Genealogical notes of Barnstable families - citizen hylbom blog

Genealogical notes of Barnstable families - citizen hylbom blog Genealogical notes of Barnstable families - citizen hylbom blog



GENEALOGICAL NOTES OF BARNSTABLE FAMILIES. 471 57. VII. Anne, bap. Sept. 1, 1706. 68. VIII. James, and probably married Abigail Knight, of Tisbury, July 24, 1718. 59. IX. Martha, married David Cottle of Chilmark, Dec. 9, 1728. Samuel Hatch, son of Sa^uuel, married Dec. 1, 1724, Mary Clifford, of Chilmark ; James married March 22, 1720, Judith Cottle, of Chilmark, second wife ; Edward married Rebecca "Weeks at Falmouth Aug. 17, 1727, and died at Falmouth 1760. Matthew Rowley was appointed Feb. 1750, guardian of Wait, minor son of Edward. Anne married David Butler of Chilmark, Dee. 2, 1726 ; Joseph married Lydia Cottle of Chilmark, Dec. 30, 1726 ; Lydia married Ebenezer Hatch (son of Jonathan and Elizabeth), Oct. 25, 1720. 11-8. Dea. Moses Hatch, youngest son of Jonathan, reputed to be the first white child born in Falmouth, was a man of note in his day. He was admitted to the Barnstable church June 19, 1698, and his wife Elizabeth Aug. 2, 1702. Oct. 10, 1708, both were dismissed to the Falmouth church, of which he became a leading member and "the first deacon." He was a wealthy farmer, a man of good business capacity, and a good citizen. For one act he will ever be remembered. He gave to the town the land on which the first church was built, now a public square, ornamented with trees—a beautiful place of which the citizens are justly proud. He died "20th of May, 1747, in the 85th year of his age," and is buried in the ancient burying grounds in Falmouth. Dea. Moses Hatch married May 9, 1686, Hepsiba Eddy of Tisbury, said to be a younger sister of Elizabeth, wife of Benjamin Hatch. For his second wife he married Elizabeth, daughter of Col. John Thacher of Yarmouth, Oct. 18, 1699. She died May 18, 1710. A Moses Hatch married about this time Hannah, widow of Joshua Bangs, and a daughter of John Scudder of Barnstable. She was baptized 5th Oct. 1651, consequently was twelve years older than Dea. Moses, and as Mr. Savage suggests, the disparity of their ages renders it doubtful whether Dea. Moses married the widow Hannah Bangs. On the Falmouth records is this entry, "Hannah, wife of Capt. Moses Hatch, died May 13, 1739." Capt. Moses was a son of the Deacon, and if he married the widow the disparity was still greater. The last wife of Dea. Moses was named Patience. The early records of Falmouth are dilHcult to decipher, and are not always reliable. There is no full record of the family of Dea. Moses Hatch. The following is obtained from various sources, and is an approximation to accuracy : 60. I. Abiah, born Feb. 1, 1686-7, died on the 13th, and was buried on the 14th of same month.


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