Section09.pdf - MIT Media Laboratory

Section09.pdf - MIT Media Laboratory

Section09.pdf - MIT Media Laboratory


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in the inn kitchen, the wicked innkeeper came rreeping<br />

up, slipped the sack from under his head and pur there<br />

another filled with sticks.<br />

But scarcely had he done so when the turner, who<br />

had only been pretending so sleep, tried: ‘Our of the<br />

sack, Cudgel!’ Our came the cudgel and see to work on<br />

the innkeeper, giving him the beating he had deserved<br />

for a long time, and several more for good measure.<br />

When at last the innkeeper fell to the ground and<br />

howled for merry, the turner said to him:<br />

‘You’ve only got what you deserve. And my Cudgel<br />

shall stare all over again ifyou do nor at once restore the<br />

Magic Table and she Golden Ass whirh you stole from<br />

my brothers.’<br />

‘Oh, yes indeed!’ cried the innkeeper. ‘Only keep<br />

that accursed kobold away from me, and you shall have<br />

them both!’<br />

So the turner cried: ‘Into the sack, Cudgel!’ and the<br />

mnkeeper gave bark the treasures. But he could nor sir<br />

or lie comfortably for a week afrer his beating.<br />

The turner went home next day with the Table and<br />

the Ass as well as his own sark, and his father greeted<br />

him warmly:<br />

‘Well, my dear, son and what have you learnt?’<br />

‘I’ve learnt to be a turner.’<br />

‘A good trade indeed. But what have you in your sack?<br />

Some beaunful thing which you have turned on your<br />

lathe?’<br />

‘I have a cudgel in h.’<br />

‘What?’ cried the tailor. ‘A cudgel! Is that all you<br />

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can make? Why, you can rut one from every tree you<br />

pass!’<br />

‘But not like this,dear father. This is a Magir Cudgel.<br />

I have but to say: ‘Cudgel, out of the sack’, and our it<br />

springsand thrashesanyonewho means illto me.‘Cudgel,<br />

rnto the sack!’ cried the turner hastily, for the rudgel<br />

had already leapt our and set ro work on his father.<br />

‘Well, you see,’ he ronrinued, ‘how useful it ran be.<br />

And useful it has been, for with it I have got bark the<br />

Magic Table and the Golden Ass which my brorhers<br />

lost: the rhievish innkeeper stole one magic treasure<br />

too many! Now send for our friends and relations, and<br />

we’ll feed them and fill their pockets with gold.’<br />

The tailor would not quite believe, nor would the<br />

friends and relations. But they all came together none<br />

the less without any aid from the Magic Cudgel. And<br />

when they were all assembled the turner spread the<br />

cloth on the ground, set the Ass on it and said: ‘Now,<br />

my dearbrother, speakto it!’<br />

Then the miller said: ‘Brirklebrir!’, and the Ass<br />

rained gold until all their porkers were full.<br />

Then rhe turner set our the Magic Table and tuming<br />

to his eldest brother said:<br />

‘Now, my dear brother, speak to it!’<br />

‘Table, spread thyself!’ cried the joiner. And the party<br />

sat down to the best meal they had ever eaten, and drank<br />

and made merry far into the night.<br />

After this the tailor put away his patches and his<br />

thread, his needle, yard-measure and goose, and lived in<br />

great happuiess and splendour with his three sons.

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