The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog


HANNAH COGSWELL. (676: (HSrnraloQtcal. Hannah" Ccigswell, ( Willianf', yonathon^, Williavt'*, yvhn'-\ Wil- liaiii\ yolni^), daughter of William'" i 321 and Jemima (Haskell) Cogswell, was born April 13, 1795, in Lunenburg, Mass. She married, Aug. 14, 1834, yoJin Eaton, son of Aaron and Mary (Wheeler) Eaton. He was born July g, 1794, in Fitchburg. Mass. They resided in New Salem, Mass. Mrs. Eaton died Sejit. 24, 1874. Mr. Eaton died March 10. 1S79. THEUi CHILI IREN WERE; Hannah Adeline, b. June 21, 1S35: m. lS(/>, J. H'. Picne. Lorenzo Parka, b. July 6. 1S36: m. 1S71. .i.'. Louisa Hall. Mary A., b. Oct. 29, 1837. She died in childhood, June 12, 1S42. Harriet Ann. h. .March 22, 1840. She died in childhood. Jan. 14, 1S42. SETH COGSWELL. i 611 ( Seth" Cogswell, {Williaiu^-, yoiiat/uvr, Wil/iatn'^, yo/ufi, William'-, yo/in^), son of William'' [321] and Jemima (Haskell) Cogswell, was born I"eb. 21, 1798, in Lunenburg, Mass. He married, Oct. 10, 1832, Eliza Dalrymplc, daughter of James and Azubah (Parmenter) Dalrymple. She was born Oct. 31, 1806, in ]-"ramingham, ]\Iass. They resided in Leominster, Mass. Mr. Cogswell died March 27, 1877. THEIK CHHDKE.N WERE: Fr.\N( i^ K , [1274] b. Dec. I, 1833: m. .Scjit. 12. is;6, Emma Mitltoff. J.^Ml> IJ., [1275] b. Oct. zU, 1.S35; m. Nov., ISSI. J-'raneelia .1/. Lombard. A.\.v P., [1276] b. Dec. 16, 1S3.S. SIk- died in cliildhoocl. .March 12. 1841.'k E., [1277] b. Feb. i, 1S42. GnoRf.K W.. [1278]!). .March 29, 1X44; m. 111. J. 4. |K-|, Elizabeth G. Heiishaw. M,\Riii.\ C. [1279] li. .March 2, iN4-. iSioBvaptitcal. Seth (ncswF.ii. learned the shoemaker's trade. When about twenty-one years old he became deeply iiilere.sted in religion, and united with the Metho- dist Kpisropal ChinTh. of I,unenbur-. Mass. Mr. Cogswell became a lay

preacher, and while carrying on his farm during the week, often preached on the Sabbath. It is said of him : "He possessed in a large degree the pecul- iarities of the Cogswell race. He had ideas and opinions of his own. to which he tenaciously held, and was never afraid to express them." Mr. Cogs- well had a great interest in all religious topics, and was an earnest advocate of Gospel truths. At the close of life he could adopt these words: "/ have fought a goodJight. I hare finished my courst\ ] have kept the faith. Heneeforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteous?iess which the Lord, the rigJiteous Judge, shall give me in that day. and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.'" JONATHAN COGSWELL. (619 Grnraloflical. Jonathan^ Cogswell, (yoscpli'', yonathan-', William^, yohn\ Wil- liam-, yoJui^), son of Jose]3h'' [ 324] and Abigail (Cleaveland) Cogswell, was born Jan. 2, 1789, in Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass. He mar- ried, Feb. 3, 1820, 'JA7;j/)?V^


(676:<br />

(HSrnraloQtcal.<br />

Hannah" Ccigswell, ( Willianf', yonathon^, Williavt'*, yvhn'-\ Wil-<br />

liaiii\ yolni^), daughter of William'" i 321 and Jemima (Haskell) Cogswell,<br />

was born April 13, 1795, <strong>in</strong> Lunenburg, Mass. She married, Aug.<br />

14, 1834, yoJ<strong>in</strong> Eaton, son of Aaron and Mary (Wheeler) Eaton. He<br />

was born July g, 1794, <strong>in</strong> Fitchburg. Mass. <strong>The</strong>y resided <strong>in</strong> New<br />

Salem, Mass. Mrs. Eaton died Sejit. 24, 1874. Mr. Eaton died March<br />

10. 1S79.<br />


Hannah Adel<strong>in</strong>e, b. June 21, 1S35: m. lS(/>, J. H'. Picne.<br />

Lorenzo Parka, b. July 6. 1S36: m. 1S71. .i.'. Louisa Hall.<br />

Mary A., b. Oct. 29, 1837. She died <strong>in</strong> childhood, June 12, 1S42.<br />

Harriet Ann. h. .March 22, 1840. She died <strong>in</strong> childhood. Jan. 14, 1S42.<br />


i 611<br />

(<br />

Seth" Cogswell, {Williaiu^-, yoiiat/uvr, Wil/iatn'^, yo/ufi, William'-,<br />

yo/<strong>in</strong>^), son of William'' [321] and Jemima (Haskell) Cogswell, was born<br />

I"eb. 21, 1798, <strong>in</strong> Lunenburg, Mass. He married, Oct. 10, 1832, Eliza<br />

Dalrymplc, daughter of James and Azubah (Parmenter) Dalrymple.<br />

She was born Oct. 31, 1806, <strong>in</strong> ]-"ram<strong>in</strong>gham, ]\Iass. <strong>The</strong>y resided <strong>in</strong><br />

Leom<strong>in</strong>ster, Mass. Mr. Cogswell died March 27, 1877.<br />


Fr.\N( i^ K , [1274] b. Dec. I, 1833: m. .Scjit. 12. is;6, Emma Mitltoff.<br />

J.^Ml> IJ., [1275] b. Oct. zU, 1.S35; m. Nov., ISSI. J-'raneelia .1/. Lombard.<br />

A.\.v P., [1276] b. Dec. 16, 1S3.S. SIk- died <strong>in</strong> cliildhoocl. .March 12. 1841.<br />

Angiu.<strong>in</strong>'k E., [1277] b. Feb. i, 1S42.<br />

GnoRf.K W.. [1278]!). .March 29, 1X44; m. 111.<br />

J. 4. |K-|, Elizabeth G. Heiishaw.<br />

M,\Riii.\ C. [1279] li. .March 2, iN4-.<br />

iSioBvaptitcal.<br />

Seth (ncswF.ii. learned the shoemaker's trade. When about twenty-one<br />

years old he became deeply iiilere.sted <strong>in</strong> religion, and united with the Metho-<br />

dist Kpisropal Ch<strong>in</strong>Th. of I,unenbur-. Mass. Mr. Cogswell became a lay

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