The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog


284 Cogswell, was born May 19, 1S13, in Sennett, N. Y. He married, May 14, 1836, SusiDi Albina Sheldon. She was born in Cato, N. V., where they resided until 1844, when they removed to Dayton, and afterward to Greenwood, Mich. Mr. Cogswell died Jan. 29, 1879. THEIR CHILDREN WERE: Sarah, [1195] b. Junt- 20. 1843; m. Dec. 23, 1S64, .XicI McLullum. Hexrv S., [1196J b. April 28, 1S45; m. Aug. 23, i.s6S, Lizzie Wood; d. July 23, 1S77. Maria E.. [iigyjb. Dec. 22, 1S47; m. Feb. kS, 1806, William Hawks. Warren, [1198] b. March 17, 1S49. He died in early manhood, March i, 1S72. William, [1199] b. Oct. 8, 1S51 : m. March 13, 1S73, Sarah 1). Brii^gs. Ann. [1200] b. May 9, 1S53; m. Aug. 15, 1874, A/illnii liritlon ; d. July 23. 1S76. Fannie. [i2oi]b. June 9, i.'

MASON WHITTLESEY COGSWELL. [59T] eSftmaloaltal. Mason Whittlesey' Cogswell, {yo/in'\ ]VtlIianv\ Echvari/\ IVil- liani\ IVilliain", J^o/ni^), son of John- [250] and Martha (Waller) Cogs- well, was born Jan. 23, 18 11, in Auburn, N. Y. He married, Jan. 3, 1833, Matilda Austin, daughter of Jatnes and Tamar Austin. She was born Nov. 26, 1812, in Sheffield, Mass. They resided in Auliurn, N. Y., until 1845, when they removed to El)Tia, Ohio, THEIR CHILDREN WERE; James Austin. [1202] b. Maixh 17, 1834; m. Dec. 30, 1858. Francs Surati Beers. GEOKfiE, [1203] b. June 20, 1S44: m. Oct. 23, 1S72, Susan G. Blantliard. |«cmorantra. M \^u^ WiiliTLEbEV Coi.swtl.I «.i* .1 laniifi until hi> rcmuval to < Hid. .\ltci tli.-il Ik was a He wa.- a man of bu.'iiness capacity and devoted i)iety. He writes, at thi.- age of seventy " : More wonderful are the scenes before us all than those of the past, and the character we have here will go with us. May our lives be hid with Christ in God." MARTHA ELIZABETH COGSWELL. [599 I (Scnralojji'tal. Maktha Elizabeth' Cogswell, (]Villiaiii'\ Enursi'ii'', Eniirson^, ]Villuiin\ Wii/win", Johu^), daughter of William" [264 1 and Mary (Buttrick) Cogswell, was born .Aug. 26, 1813, in Dunstable, now Nashua, N. H. She married, Oct. 16, 1834, Milton Spofford Morse, son of Isaac and Miriam (Spofford) Morse. He was born Nov, 12, 1806, in Winch- endon. Mass, where they resided until 1852, when they removed to Columbia, Cal. Mr. Morse died Oct. 29, 1859. THEIK CHILDREN WERE: Susan Elizabeth, b. May 27, 183,^. She died in infancy, June 7, 1S3.S. A son, b June S, 1839. He died in infancy, June 8, 1S39. William Co,i;s7i'ell. b. June 13, 1S42. He died in infancy, June 26, 1842. ./ snn. h. Mnrch 25, 184''. He died in infancy, April 27, 1.S46. A son. b. Marcli 31, 184S. He died in infancy, April 4. 1848.


[59T]<br />

eSftmaloaltal.<br />

Mason Whittlesey' Cogswell, {yo/<strong>in</strong>'\ ]VtlIianv\ Echvari/\ IVil-<br />

liani\ IVillia<strong>in</strong>", J^o/ni^), son of John- [250] and Martha (Waller) Cogs-<br />

well, was born Jan. 23, 18 11, <strong>in</strong> Auburn, N. Y. He married, Jan. 3,<br />

1833, Matilda Aust<strong>in</strong>, daughter of Jatnes and Tamar Aust<strong>in</strong>. She was<br />

born Nov. 26, 1812, <strong>in</strong> Sheffield, Mass. <strong>The</strong>y resided <strong>in</strong> Auliurn,<br />

N. Y., until 1845, when they removed to El)Tia, Ohio,<br />


James Aust<strong>in</strong>. [1202] b. Maixh 17, 1834; m. Dec. 30, 1858. Francs Surati Beers.<br />

GEOKfiE, [1203] b. June 20, 1S44: m. Oct. 23, 1S72, Susan G. Blantliard.<br />

|«cmorantra.<br />

M \^u^ WiiliTLEbEV Coi.swtl.I «.i* .1 laniifi until hi> rcmuval to < Hid. .\ltci tli.-il Ik<br />

was a He wa.- a man of bu.'i<strong>in</strong>ess capacity and devoted i)iety. He writes, at thi.-<br />

age of seventy " : More wonderful are the scenes before us all than those of the past, and<br />

the character we have here will go with us. May our lives be hid with Christ <strong>in</strong> God."<br />


[599 I<br />

(Scnralojji'tal.<br />

Maktha Elizabeth' Cogswell, (]Villiaiii'\ Enursi'ii'', Eniirson^,<br />

]Villui<strong>in</strong>\ Wii/w<strong>in</strong>", Johu^), daughter of William" [264 1 and Mary<br />

(Buttrick) Cogswell, was born .Aug. 26, 1813, <strong>in</strong> Dunstable, now Nashua,<br />

N. H. She married, Oct. 16, 1834, Milton Spofford Morse, son of Isaac<br />

and Miriam (Spofford) Morse. He was born Nov, 12, 1806, <strong>in</strong> W<strong>in</strong>ch-<br />

endon. Mass, where they resided until 1852, when they removed to<br />

Columbia, Cal. Mr. Morse died Oct. 29, 1859.<br />


Susan Elizabeth, b. May 27, 183,^. She died <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>fancy, June 7, 1S3.S.<br />

A son, b June S, 1839. He died <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>fancy, June 8, 1S39.<br />

William Co,i;s7i'ell. b. June 13, 1S42. He died <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>fancy, June 26, 1842.<br />

./ snn. h. Mnrch 25, 184''. He died <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>fancy, April 27, 1.S46.<br />

A son. b. Marcli 31, 184S. He died <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>fancy, April 4. 1848.

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