Sample Appeal letter - Fanshawe College

Sample Appeal letter - Fanshawe College

Sample Appeal letter - Fanshawe College


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O m b u d s O f f i c e<br />

F a n s h a w e C o l l e g e<br />

1460 Oxford Street East P.O. Box 7005, London, Ontario. N5Y 5R6<br />

(519) 452 4430 ext. 4755 Fax: (519) 453-2826<br />

Tips: Writing an <strong>Appeal</strong> Letter<br />

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<strong>Sample</strong> appeal <strong>letter</strong> – any resemblance to actual events is purely coincidental.<br />

G Raymond<br />

123 First Street,<br />

Anytown ON, A1B 2C3<br />

Mr Dean Smith<br />

Dean, Academic Division<br />

<strong>Fanshawe</strong> <strong>College</strong><br />

1460 Oxford St W. P.O. Box 7005<br />

London ON. N5Y 5R6<br />

Dear Sir;<br />

May 16, 2004.<br />

I am a student that has just finished the first year of the Crime Scene Investigation<br />

program. I am writing to you to appeal a grade in Forensic investigation techniques<br />

(CSIN 1005) taught by Professor Jones.<br />

I feel that the grade was unfair for the following reasons. In late February, Prof Jones<br />

came into class and stated that we were too slow, and as a result, he would not have time<br />

to conduct the four tests that were planned. Instead, he said that he would have three<br />

tests. The course information sheet indicated that the class was to have four tests (each<br />

worth 20%) with 10% for participation. Under the changed marking system, the final<br />

exam would be worth 40% of the final grade. Prof Jones also changed the final from a<br />

1.5-hour test to a 3-hour exam. At the time, I did not protest because I had achieved over<br />

80% on the first two tests.<br />

Knowing the final exam would be worth 40% of the final grade, I studied a great deal for<br />

the final exam. Unfortunately, circumstances beyond my control made it impossible for<br />

me to pass the exam. Half way through the final exam, construction crews started to use a<br />

jackhammer outside the test room. This disruption destroyed my concentration. I had to<br />

leave with only half of the test written. I spent the rest of the afternoon in bed with a<br />

headache. I failed the exam and therefore the course.<br />

After the exam, I approached the teacher and asked for a rewite, but he indicated that it<br />

would not be fair. I received 83% on both the first two mid-term tests, and 6/10 for<br />

participation. I am a good student, but do not feel that my mark is fair because the exam<br />

weighting was changed, and the final exam was not conducted in a fair manner. I would<br />

like to have another opportunity to rewrite the final exam in order to prove that I can pass<br />

the course. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss this matter. I can be reached at<br />

555-5820<br />

Sincerely,<br />

G. Raymond<br />

Ombuds Office ,-.s/-0e 1233e4e 2/2<br />

Tips: Writing an appeal <strong>letter</strong>

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