Genealogical notes of Barnstable families - citizen hylbom blog

Genealogical notes of Barnstable families - citizen hylbom blog Genealogical notes of Barnstable families - citizen hylbom blog


152 GENEALOGICAL NOTES OF BARNSTABLE FAMILIES. IV. James, 5th August, 1685, married Aug. 14, 1723, Mehitabel Sharp. V. Abigail, 11th July, 1687. VI. Hannah, 10th April, 1690. VII. Isaac, 29th Dec. 1692. VIII. Ealph, 19th Jan'y, 1695. IX. Eebecca, 1st June, 1697. Isaac Chapman removed to Yarmouth, now Dennis, with his family where he has descendants. His son Isaac, by his wife Elizabeth, had Isaac, 7th April, 1711 ; Mary, 6th June, 1713 ; Rebecca, 14th Nov. 1725, died Dec. 30, 1726 ; Samuel, 14th Nov. 1727 ; Eebecca, 25th June, 1730 ; Ruth, 13th April, 1733 ; Micah, 18th July, 1735. Ralph Chapman, son of Isaac, by his wife Elizabeth, had John, born 22d , 1728-9 ; Betty, 15th Oct. 1736, and David, 15th Nov. 1739. NOTB.^— ^As this" is not a Barnstable family, I have not carefully examined the Yarmouth or the Probate Records. Persons interested can find materials for a full geneaology of the family.

CHiPMAN. ELDER JOHN CHIPMAN. Elder John Cliipman is probably the ancestor of all of the name of Chipman in the United States and British Provinces. The following statement, drawn up by himself, is printed from an ancient copy of the original in the possession of the family of the late Mr. Samuel Chipman of Sandwich. An incorrect copy was published in the Genealogical Register of 1860. The following has been carefully collated with the manuscript, and is a true transcript thereof, excepting four words, which are repetitions and erased in the manuscript. Interlineations are prirlted in italics. A Brief Declaration in Behalf of Jno. CMpinan of Barnstable. A Brief Declaration with humble Request (to whom these Presents shall come) for further Inquiry & Advice in ye behalf of John Chipman, now of Barnstable in the Government of New Plimouth in New England In America, being ye only Son & Heir of Mr. Thomas Chipman Late Deceased at Brinspittell 1 about five miles from Dorchester in Dorsetshire in England concerning some certain Tenement or Tenements with a Mill & other Edifice thereunto belonging Lying & 'being in Whitchurch of Marhwood vale near Burfort alias Breadport, in Dorsetshire aforsd hertofore worth 40 or 50 Pounds pr Annum which were ye Lands of ye sd Thomas Chipman being entailed to him & his Heirs for Ever but hath for Sundry years Detained from ye sd John Chipman the right & only Proper Heir thereunto. By reason of Some kinde of Sale made of Inconsiderable value by the sd Thomas (In the time of his Single Estate not then minding marriage) unto his kinsman Mr. Christopher Derbe Living Sometime in Sturtle near Burfort aforsd being as the Said John hath been Informed, but for 40 lb And to be maintained Like a man with Diet Apparel &c by the sd Christopher as Long as the sd Thomas Should Live whereat ye Lawyer wc. made the Evidences being troubled at his Weakness in taking Such an Inconsiderable Price tendered him to Lend him money or to give to him ye sd Thomas Seven Hundred Pounds for ye sd Lands. But yet the matter Issuing as Aforsd The Vote of the Country who. had Itnowledge of it was that the sd Thomas had


IV. James, 5th August, 1685, married Aug. 14, 1723,<br />

Mehitabel Sharp.<br />

V. Abigail, 11th July, 1687.<br />

VI. Hannah, 10th April, 1690.<br />

VII. Isaac, 29th Dec. 1692.<br />

VIII. Ealph, 19th Jan'y, 1695.<br />

IX. Eebecca, 1st June, 1697.<br />

Isaac Chapman removed to Yarmouth, now Dennis,<br />

with his family where he has descendants. His son Isaac,<br />

by his wife Elizabeth, had Isaac, 7th April, 1711 ; Mary,<br />

6th June, 1713 ; Rebecca, 14th Nov. 1725, died Dec. 30,<br />

1726 ; Samuel, 14th Nov. 1727 ; Eebecca, 25th June, 1730 ;<br />

Ruth, 13th April, 1733 ; Micah, 18th July, 1735.<br />

Ralph Chapman, son <strong>of</strong> Isaac, by his wife Elizabeth,<br />

had John, born 22d , 1728-9 ; Betty, 15th Oct. 1736,<br />

and David, 15th Nov. 1739.<br />

NOTB.^— ^As this" is not a <strong>Barnstable</strong> family, I have not carefully examined<br />

the Yarmouth or the Probate Records. Persons interested can<br />

find materials for a full geneaology <strong>of</strong> the family.

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