The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog


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395 had five childien : Mary Wight, b. April 30, 1S62; Kli^abcth Davenport, b. Dec. 3, 1863; Annie Foster, b. April 2, 1S66; Lloyd \V., b. June -7, 1S68; Evelyn Foster, b. Sept. 20, 1S72. James Ccgs-LViil Fisher was born in Wilton, Conn. He graduated in 1S26 from Yale College, Conn., studied medicine, settled as a ]jractising Physician and Surgeon in 1831, in \ew York. He married Eliza Smith Sparks, daughter of Samuel Sparks, of Philadelphia, Pa. Dr. Fisher was appointed Surgeon in the Union .\rniy in 1S61, and served through the war. His health suffered from this long army service, and he never was well afterwards. Dr. Fisher died Oct. 30, 1S80, in Washington, D. C. Dr. and Mrs. Fisher had twelve children : Samuel Sparks, b. April 11, 1S32, m. Oct. 2, iS^i., .\ui>.H;i S. Crossette.d. Aug. 14. 1S74; Stewart, b. Dec. 13, 1833, d. Aug. 16, 1.S34: i;iiza, b. Nov. 2, 1835, ni. Jan. 14, 1,863, Edward Payson Berry; Alice Cogswell, I.. Julv jS, 1S3S; Eli/.abeth Stewin. b. July 10, 1840, d. Sept. 21, 1841 ; Harriet Mntt, b. Julx 30, 1842, m. Dec. 18, 1869, Adam Augustus Hook- staver; Enim.i D.m.ildson, b. 1 >n;. 23. 1843, d. Dec. 28, 1S46; Jame> Henrv, b. Oct. 2, 1845, m. Jan. 4. 1870, C.ralic A. H. li.immLrskidd ; Charles A., b. May 6, 1847, d. Aug. 14, 1S47 ; Thomas Sparks, b. Sept. 15, 1848; Hamiah Sparks, b. (let. 15, 1850, d. Jan., 1872; Sophia Sparks, b. May 18, 1854, m. Henry Parsons. COL. SAMUEL SPARKS FISHER. Samuel Sp.ivrks Fisher was the eldest child of Dr. James C. and Eliza Smith (S|)arks) Fisher. He was born in Centreville, Midi.. l)ut hi- cliildiiond wa- spent in New York City, his father being I'rofessor of Chemistr\ in tlu- rni\ii-it\ ni N\\\ \(iik. Hi- school life was passed in Philadelphia. He graduated in l^5i iniin iIil lllyli Sli,".! ot that city at the head of his class. After teaching a year or two. Mi. 1-i-liei -luilied law in Cincinnati, ( ihio, where he was admitted to the bar and commenced inactice about 1856. He made Patent Law a specialty, and won eminence. Judge Platchfr.rd, n( New WnV, once remarked in o])en tocivt that Mr'. Fisher was "the best I'atent lawyer in the United States." Mr. Fislicr serveil in the Union Army as Colonel of the 1 Ine Hundred and 'I'liirty-ei.uhth Kegiinenl ..t ( Ihio National Guards. Under I'resident Orant he w.i- Cnniniissiuner nf Patents. When his tcnii of ser- vice e.xpired he returned to hi- law in.ictice in Cincinnati, which bec.ime large and lucrative. Li 1872 he formed a ])artnership with den. Samuel .\. Duncan, .and they hail a branch onice in New York City under Cen. Duncan's charge. Early in his professional lite Mr. Ki-her had entered u])on a Christian lile. He united with the Second Presbyterian Church of Cincinnati in 1856, his uncle, Kcv. Samuel W. Fisher, D. D., being the pastor. He was for many years active in a Missimi Saliliaili School called the "OIi\et .Mission," in the western part of Cincinnati, and an earnest worker in the church and in the cause of tem]>erance. Mr. Fisher married Aiirclia S. Crosscttc, daughter of Rev. Robert and Dorothea Crossette. She was born in Dennysville, Me. They had three children : Fxlith Aurelia, b. Jan. 20, iS('j2 : Robert James, b. Oct. 16, 1S63, d. .^ng. 14, 1S74 ; Samuel Hurbert, b. May 26, 1S67. 'I'he circtmistances of Col. Fisher's death and that of his little son were most touching. He and his little boy, Robbie, during the sunmier vacation, were making a boat e.vcursion down the Sus- tiuehanna River, and at a point called Conewago Falls, about fifteen miles below Harrisburg, they lost control of their boat in the rapids, were carried over the falls and both drowned, Aug. 14, 1S74. And thus ended the bfe of a most brilliant and useful man in the midst of his days. Vid. In Memori.'VM S.\miel S. Fishek. "Afar down the beautiful river. Together wentfather aud son; Day hy day speedingjoyously onioard, tJi nearly their journey V'as done. 'And later, a h

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