The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog


fUrmoranlia. Blair Botsford's father was the Judge oi the Supreme Court of the Province of New Kninswick. Hon. William Boisford, Senator, who married Mrs. Mar>- (Cogswelll Allison, [ '557 ] "^ '''=^ brother. Mr. Bouford was for some thirty years High Sheriff of the county of Westmoreland, N. B. In iSSo he was apiwinted Warden of the Maritime Penitentiary in Dorchester, N. B. SARAH BURR COGSWELL. , 1363 ; CSrnraloQftal. Sar.ah BuRRf Cogswell, {jitMus Lloyd', Jame^, Jamesr', Samuel*, SamiieP, Joliir, 7W//;/'), daughter of Dr. James Lloyd" [940: and Sarah Burr Sherwood, was born July 8, 1820, in Matinicock, Long Island. N. Y. She married, Sept. 13, 1847, 7i»//« William Bassttt, son of John and Elizabeth (Tyler) Bassett. He was born Nov. 20, 1S17, in London, England. They resided in Tompkinsville. X. V. Mrs Bassett died Jan. 12. 1875. THEIR CHILDREN WERE: J.i::u TyU>\ b. Feb. I, 1S52: m. Oct. :;. 1852, Robert Hairy Benary. Kiiima Mary. b. May 10, 1S53: m. Oct. 22, lS74./

523 LEDYARD COGSWELL. 1 1574 ] (Grnralofliral. Ledyard^ Cogswell, {Mason Fitch', Mason Fitch^, jfaines''-, Samuel*, SamueP, yohn^, yohi^), son of Dr. Mason Fitch" [949] and Lydia (Bradford) Cogswell, was born Feb. lo, 1852, in Albany, N. Y. He married, March 25, 1875, Cornelia McClure, daughter of Archibald and Susan L. (Rice) McClure. She was born Oct. 24, 1855, in AJbany, N. Y., where they resided. THEIR CHILDREN WERE: Ledvard, [2119] b. May 13, 187S. Cornelia McClure, [2120] b. .Sept. 16, iSSo. HARVEY COCSWELL. 1 1516 J (Srncaloflical. Harvey- Cog.=;well, {Elis/nf. Xal/uiii^, yosepli'. yoseph^, Satnucl^, yohir, yoliit^), son of Elisha' [951] and Phebe (Reddington) Cogswell, was born March 22, 1799, in Milton, N. Y. He married, Aug., 1828, Esther Susan Moiizoii, daughter of Charles and Esther Susan (McClellan) Mouzon. She was born Feb. 5, 1805, in Charleston, S. C, where they resided. Mr. Cogswell died Jan. 14, 1833. Mrs. Cogswell died Feb. 24, 1877. THEIK CHII.DKKN WERE: Jlli.'V K.. [2121] b. July 25, l82v: m. .April 26, 1853, Benjamin F. Evans. Harvev. [2122] b. Oct. II, 1S31 ; m. May 5. 1859, Mary k'elkr. ^fiirmoranlra. The following obituarj- notice aiipeared in a local paper .•ioon after Mr. Cogswell's death: "Dcjiarted this life, Charleston, -S. t"., on the 14th of January, 1S33, after a short but severe illness, Mr. Harvey Cogswei.1., of the firm of H. Cogswell & Co., .Merchants of this city, in the thirty-fourth year of his age. Seldom has the uncertainty of life been more strongly illustrated than in the decease of our departed friend. . . . Mr. Cogswell was for the la.*t eleven years a resident of this city. Of the most active and enterprising disposition, early inured to habits of indu.stry, few persons in our community have acquired or sustained a higher or fairer reputation for promjitilude, activity, and integrity in business, or secured at the same age a stronger or deeper hold on the regard and esteem of his acquaintances. In all the various relations of life, as a citizen, friend, husband, father, he has left behind him a character worthy of all praise. May the recollection of his many virtues, and the hope that his immortal spirit has fled to brighter scenes and more lasting joys, soften this stroke of affliction to his bereaved widow and fatherless children, and the golden links of friendship severed by his death be reunited in another and better world."

fUrmoranlia.<br />

Blair Botsford's father was the Judge oi the Supreme Court of the Prov<strong>in</strong>ce of New<br />

Kn<strong>in</strong>swick. Hon. William Boisford, Senator, who married Mrs. Mar>- (Cogswelll Allison,<br />

[ '557 ] "^ '''=^ brother. Mr. Bouford was for some thirty years High Sheriff of the county<br />

of Westmoreland, N. B. In iSSo he was apiw<strong>in</strong>ted Warden of the Maritime Penitentiary<br />

<strong>in</strong> Dorchester, N. B.<br />


, 1363 ;<br />

CSrnraloQftal.<br />

Sar.ah BuRRf Cogswell, {jitMus Lloyd', Jame^, Jamesr', Samuel*,<br />

SamiieP, Joliir, 7W//;/'), daughter of Dr. James Lloyd" [940: and Sarah<br />

Burr Sherwood, was born July 8, 1820, <strong>in</strong> Mat<strong>in</strong>icock, Long Island.<br />

N. Y. She married, Sept. 13, 1847, 7i»//« William Bassttt, son of<br />

John and Elizabeth (Tyler) Bassett. He was born Nov. 20, 1S17, <strong>in</strong><br />

London, England. <strong>The</strong>y resided <strong>in</strong> Tompk<strong>in</strong>sville. X. V. Mrs Bassett<br />

died Jan. 12. 1875.<br />


J.i::u TyU>\ b. Feb. I, 1S52: m. Oct. :;. 1852, Robert Hairy Benary.<br />

Kiiima Mary. b. May 10, 1S53: m. Oct. 22, lS74./

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