The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog


Si? «*i :je ltr:Mr = n .AucE CoGSWTEU- SEiie was bocm m Bosssb, M23s_ aaid azriried, Ocs. 37, i^S, y^i&B r. MmMsm, t£ Boesoo, Mz^. AoTEEEJi Odcsveu- Skc BarrieiL Jlan^ 33, 1731. I>r:iJ Filter. !1£. [SB^ Mae. ft. ^ Axx Oje>VEU- Sbe HZExiaL Jidj- S^ i;^ StifJum Jimmstm. AxxjL GOGSVEI^ Ske «as bon Joiir % 1772, ad anied Smmrnti SttJJmrJ, soa of insrft!a jmrf. Aom Uses SaciMzjnL He was bans Amg ^ 1771- 3ir. SSaddaiU 45ei£ Aag. i&. iSfti. Siis. Scoi3£aid Aed llzr 15. i&jS. Hbeir cU&ca wcre- 71—r b. .Afnl 8;, 1756; EHrmkHk, bt Maick '4, 179$: /Vrrr, b. Fdb.. i- ijco. iL ]il2idi3, i&>5: fjiAer, h. April ij. iSae,d. Decyis. iS^S; /VrsSpr^ik-liUT IE, 1804: 5aat»B K, K ScpC. 3^ lSa6; /W^ JV:. h. SejiC 3, iSo«. :,b. Jne 17. iSij : J/kry .-f^ k Mzidi 36.. S16: Smmmd. h. Ajvii 301, iSao. AxxA Cbcswzu- She was bora JiHe 25. ij^ is Moboe Wasleagtoa. Mass. SbEt&ii Feb. 5. iSa^uiB Kev LebnoB, N. Y. Ax3KA Euzjuorm Cogsvcuu Sbcwas the ill w^H 11 1 cf Sqaoie and tT«-iK NKJDofisDCo^smdL She was ban Ocs. 13, 1S14, im Nobs Monis. X. T_ aad bvlied. 0«3L I3. rftfe, U'iBimm Irmim, son of TboMas Haner P. ^ad Liada^ iWeOer) InriB. He vas ban Jaa. 3, iS^x. in FstBaa, Mich. Thej icsided iSy6 in Oasco^ ilkh. Bexjamk CoevEU- He was Ae so* of WSggzz aad EEzsbech tBvdeB/ Cog^iRB. He »» bon Feh. 17. ia3,*«, » Tio» fab-ii%ie, Wgfe Cos Fwgliml. aad Marrieid, Dec 25- iSyB- •£>"* Aeuxr Skmanumr, dMi^Va M Danci Soilh aad Manr Rebeca (Stiaess) imh— Jij . She wasbon Feb. 25.i&tD,ia BcnmrSle^Il. 1. Mr. Cngssdi was a mamatatsama aad Ae sajteraMeadeBt oc oolleai aiBs ia VSS&m^. Co^. where Ihem^ tcsaied. Thear dilihca woe : Idia Locee. b^ Sow. lo, 1^59. m. Jan. 4, 13S3. Frmmk G^rswm Rain. Coka £id«.v 1L Nor. 39,. iSCol Mabel SBrxvAT. h. Jmk 4, i:9£$. Bekkke Sickest, b. Dec 35. 1975. Wux Dike, b. Dec agb 1977. Mr. Cogswcl case froa :he save *idiutT. was of the saae occi^btiOB. aad was dciEfaekss off Che save EiBe^e as joex Coc^wzu_ l«^[i]. p^i. BEXjAJOX COC5VEU- He Aed at Liide Yorit. Upper Canda. He mm haiv becB the 90* oi Caleb CoBSwcL fi£[^3,p.4S^ Bexjjuos Cofi&WEXi. He was a {viaacT ssii icsided a CbkagDv m. Bcxset Cocswiu- S«« BamedjMw Drmtt, sum of Dviel aad Lois (Keade) DiAe, of Gi^Ktt, N. H. She any fane beca &e dn^ttr a< Joseiih CogswdL

