Genealogical notes of Barnstable families - citizen hylbom blog

Genealogical notes of Barnstable families - citizen hylbom blog Genealogical notes of Barnstable families - citizen hylbom blog


446 GENEALOGICAL NOTES OF BARNSTABLE FAMILIES. II. James, Dec. 15, 1665. In 1688 and 9, master of the ship Success, of Boston. III. Thomas, Jan. 2, 1666. He owned a house in Barnstable which he sold to John Goodspeed before the year 1721. IV. Eichard, April 7, 1669. V. John, Feb. 24,1771. VI. Esther, Sept. 27, 1675, married Frothingham. VII. Samuel, July 20, 1680. William Green, a descendant of James, married March 25, 1709, Desire, daughter of John Bacon, Esq. She died Dec. 29, 1730, aged 41, and he married 2d, Sept. 1,1731, Mary Fuller. He died Jan. 28, 1756, aged above 70, (Church Records) and his widow Oct. 23, 1756. He resided in a high single house on the lot next west of Nathaniel Bacon's, given to him by his father-in-law, (see Bacon) and afterwards owned by Lot Thacher. , His children horn in Barnstable were I. Warren, born June 9, 1712. II. Desire, Oct. 24, 1718. III. William, July 17, 1721. IV. Sarah, Dec. 27, 1723. V. Mary, baptized Sept. 5, 1725. VI. John, born April 12, 1726. VII. James, Sept. 17, 1728. William married Mary Cpnant Oct. 1745. James married Feb. 14, 1755, Ruth Marshal of Freetown, and removed to East Haddam. He had five children,—was a blaeksnaith, and a Captain in the French War. Isaac Green, I think, belonged to this family. He removed to Falmouth, married 1st, Sarah, 2d, Judith, and died Jan. 1, 1739-40. He had by his first wife Sarah, Jonathan, Elizabeth, Sarah and Martha, after 1700, and by his 2d wife, Lemuel, April 29, 1719, and a daughter Abigail born Jan. 21, 1722. This name is sometimes written Groon. Rev. Joseph Green, of Barnstable, belonged to another family. To him I am much indebted for the careful manner in which he kept the church records. He resided in the parsonage near the Meeting House in the East Parish. He married Nov. 18, 1725, Hannah, daughter of the Rev. Jonathan Russell, and had I. Joseph, born 12th Sept. 1727. II. Martha, 17th Nov. 1730. III. Hannah, 6th June, 1745. Mr. Green died Oct. 4, 1770, and is buried in the Old Bury-

GENEALOGICAL NOTES OF BAKNSTABLE FAMILIES. 447 ing Ground on Lothrop's Hill. On his tombstone the following epitaph is engraved "Here lieth The Body of the Eev. Mr. Joseph Green The worthy pastor of this church As a Gentleman a Friend a Christian and a Minister His character was greatly distinguished His natural abilities were conspicuous And much improved by study and application In human and sacred Literature he greatly excelled His principles were evangelical and candid In prayer and preaching His Giits were generally and justly admired Temperance Purity Prudence Benevolence Res- ignation Devotion and exemplary JDiligence in his Master's Service adorned his character His mind was sedate his Temper placid His Aftections and Passions regulated by Reason and Religion His manners courteous generous and Hospitable His conversation entertaining instructive and serious A dutiful Son an affectionate Husband and a tender Parent A sincere Friend and a faithful Minister Greatly and to the last beloved and honored by his People Born June 21 O S 1.701 Graduated at Harvard College 1720 Ordained May 12 O S 1725 Departed this life in assured hope of a better Oct 4 N S 1770 in the 70th year of his age And 46th of his Ministry Think what the Christian Preacher Friend should be You've then his character, for such was he." Notwithstanding this fuUsome panegyric which some unwise friend caused to be engraved on his tombstone, Mr. Green was an excellent man in all the relations of life. He was a moderate Calvinist, and his ministry, an account of which will hereafter be given, was most successful. As his tombstone says, he was "beroved and honored by his people." Till recently it had always been the custom of the parishioners to cut and draw the wood, and prepare the same for the minister's fire ou the week following the annual Thanksgiving. After his death, in 1770, the people turned out as usual. Mr. Green had always given them flip and prepared for them a good dinner, and they expected the custom would be continued. When the teamsters had unloaded they expected to be invited in ; but no one came to the door. After waiting some time, Abner, negro slave of Col. David Gorham, was sent into the house. Abner, *


II. James, Dec. 15, 1665. In 1688 and 9, master <strong>of</strong> the ship<br />

Success, <strong>of</strong> Boston.<br />

III. Thomas, Jan. 2, 1666. He owned a house in <strong>Barnstable</strong><br />

which he sold to John Goodspeed before the year 1721.<br />

IV. Eichard, April 7, 1669.<br />

V. John, Feb. 24,1771.<br />

VI. Esther, Sept. 27, 1675, married Frothingham.<br />

VII. Samuel, July 20, 1680.<br />

William Green, a descendant <strong>of</strong> James, married March 25,<br />

1709, Desire, daughter <strong>of</strong> John Bacon, Esq. She died Dec. 29,<br />

1730, aged 41, and he married 2d, Sept. 1,1731, Mary Fuller.<br />

He died Jan. 28, 1756, aged above 70, (Church Records) and his<br />

widow Oct. 23, 1756.<br />

He resided in a high single house on the lot next west <strong>of</strong> Nathaniel<br />

Bacon's, given to him by his father-in-law, (see Bacon)<br />

and afterwards owned by Lot Thacher.<br />

, His<br />

children horn in <strong>Barnstable</strong> were<br />

I. Warren, born June 9, 1712.<br />

II. Desire, Oct. 24, 1718.<br />

III. William, July 17, 1721.<br />

IV. Sarah, Dec. 27, 1723.<br />

V. Mary, baptized Sept. 5, 1725.<br />

VI. John, born April 12, 1726.<br />

VII. James, Sept. 17, 1728.<br />

William married Mary Cpnant Oct. 1745. James married<br />

Feb. 14, 1755, Ruth Marshal <strong>of</strong> Freetown, and removed to East<br />

Haddam. He had five children,—was a blaeksnaith, and a Captain<br />

in the French War. Isaac Green, I think, belonged to this<br />

family. He removed to Falmouth, married 1st, Sarah, 2d, Judith,<br />

and died Jan. 1, 1739-40. He had by his first wife Sarah,<br />

Jonathan, Elizabeth, Sarah and Martha, after 1700, and by his<br />

2d wife, Lemuel, April 29, 1719, and a daughter Abigail born<br />

Jan. 21, 1722. This name is sometimes written Groon.<br />

Rev. Joseph Green, <strong>of</strong> <strong>Barnstable</strong>, belonged to another family.<br />

To him I am much indebted for the careful manner in which<br />

he kept the church records. He resided in the parsonage near the<br />

Meeting House in the East Parish. He married Nov. 18, 1725,<br />

Hannah, daughter <strong>of</strong> the Rev. Jonathan Russell, and had<br />

I. Joseph, born 12th Sept. 1727.<br />

II. Martha, 17th Nov. 1730.<br />

III. Hannah, 6th June, 1745.<br />

Mr. Green died Oct. 4, 1770, and is buried in the Old Bury-

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