History and genealogy of Peter Montague, of Nansemond and ...

History and genealogy of Peter Montague, of Nansemond and ... History and genealogy of Peter Montague, of Nansemond and ...


33-4- DESCENDANTS OF PETER MONTAGUE. " Torrent rolled on torrent, Burst o'er bank and bar, Sweeping down our valleys, Swells the rising war. But these sounds of terror Pierce not this low tomb ; Nor break the happy slumbers Of this quiet home." CHILDREN. 2506. Lina, b. Sept. 9, 1854; 7;/., Dec. 23, 1875, D. H. Shipman, M.D., who is deceased. Children, James Alfred, b. July 25, 1879; Frank Montague, b. Sept. 12, 1882; Eula C, b. Aug. 5, 1877, d. Aug. 12, 1882. 2507. Lillian, b. May 25, i860 ; m.. May 25, 1882, H. E. Williams, cashier of bank of Savannah. Children, Edward P., b. April 15, 1883, d. April 19, 1884; Henry, b. Dec. 6, 1886. She d. July 6, 1890, of consumption. 1197. Emeline Montague, dau. of Abraham [382], b. May 8, 1832 ; m., Nov. 13, 185 1, Isaac Grigg, who was b. March 31, 182 1, in Maury Co., Term. She d. March 4 (or March 8 ?), 1856. She left no children. He in., (2), Nov. 21, 1855, Mary Adela Montague [12 10], which see for continuation of record. II99- Alfred Owen Montague, son of Abraham [382], b. Nov. n, 1836, on the farm in Wayne Co., Tenn. Educated at Clifton, Tenn., Masonic Academy. For a while in business at Ozark, Ark., with his eldest brother, William. Entered the Confederate army in 1861, in Co. A, 54th Tenn, Reg. Inf., which Reg. was stationed at Clarksville when Fort Donaldson was taken. Afterwards the 54th was consolidated with the 48th and took the name of 48th, Col. G. H. Nixon in command. Here he was made 2d Lieut., but acted as Commissary. He was in the battle of Chicka- mauga, after which was ordered to join Gen. Forest, which he did, with his Col. (Nixon) and he remained with Forest until the close of the war. Hem., Nov., 1866, Mrs. F. C. Montague [1 196], the widow of his brother, James P. [1196]. He is a member of the Baptist church. Resides at Sorby, Wayne Co., Tenn. No children.

Ml . Alfred O. Montague. ( IJ 99)

Ml .<br />

Alfred O. <strong>Montague</strong>.<br />

( IJ 99)

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