Docteur de l'université Automatic Segmentation and Shape Analysis ...

Docteur de l'université Automatic Segmentation and Shape Analysis ...

Docteur de l'université Automatic Segmentation and Shape Analysis ...


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Chapter 4 Statistical shape mo<strong>de</strong>l of Hippocampus 99<br />

Specificity<br />

Specificity<br />

30 35 40 45 50 55 60<br />

55 60 65 70 75<br />

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● 0 100 200 300 400 500 600<br />

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Iteration<br />

(a) Left hippocampus<br />

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0 100 200 300 400 500<br />

Iteration<br />

(b) Right hippocampus<br />

Figure 4.9: The behavior of the Specificity(M) in the groupwise optimization<br />

of the Statistical <strong>Shape</strong> Mo<strong>de</strong>l (SSM), using the first M = 15 principal<br />

components, the number of trials in the simulation N = 1000.

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