Genealogical notes of Barnstable families - citizen hylbom blog

Genealogical notes of Barnstable families - citizen hylbom blog Genealogical notes of Barnstable families - citizen hylbom blog



GENKAIiOGICAL NOTES OF BARNSTABLE FAMILIES. 469 King Philip's war, 1675 and G. He was lieutenant of the militia company in 1702, and afterwards captain. He inherited the homestead of his father, acquired a large estate, and exercised a wide influence. He married Dee. 7, 1683, Amy Allen of Chilmark. She joined the church in Barnstable, and was baptized Aug. 3, 1701. On the church records her name is uniformly written Amie. On the formation of the Falmouth church, Oct. 10, 1708, she with others was dismissed to that church. Capt. Joseph Hatch died Feb. 16, 1735, aged 83. (Grave Stones). Children of Capt. Joseph Hatch born in Falmouth : 30. I. Lydia, 13th July, 1685. 31. II. Amy, 10th July, 1687. 32. III. Joseph, 3d Aug. 1689. 83. IV. Ichabod, 28th Oct. 1691. 34. V. Ruth, 9th Nov. 1693. 36. VI. Joanna, 2d June, 1696. 36. VII. Elizabeth, 1st Nov. 1697. 37. VIII. Rebecca, 25th Jan. 1700. 38. IX. Ebenezer, 26th March, 1702. 39. X. Barnabas, 29th Nov. 1703. Lydia married a Mr. Gifford, a Quaker ; Amy married Jonathan Delano of Tolland, Conn. ; Joseph, Jr., married in 1713, and May 1, 1736, Rebecca, a second wife. He removed to Tolland, died in Falmouth 1751 ; Ichabod married Abigail Weeks Dec. 2, 1714 ; Ruth married Dea. Solomon Swift of Tolland and Kent, Conn. ; Elizabeth married Aug. 1, 1722, Stephen Skiffe of Tolland ; Rebecca married a Mr. Berry, and settled in Kent about 1740 ; Ebenezer married in 1741, Sarah, aged 24 ; Barnabas married Abigail Lasrell of Duxbury, Mass., in 1728. 8-7. Benjamin Hatch was a farmer. In 1729 he removed to Mansfield, Conn., and died there or in Tolland before the year 1736. He married three wives: 1st, Mary Hamblin, Jan. 17, 1678, a daughter of James, Jr., of Barnstable. At the time of her marriage she had not completed her sixteenth year. She died early, and he married March 16, 1682, Elizabeth Eddy, who was born at Martha's Vineyard May 3, 1669. In another record her name is written Eliza. She was admitted to the Barnstable church July 14, 1710, and was dismissed to the church in Falmouth the following October, and died soon after. For his third wife he married Feb. 13, 1711-12, Experience, widow of Jabez Davis, of Barnstable. She was a daughter of David Linnell, and died a widow Dec. 1736, aged about 72. Children of Benjamin Hatch born in Falmouth : 40. I. Abigail, Aug. 4, 1679. Note.—Mr. Freeman says Jonathan Hatch married Abigail Weelcs of Barnstable, thus adding another alias to the name of his wife Elizabeth. If the readers of the records are reliable, Capt. Jonathan was a valiant man, taking to himself four wives in the mouth of Dec. 1678—another "Blue Beard." I do not however find that he was indicted for polygamy.


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