Bridget Cogswell. Portsmouth, K. I. She resided, in 1SS3, at tiie age of ninety-two years, in Caleb Cogswell. He died June 4, 181 1, in his sixty-eighth year, in South- bury, Conn. It has been thought that he was a son of Samuel Cogswell. I'iJ. [74], p. 59. Calvin Cogsw ell. He was bom in 1 758 ; married, Sept. 18, 1 779, Pkebe Osbom. of Woodburj-, Conn., and died July 9, 1818, in West Pittsfield, Mass. He became a Shaker : served in the Revolution under Capt. William Francis from Oct. 1 7 to Nov. 16, 1776, on an e.xpedition to Ticonderoga, N. Y., and under Capt. John Stron:^, from May 4 to .May 11, and from June 30 to July 26, 1 777, on a march to Kinderhook and Fort Ann. N. Y. In Nathan Peirson's Old Account Book is this entry : "Aug. 3, 17S4, Calvin CogsweU. Hancock.'" D.\niel Cogswell. He sen.-ed in the Revolution under Capt. Joel Stevens, Col. David Rossiter"s Regiment, from Oct. 12 to Oct. 23, 1781: marched one hundred and sixty miles on the alarm at Saratoga, N. Y. In Nathan Peirson's Old Account Book is this entry : 17S5, Nov. 10, Daniel Cogswell. Hancock."' Dorothy Cogswell. She married, in 1740, yii^c- iJif/i/Vtiw, son of John IJeni- son. There were seven children ; names not given. Elihu Cogswell. His wife was .\fars;aret. They resided in New Brunswick. lid. Lynn Records. Elizabeth Cogswell. She m^arried i/«*. Oct. 6, \t id) Elihu Hc^'cs. I'id. Ipswich Records. Elizabeth Cogswell. She was a step-daughter of Hon. Roger Coit. Mar- ried, in 1858, Charles Coit Tj/ler, son of Capt. Elisha and Marj- (Greene) Tyler. She died May, i8(j6. He was born Dec. 30, 1830. There was one child: Anita Coj;s7L-ell, b. 1859. Elizabeth Cogswell, Mrs. She married, June 15, 1814, -Xathaniel Robbiiis. I'id. Ipswich Records. Eliphalet Cogswell. He was bom in Lebanon. Conn., and baptized Dec. 15, '-34- Ellen Cogswell. She was born in 1S29. and died Aug. 15, 1866. Cogswell. She resided in Newark. N. J. Eunice Cogswell. She married, July 24, 1772, William foster. I'id. Ipswicli Records. Eveline Cogswell. She was the daughter of Aaron and Elizabeth (IJaldwim Cogswell; bom Feb. 9, 1S14, in Clinton, N. J.; married, .Aug. 0, 1842, iV'illiam Whitney, and resided in Washington, D. C. I'id. Aaron Cog>well. Frederic Cogswell. He resided in Chicago. 111. (;eok(.e Cogswell. He was in the employ of Henrj- Lewis, of Monroe. Conn., about 1855, and after\vards removed to Brookfield. Conn. George Cogswell. He resided, Girard .Avenue, Philadelphia. Pa. George G. Cogswell. He died at the age of two years. Mav 18, 1850. Hannah Cogswell. She married, Jan. 1 1. 1S38, Elias Lyman, in New Bloom- field, Ohio. Their children were: Charles /'.. b. Dec. 26, 1S38: m. Oct. 7, 1.S67. Ednah M., b. April 14, 1S40. Ho'^ard F., b. Nov. 30, 1S41 ; m. Elmira Fenn ; d. April 4, 1866. Zuin^lius /'., b. Aug. 28, 1S43. Albert 7"., b. March iS. 1.^45. Celia A., b. June 13, 1848; d. May 7, kS66. Francis E., b. Jan. I. 1S51 ; d. Aui;. 1 1. 1S57. Hannah P., b. March 9, 1854. Hannah P. Ojgswf.ll. She was bom .Aug. 2O, I7r.3, in Mt. Washington, Mass. She died March 6. 1S37. in .New Lebanon. .N. Y.

