The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog


AARON COGSWELL. [733] UStntaloQital. Aaron" Cogswell, (Thomas^, J'o/nr, yo/ui*, yo/m^, William-, yo/iii^), son of Thomas" [343] and Lydia (Harriman) Cogswell, was born April 22, 1808, in Haverhill, Mass. He married, March 31, 1833, Sara/i Doltoff, daughter of John Dolloff, Esq. They resided in Mount Vernon, Me., where he died, Dec. iS, 1861. Mrs. Cogswell resided, 1684, with her son. Pierce J. Cogswell, Esq., in Rochester, N. Y. THEIR ONLY CHILD WAS: PlEKi.E J.. [1365] b. May 15. 1 S4S ; m. Oct. 10, 1869. Maria 1\ Piatt. J«cmoran^a. Mr. and Mrs. Pimc J. Co.C'-.ocll re.sided in Mount ^•ernon, Me., until 1S70, when tliey removed to Kocliester, N. Y. They have no children. .Mr. Coyswtll was the .Manager of liradley Kcrtilizer Company for the St.ite of New York. His business office was ;o Main Street, and his ic~idenoe iS .\veniie K. Vick I'aik, Rochester. N. V. SARAH COGSWELL. [ 735 eSrnralojji'cal. ' Sarah Cogswell, {To/m''', yohii'\ yo/iii'^, y>li'/'-\ ]\ illiaiii-, yoliu^), daughter of John'' [344] and Elizabeth (Griffin) Cogswell, was born Feb. 4, 1786, in Haverhill, Mass. She married, April 13, 1809, Moses Freiieh, son of Moses and Mary (Hazeltine) French. He was born in Atkinsas IK //as/.\-t/. John ( ., b. Sept. 24, iSi I : ni. May 2.S, 1.^40. /;/;//,/,/ C. F/a>hlcr.< : d. SejU. 1 7, I.S'.^. /•.//_-a/v///(..,ij. M.uch 13, 1M3: m^Mar, h 10, iN4-. /„,./;'. (wv^Z/./wy d. Nov. 1.,, i8;o.

BETSEY COGSWELL. [736 1 eStncalOQital. Betsey- Cogswell, (Jo/pi'; Johir', JohH\ Jolnfi, mi/iaw\ Jo/ui'), daughter of Johnf' [344] and Elizabeth (Griffin) Cogswell, was born June 28, 1789, in Haverhill, Mass. She married, April 29, iSi 1, Samuel Chase, son of Benjamin and Alice (Bartlett) Chase. He was born Feb. 7, 178S, in Sandown, N. H. They resided in Haverhill, Mass. Mrs. Chase died July 6, 1814. Dea. Chase died Jan. 24, 1871. THEIR ONLY CHILD WAS : Eli:a,h. March 15. 1S12; m. Dec. 27. 1S32, Elias TheoJorc Ingalls. «eddinj;. ifHcmorantia. Mr. and .1/;... Elias T. /ng^i/Zs. on Wednesday, Dec. r-, iSSj, celebrated their gulden Hdx. JOHN J. i.\c;alls. John Jami ^ Inovll,. -on of I'.lia- T. and Kli/.T H'lia-ti Inuali-. l.nvn Hoc. 20. 1.S3:,. in MM.llct..!,. Ma-. He m.irrlLd. Sqa. j;-, iSn;. Anna^.i ( Ik-cIh oni^li. She wa, l.orn Apnl o, lS4_^, ,n N\ « ^ ork L„^. •|hu^ r.~idc.l in AiJiim,,,. Kan-.i,. 'lluii .luldian u l 1 c : Ll-uorth, kiuh. label, Kal].li, A,l,h-nn, (nn^iaiKe, ShetlieM, rail!,, Marion, Maud. 11. .n. Joha Janie- Inyall- wa~ Im the L nitt.l Male- Senate from Kan.s.a.^^. Rl V. |-K\X( l.'l. iNOMI.s. l.ioihei wf llM„.J,,hn J. Ingall-.wa. I'a^tor of the Congrega- tional Chuieh in Atchison. Kansas. ROBERT COGSWELL. (JSenealogtcal. Robert" Cogswell, {JoJiif, J\>liit'\ Johu\ Jchii\ Willianfl, Joliii^), son of John'' [344 1 and Elizabeth (Griffin) Cogswell, was born March 12, 1791, in Haverhill, Mass. He married, July 5, 1815, Meliitable Caricick, daughter of Henry and Mehitable (Ward) Carwick. She was born, 1786, in Salem, Mass., where they resided. Mr. Cogswell died April 2, 1852. Mrs. Cogswell died Dec. 27, 1862. THEIK CHILDREN WERE: John Cauwick, [1366] b. 1820. He died in early manliood, Marcli 19, 1S53. Henry, [i367]1j. .Nov. 14, 1.S24: m.Jtily S, \^^-,Hainmh P.l'utiiaiii ; d. Dec. 12, lS6j. Kor.LKi, [1368] b. iSjie He (lie-d in chiUlhood, Feb., 1X30. Eliza Griefin, [1369].


