(e) Copy the software onto a hard drive or other<br />

storage device and must run the software from the included DVD/CD-roM (although the software<br />

may automatically copy a portion of itself onto your hard drive during installation in order to run more<br />

efficiently);<br />

(f) use or copy the software at a computer gaming center or any other location-based site; provided,<br />

that lICEnsor may offer you a separate site license agreement to make the software available for<br />

commercial use;.<br />

(g) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise modify the software, in whole or in part;<br />

(h) remove or modify any proprietary notices or labels contained on or within the software; and<br />

(i) transport, export or re-export (directly or indirectly) into any country forbidden to receive such<br />

software by any export laws or accompanying regulations or otherwise violate such laws or regulations,<br />

that may be amended from time to time.<br />

thE soFtWarE utIlItIEs<br />

the software may contain a level editor or other similar type tools, assets and other materials (the<br />

“software utilities”) that permit you to construct or customize new game levels and other related<br />

game materials for personal use in connection with the software (“Customized Game Materials”). In<br />

the event the software contains such software utilities, the use of the software utilities is subject to<br />

the following additional terms, conditions and restrictions:<br />

(a) all Customized Game Materials created by you are exclusively owned by lICEnsor and/or its licensors<br />

(as the case may be) and you hereby transfer, assign and convey to lICEnsor all right, title and<br />

interest in and to the Customized Game Materials and lICEnsor and its permitted licensors may use<br />

any Customized Game Materials made publicly available to you for any purpose whatsoever, including<br />

but not limited to for purposes of advertising and promoting the software;<br />

(b) you will not use or permit third parties to use the software utilities and the Customized Game<br />

Materials created by you for any commercial purposes, including but not limited to distributing, leasing,<br />

licensing, renting, selling, or otherwise exploiting, transferring or assigning the ownership of such<br />

Customized Game Materials;<br />

(c) Customized Game Materials must be distributed solely for free; provided, that you may contact<br />

lICEnsor for a license to commercially exploit the Customized Game Materials which lICEnsor may<br />

grant or deny in its sole discretion;<br />

(d) Customized Game Materials shall not contain modifications to any other executable files;<br />

(e) Customized Game Materials must be used alone and can be created if the Customized Game<br />

Materials will be used exclusively in combination with the commercially released retail version of the<br />

software.<br />

(f) Customized Game Materials cannot contain libelous, defamatory or other illegal material, material<br />

that is scandalous or invades the rights of privacy or publicity of any third party, or contain any trademarks,<br />

copyright-protected work or other property of third parties (without a valid license); and<br />

(g) all Customized Game Materials must contain the proper credits to the authors of the Customized<br />

Game Materials and must indicate that lICEnsor is not the author of the Customized Game Materials<br />

with additional language that “thIs MatErIal Is not MaDE, GuarantEED or suPPortED By thE<br />

PuBlIshEr oF thE soFtWarE or Its aFFIlIatEs.”<br />

lIMItED Warranty<br />

lICEnsor warrants to you (if you are the initial and original purchaser of the software) that the<br />


original storage medium holding the software is free from defects in material and workmanship under<br />

normal use and service for 90 days from the date of purchase. If for any reason you find a defect in<br />

the storage medium during the warranty period, lICEnsor agrees to replace, free of charge, any<br />

software discovered to be defective within the warranty period as long as the software is currently<br />

being manufactured by lICEnsor. If the software is no longer available, lICEnsor retains the right to<br />

substitute a similar program of equal or greater value. this warranty is limited to the storage medium<br />

containing the software as originally provided by lICEnsor and is not applicable to normal wear and<br />

tear. this warranty shall not be applicable and shall be void if the defect has arisen through abuse,<br />

mistreatment, or neglect. any implied warranties prescribed by statute are expressly limited to the<br />

90-day period described above.<br />

Except as set forth above, this warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, whether oral or written,<br />

express or implied, including any other warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or<br />

non-infringement, and no other representations or warranties of any kind shall be binding on lICEnsor.<br />

When returning the software subject to the limited warranty above, please send the original software<br />

only to the lICEnsor address specified below and include: your name and return address; a photocopy<br />

of your dated sales receipt; and a brief note describing the defect and the system on which you<br />

are running the software.<br />

In no EVEnt WIll lICEnsor BE lIaBlE For sPECIal, InCIDEntal or ConsEQuEntIal DaMaGEs<br />

rEsultInG FroM PossEssIon, usE or MalFunCtIon oF thE soFtWarE, InCluDInG DaMaGEs<br />

to ProPErty, loss oF GooDWIll, CoMPutEr FaIlurE or MalFunCtIon anD, to thE EXtEnt<br />

PErMIttED By laW, DaMaGEs For PErsonal InjurIEs, EVEn IF lICEnsor has BEEn aDVIsED oF<br />

thE PossIBIlIty oF suCh DaMaGEs. lICEnsor’s lIaBIlIty shall not EXCEED thE aCtual PrICE<br />

PaID For usE oF thE soFtWarE. soME statEs/CountrIEs Do not alloW lIMItatIons on hoW<br />

lonG an IMPlIED Warranty lasts anD/or thE EXClusIon or lIMItatIon oF InCIDEntal or<br />

ConsEQuEntIal DaMaGEs, so thE aBoVE lIMItatIons anD/or EXClusIon or lIMItatIon oF lIaBIlIty<br />

May not aPPly to you. thIs Warranty GIVEs you sPECIFIC lEGal rIGhts, anD you May<br />

haVE othEr rIGhts that Vary FroM jurIsDICtIon to jurIsDICtIon.<br />

tErMInatIon<br />

this agreement will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with its terms and conditions. In<br />

such event, you must destroy all copies of the software and all of its component parts. you can also<br />

end this agreement by destroying the software and all copies and reproductions of the software and<br />

deleting and permanently purging the software from any client server or computer on which it has<br />

been installed.<br />

EQuItaBlE rEMEDIEs<br />

you hereby agree that if the terms of this agreement are not specifically enforced, lICEnsor will be<br />

irreparably damaged, and therefore you agree that lICEnsor shall be entitled, without bond, other<br />

security, proof of damages, to appropriate equitable remedies with respect any of this agreement, in<br />

addition to any other available remedies.<br />

InDEMnIty<br />

you agree to indemnify, defend and hold lICEnsor, its partners, licensors, affiliates, contractors,<br />

officers, directors, employees and agents harmless from all damages, losses and expenses arising<br />

directly or indirectly from your acts and omissions to act in using the software pursuant to the terms<br />

of the agreement.<br />


MIsCEllanEous<br />

this agreement represents the complete agreement concerning this license between the parties and<br />

supersedes all prior agreements and representations between them. It may be amended only by a<br />

writing executed by both parties. If any provision of this agreement is held to be unenforceable for<br />

any reason, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable and<br />

the remaining provisions of this agreement shall not be affected. this agreement shall be construed<br />

under England and Welsh law. leicester, leicestershire.<br />

If you have any questions concerning this license, you may contact in writing Kalypso Media usa Inc.<br /><br />



Copyright © 2010 Kalypso Media Group. All rights reserved.<br />

Published by Kalypso Media Group. All other logos, copyrights and trademarks<br />

are property of their respective owners<br />

Windows, the Windows Start button, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox LIVE, and the Xbox logos are<br />

trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies, and “<strong>Games</strong> for Windows” and the Windows<br />

Start button logo are used under license from Microsoft.

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