Si? «*i :je ltr:Mr = n<br />

.AucE CoGSWTEU- SEiie was bocm m Bosssb, M23s_ aaid azriried, Ocs. 37, i^S,<br />

y^i&B r. MmMsm, t£ Boesoo, Mz^.<br />

AoTEEEJi Odcsveu- Skc BarrieiL Jlan^ 33, 1731. I>r:iJ Filter. !1£. [SB^<br />

Mae. ft. ^<br />

Axx Oje>VEU- Sbe HZExiaL Jidj- S^ i;^ StifJum Jimmstm.<br />

AxxjL GOGSVEI^ Ske «as bon Joiir % 1772, ad anied Smmrnti SttJJmrJ,<br />

soa of <strong>in</strong>srft!a jmrf. Aom Uses SaciMzjnL He was bans Amg ^ 1771- 3ir. SSaddaiU<br />

45ei£ Aag. i&. iSfti. Siis. Scoi3£aid Aed llzr 15. i&jS. Hbeir cU&ca wcre-<br />

71—r b. .Afnl 8;, 1756; EHrmkHk, bt Maick '4, 179$: /Vrrr, b. Fdb.. i- ijco. iL<br />

]il2idi3, i&>5: fjiAer, h. April ij. iSae,d. Decyis. iS^S; /VrsSpr^ik-liUT IE, 1804:<br />

5aat»B K, K ScpC. 3^ lSa6; /W^ JV:. h. SejiC 3, iSo«. :,b. Jne 17. iSij : J/kry .-f^ k Mzidi 36.. S16: Smmmd. h.<br />

Ajvii 301, iSao.<br />

AxxA Cbcswzu- She was bora JiHe 25. ij^ is Moboe Wasleagtoa. Mass.<br />

SbEt&ii Feb. 5. iSa^uiB Kev LebnoB, N. Y.<br />

Ax3KA Euzjuorm Cogsvcuu Sbcwas the ill w^H 11 1 cf Sqaoie and tT«-iK<br />

NKJDofisDCo^smdL She was ban Ocs. 13, 1S14, im Nobs Monis. X. T_ aad bvlied.<br />

0«3L I3. rftfe, U'iBimm Irmim, son of TboMas Haner P. ^ad Liada^ iWeOer)<br />

InriB. He vas ban Jaa. 3, iS^x. <strong>in</strong> FstBaa, Mich. <strong>The</strong>j icsided iSy6 <strong>in</strong><br />

Oasco^ ilkh.<br />

Bexjamk CoevEU- He was Ae so* of WSggzz aad EEzsbech tBvdeB/<br />

Cog^iRB. He »» bon Feh. 17. ia3,*«, » Tio» fab-ii%ie, Wgfe Cos Fwgliml. aad Marrieid,<br />

Dec 25- iSyB- •£>"* Aeuxr Skmanumr, dMi^Va M Danci Soilh aad Manr<br />

Rebeca (Stiaess) imh— Jij . She wasbon Feb. 25.i&tD,ia BcnmrSle^Il. 1. Mr.<br />

Cngssdi was a mamatatsama aad Ae sajteraMeadeBt oc oolleai aiBs ia VSS&m^.<br />

Co^. where Ihem^ tcsaied. <strong>The</strong>ar dilihca woe : Idia Locee. b^ Sow. lo, 1^59. m.<br />

Jan. 4, 13S3. Frmmk G^rswm Ra<strong>in</strong>. Coka £id«.v 1L Nor. 39,. iSCol Mabel<br />

SBrxvAT. h. Jmk 4, i:9£$. Bekkke Sickest, b. Dec 35. 1975. Wux Dike, b.<br />

Dec agb 1977. Mr. Cogswcl case froa :he save *idiutT. was of the saae occi^btiOB.<br />

aad was dciEfaekss off Che save EiBe^e as joex Coc^wzu_ l«^[i]. p^i.<br />

BEXjAJOX COC5VEU- He Aed at Liide Yorit. Upper Canda. He mm haiv<br />

becB the 90* oi Caleb CoBSwcL fi£[^3,p.4S^<br />

Bexjjuos Cofi&WEXi. He was a {viaacT ssii icsided a CbkagDv m.<br />

Bcxset Cocswiu- S«« BamedjMw Drmtt, sum of Dviel aad Lois (Keade)<br />

DiAe, of Gi^Ktt, N. H. She any fane beca &e dn^ttr a< Joseiih CogswdL

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