[736 1<br />

eStncalOQital.<br />

Betsey- Cogswell, (Jo/pi'; Johir', JohH\ Jolnfi, mi/iaw\ Jo/ui'),<br />

daughter of Johnf' [344] and Elizabeth (Griff<strong>in</strong>) Cogswell, was born<br />

June 28, 1789, <strong>in</strong> Haverhill, Mass. She married, April 29, iSi 1, Samuel<br />

Chase, son of Benjam<strong>in</strong> and Alice (Bartlett) Chase. He was born Feb.<br />

7, 178S, <strong>in</strong> Sandown, N. H. <strong>The</strong>y resided <strong>in</strong> Haverhill, Mass. Mrs.<br />

Chase died July 6, 1814. Dea. Chase died Jan. 24, 1871.<br />


Eli:a,h. March 15. 1S12; m. Dec. 27. 1S32, Elias <strong>The</strong>oJorc Ingalls.<br />

«edd<strong>in</strong>j;.<br />

ifHcmorantia.<br />

Mr. and .1/;... Elias T. /ng^i/Zs. on Wednesday, Dec. r-, iSSj, celebrated their gulden<br />

Hdx. JOHN J. i.\c;alls.<br />

John Jami ^ Inovll,. -on of I'.lia- T. and Kli/.T H'lia-ti Inuali-. l.nvn Hoc. 20. 1.S3:,.<br />

<strong>in</strong> MM.llct..!,. Ma-. He m.irrlLd. Sqa. j;-, iSn;. Anna l.i.<strong>in</strong>^.i ( Ik-cIh oni^li. She wa, l.orn<br />

Apnl o, lS4_^, ,n N\ « ^ ork L„^. •|hu^ r.~idc.l <strong>in</strong> AiJiim,,,. Kan-.i,. 'lluii .luldian u l 1 c :<br />

Ll-uorth, kiuh. label, Kal].li, A,l,h-nn, (nn^iaiKe, ShetlieM, rail!,, Marion, Maud.<br />

11. .n. Joha Janie- Inyall- wa~ Im the L nitt.l Male- Senate from Kan.s.a.^^.<br />

Rl V. |-K\X( l.'l. iNOMI.s. l.ioihei wf llM„.J,,hn J. Ingall-.wa. I'a^tor of the Congrega-<br />

tional Chuieh <strong>in</strong> Atchison. Kansas.<br />


(JSenealogtcal.<br />

Robert" Cogswell, {JoJiif, J\>liit'\ Johu\ Jchii\ Willianfl, Joliii^),<br />

son of John'' [344 1 and Elizabeth (Griff<strong>in</strong>) Cogswell, was born March<br />

12, 1791, <strong>in</strong> Haverhill, Mass. He married, July 5, 1815, Meliitable<br />

Caricick, daughter of Henry and Mehitable (Ward) Carwick. She was<br />

born, 1786, <strong>in</strong> Salem, Mass., where they resided. Mr. Cogswell died<br />

April 2, 1852. Mrs. Cogswell died Dec. 27, 1862.<br />


John Cauwick, [1366] b. 1820. He died <strong>in</strong> early manliood, Marcli 19, 1S53.<br />

Henry, [i367]1j. .Nov. 14, 1.S24: m.Jtily S, \^^-,Ha<strong>in</strong>mh P.l'utiiaiii ; d. Dec. 12, lS6j.<br />

Kor.LKi, [1368] b. iSjie He (lie-d <strong>in</strong> chiUlhood, Feb., 1X30.<br />

Eliza Grief<strong>in</strong>, [1369].

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