The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog


640 i.S3''^: ni. Dec. 25, 1S58, Sarah S. S/iuiiiway. James, b. May 24, 1R44; d. Oct. 12, 1.S50 .S.^MUEL, b. Dec. 4, 1S46; m. Feb. 22, 186S. Emily I'otlcr. Ellen LnrisE. b Feb. 24, 1.S49; d. Nov. 11. 1850. Willia.m James, b. May 22, 1853 = d. July II. 1S69. Marv Eliza, b. May 31, 1856; m. May 24, 1880, /o//« H. Pkkf'ord. WiLLLAM CiiGSWELL. He was a son of James Cogswell, and baptized April 3, 1774, in the Old .South Church, Andover, Mass. He was probably the same who from Sept. 5, 17S2. to Oct., 17S4, was a member of Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. William Cog.swell. He was a son of Samuel Cogswell, of Mount Washing- ton, Mass. He resided in New Lebanon, N. Y. William Cogswell. His wife was Mary Ann. They resided in Hancock, Mass. Their daughter, Marv Ann, was born Nov. 25, 181 7. William F. Cogswell. He was a private in Company E, Eleventh Regiment Connecticut Infantry, and killed in the battle of Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862. WiLLi.AM F. Cof,.swELL. He was a son of Elihu and Margaret Cogswell, of New Brunswick. He married, .May 26, 1881, Mary E. Oner., in Lynn, Mass. William H. Ccigswell. His wife was Elizabeth. They resided in Chicago, 111. Mrs. Cogswell died Nov. 28, 1S81. William H. Cogswell. He resided in Philadelphia, Pa. Wilson Cogswell. He married, Feb. 11, 1841, Abbic Kenyan. She was a daughter of James Kenyon, of Charlestown, Mass. NoTK. — Doubtless the name Coggeshall is more or less confounded with Cogswell in the foregoing Cogswells of Unknown Linea(;e. The name of Cogswell has been assumed by various Negroes and Indians. There is one remarkable instance of this in the case of an Indian, Jeremiah Cotsure. ]'id. IIoi'SATONic Indians, p. 106. He had two sons, Nathan and Jabez, who were known as Nathan and Jabez Cogswell. Lieut. Wilham H. Cogswell, who distinguished himself in the War of the Union, and wa^ killed in battle, was the eldest son of Nathan Cogswell, of Cornwall, Conn., and grandson of the Indian, Jeremiah Cotsure, alias Cogswell. He enlisted in the Fifth Connecticut Volun- teers, June 22, 1861. He was promoted to a Lieutenant in the Sec. Conn. Artillery, for gallant service, Sept. 11, 1862. He died Sept. 22, 1864, aged twenty-five years. He was in the important battles of Peaked Mountain, Winchester, Cedar Mountain, Cold Harbor, and Opequan. In the last he was fatally wounded. His colonel remarked, " lie was as a soldier one of ten thousand; as a valiant and faithful soldier he had no superiors." He was remarkable as an athlete, and noted for fleetness in running and for physical endurance. His townsmen of Cdrn- wall, Conn., erected a monument to his honor and memory. For a portrait of Lieut. Cogswell, Vi^l. IIisroKV or Cornwall, Conn.

' II. ERRATA. Read Deposition of William Furber, Sen., not VVilliam Tarbox. 1 1. Read also William Furber llien came, and made oath, not William Tarbox. 55. Read they resided in Lebanon and in Canterbury, Conn., and omit " Mrs. Ann Cogswell . . . Canterbury, Conn.''; also read Mrs. Ann Cogs- well died June 17, 1753, not .Mrs. Abigail Cogswell. (Mr. Cogswell was married but once, and Mrs. Cogswell survived him.) 56. Read we find July 3, 174S, .Samuel and Ann Cogswell, not Abigail Cogs- well, and omit "The date of . . . but '" 117. Samuel, [480]. Read m. 1785, Mary Backus, not Maria Backus. 133. Mauv Ann, [570]. Read m. Sept. 12, 1816, not Sept. 14, 1^16. 134. Ruth Ann, [580]. Read what precedes, and omit "d. July 14. 1S49." 134. Laura, [583]. Read b. Feb. 22, 1800. iioth. Feb. 23, iSoo. 130. Anne W., [634]. Read d. Jan. iS, 1849, not A. Jan. 10. 1849. 161. Luc\ CociswELL. [311]. Read born May 24. 1752. not 1752. 162. LsAAC, [654]. Read m. Jan. 11, 1825, not Jan. 11, 1S34. 170. Hannah. Read m. 1805, Fish, not Fink. 172. Alhert, [705]. Read m. Dec. 26, 1849, not Dec. 25, 1S49, 175. William, [729]. Read m. Oct. 9, 1833, not Oct. 9. 1823. 231. Daniel, [917]. Read d. Dec. 9, 1S5S, not 1S57. 234. Oliver, [938]. Read d. Feb. 28, 1846, not July 28. 1S46. 244. Mary A., [946]. Read Lewis Weld, not Rev. Lewis Weld. 260. George W., [1026]. Read m. 1817, Polly Dimmick, not Polly Dimock. 261. Sarah, [1035]. Read d. May 7, 1821, not Ma) 7, 1826. 266. Reuel CofiswELL. [538]. Read Mr. Cogswell died May 2. 1827. not 1828; also add Mrs. Cogswell died Dec. 15. 1843. aged seventy years. 266. Reuel, [1080]. Read m. Eliza, not Eliza Mudd. 268. Hannah, [1116]. Read d. Oct. 14, 1S72, not Sept. 9, 1S42. 272. Harriet D., [1162]. Read b. March 13, 1S34, not March 19, 1834. 272. Mary G., [1163]. Read d. Feb. 19, 1874, not Feb. 19, 1855. 314. Charle.s E., [1311]. Read 'Lydia A. Knowles, not Lydia K. Knowles. 340. Frederic F., [1382]. Read b. July 15, 1S55, wo/ July 15, 185^)- 340. Frederic F., [1383]. Read m. Feb. 26, 1879, not Jan. 29, 187S. 375. John Cogswell, [889]. Read was born Oct. 27, 1787, not Sept.. 1 7S7. 381. Rebecca, [1499]. Read b. Feb. 11, 17S3, not b. July 4, 1775; also m. Dec, 1802, not 1803.

