Section09.pdf - MIT Media Laboratory

Section09.pdf - MIT Media Laboratory

Section09.pdf - MIT Media Laboratory


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that I must go to the lion. Let us be happy tonight, and<br />

tomorrow I shall go in search of the lion—who perhaps<br />

may spare my life if I beg him hard enough.’<br />

Next moming she set out into the forest and found<br />

the lion waiting forher under the tree where the singing,<br />

soaring lark had lived. He led her into the great castle,<br />

which seemed to befull oflions,buthe treated herkindly<br />

and did her no harm.<br />

Then darkness came, and as soon as the sun had set<br />

all the lions tumed into men, and the lion knelt before<br />

her, a handsome young Prince, who explained that he<br />

and all his followers were under an enchantment.<br />

‘We are lions by day,’ he said, ‘but retum to our own<br />

forms at night.’<br />

By night Prince Lion and the merchant’s daughter<br />

loved one another on sight: so they were married by<br />

night with great magnificence, and lived for some years<br />

in the castle, sleeping always during the day.<br />

At last news came that the merchant’s eldest daughter<br />

5, was about to be married, and the Princess begged her<br />

husband to let her go to the wedding. He agreed at once<br />

and led her with a guard of lions to the edge of the<br />

forest near her father’s house.<br />

The Merchant was overjoyed to see her, for he was<br />

certain that she had been torn to pieces and eaten long<br />

ago. She stayed with them while the wedding-feast<br />

lasted, and then went happily back to the Castle of<br />

Lions.<br />

When her second sister was about to be married, the<br />

Princess begged her husband the Prince Lion to tome<br />

with her to the wedding.<br />

‘I dare not come,’ he answered, ‘for if a single ray<br />

of candle-light should fall on me, I would be turned<br />

into a dove for seven years and be forced to fly away<br />

with the doves for all that time. And unless you were<br />

by torelease me at the end ofthose seven years, I should<br />

remain a dove for ever.’<br />

But the Princess promised that no ray of candle-light<br />

should fall on him; and she went ahead to her father’s<br />

house where she prepared a room with walls so thick<br />

that no ray of light could pass through them; and she And if you follow me faithfully, you may save me when<br />

had a new door made for it.<br />

the seven years are ended.’<br />

Then the Prince came. And when it was time to Then the dove flew out of the door, and the Princess<br />

light the wedding candles he went into the dark room set out after him. And at every seventh step she found a<br />

and shut the door behind him. But the new door was little white feather to show her the way.<br />

made of green wood, and it had warped, leaving a little So she continued further and further into the wide<br />

crack so small that no one noticed it. As the wedding world, never looking about her and never resting, until<br />

procession passed it a ray of light no thicker than a hair the seven years were almost past, and she began to<br />

fell through it on to the Prince, and when the Princess rejoice at the thought that she would soon see her Prince<br />

came in to look for him after the wedding, she found again.<br />

only a white dove sitting there.<br />

But the end was not yet. Suddenly no little white<br />

‘For seven years I must fly about the world!’ cried feather fluttered down to show her the way, and looking<br />

the dove. ‘But if you will follow me, I will lee drop up she saw to her bewilderment and dismaythat the dove<br />

at every seventh step a little white feather to guide you. had disappeared.<br />


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