' II.<br />

ERRATA.<br />

Read Deposition of William Furber, Sen., not VVilliam Tarbox.<br />

1 1. Read also William Furber llien came, and made oath, not William Tarbox.<br />

55. Read they resided <strong>in</strong> Lebanon and <strong>in</strong> Canterbury, Conn., and omit " Mrs.<br />

Ann Cogswell . . . Canterbury, Conn.''; also read Mrs. Ann Cogs-<br />

well died June 17, 1753, not .Mrs. Abigail Cogswell. (Mr. Cogswell<br />

was married but once, and Mrs. Cogswell survived him.)<br />

56. Read we f<strong>in</strong>d July 3, 174S, .Samuel and Ann Cogswell, not Abigail Cogs-<br />

well, and omit "<strong>The</strong> date of . . . but '"<br />

117. Samuel, [480]. Read m. 1785, Mary Backus, not Maria Backus.<br />

133. Mauv Ann, [570]. Read m. Sept. 12, 1816, not Sept. 14, 1^16.<br />

134. Ruth Ann, [580]. Read what precedes, and omit "d. July 14. 1S49."<br />

134. Laura, [583]. Read b. Feb. 22, 1800. iioth. Feb. 23, iSoo.<br />

130. Anne W., [634]. Read d. Jan. iS, 1849, not A. Jan. 10. 1849.<br />

161. Luc\ CociswELL. [311]. Read born May 24. 1752. not 1752.<br />

162. LsAAC, [654]. Read m. Jan. 11, 1825, not Jan. 11, 1S34.<br />

170. Hannah. Read m. 1805, Fish, not F<strong>in</strong>k.<br />

172. Alhert, [705]. Read m. Dec. 26, 1849, not Dec. 25, 1S49,<br />

175. William, [729]. Read m. Oct. 9, 1833, not Oct. 9. 1823.<br />

231. Daniel, [917]. Read d. Dec. 9, 1S5S, not 1S57.<br />

234. Oliver, [938]. Read d. Feb. 28, 1846, not July 28. 1S46.<br />

244. Mary A., [946]. Read Lewis Weld, not Rev. Lewis Weld.<br />

260. George W., [1026]. Read m. 1817, Polly Dimmick, not Polly Dimock.<br />

261. Sarah, [1035]. Read d. May 7, 1821, not Ma) 7, 1826.<br />

266. Reuel CofiswELL. [538]. Read Mr. Cogswell died May 2. 1827. not<br />

1828; also add Mrs. Cogswell died Dec. 15. 1843. aged seventy years.<br />

266. Reuel, [1080]. Read m. Eliza, not Eliza Mudd.<br />

268. Hannah, [1116]. Read d. Oct. 14, 1S72, not Sept. 9, 1S42.<br />

272. Harriet D., [1162]. Read b. March 13, 1S34, not March 19, 1834.<br />

272. Mary G., [1163]. Read d. Feb. 19, 1874, not Feb. 19, 1855.<br />

314. Charle.s E., [1311]. Read 'Lydia A. Knowles, not Lydia K. Knowles.<br />

340. Frederic F., [1382]. Read b. July 15, 1S55, wo/ July 15, 185^)-<br />

340. Frederic F., [1383]. Read m. Feb. 26, 1879, not Jan. 29, 187S.<br />

375. John Cogswell, [889]. Read was born Oct. 27, 1787, not Sept.. 1 7S7.<br />

381. Rebecca, [1499]. Read b. Feb. 11, 17S3, not b. July 4, 1775; also m.<br />

Dec, 1802, not 1803.

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