The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog


The : iham 1 86 and i)osition, wa^ one »f the fir^l men in New Hanij>shiie. He flied Dec. 1 1, 1S69. Mrs. Eliza W. Uphani died .\p\i\ 14. 1SS2. THE CHILDRE.N UK IIIK HKST MAKKIAC.E WERE: Elizabeth Lord. b. .\ug. iS. 1830; m. >ray 1. 1850, Hon. Joseph B. Walker. A. M. Nathaniel Lord. b. .April 2S, 1S33: 111. Jinie 5, 1S61. Annie H. Janenay. Francis Abraham, b. .Sept. 17. 1837 ; d. .April 3, 18(17. Mary White, b. .\pril 19, 1S43 ; d. Sept. 10. 1S44. tnllmving is ln)m a Concord paper in iSS; : " The Lite .Mrs. \. (,. Lpham of this city bequeathed the portrait of her father. Rev. Abra Burnham, I). I)., who was pastor of the Congregational Church in Tembroke from March 2, 180S, to .Sept. 21, 1S52, to the New Hampshire Historical Society. Mrs. Upham also proi vided for the painting of a picture of her husband, to be placed in the gallery of the above } organization. Judge Iphani was three years President of the New H.impshire Historical [ Society." i Eli~aKth Lord Ufhum married Hon. A. Wnlkci: of Concord, N. H., a descendant ! lections. \ ! j I ' i of Rtv. 'I'imothv Walker, the first pastor of thai ttnvn from 1730 to his death, in 17S2. .A'uMii«;>/ /,ubsc;/., and thcv resided in Kangnr, .Me. THE iHUJiRKN lir Tllh lIRsr M\RRMr.F WFKK : David Alexander, b. Aug. 7, 1S24; d. July 17, 1S3S. Mary I'pham, b. .Sept. 5, 1S26; m. Nov. 15. 1S46, Kben S. Coe ; they resided in Bangor, .Me. ; she died March 27, 1.S40. riir rnii.iiRE\ "V iiiE seionh makria..e were: Thomas Cpham, b. Dec. 8, 1837 ; m. .Mav 23, 1867, Sarah Hawthorn ; they resided in Ban- gor, Me., and had one son, Dudley, h. Dec. 31, 1873 Hetty Smith, b. Nov. 27, 1839; d. May 13, 1842. .\LFREr> Ul'HAM was a physicLin for many years in New York City. Dr. C. W. L'pham, his onlv .son, resided, 1S83. No. 39 East Fourth Street, New York. Joseph B. Uiham resided in Portsmouth, N. II. r„f. [388] .y.m,mui

Dr. and Mks. Kerry resided in Great FalU, X. II. TlK-ir

Dr. and Mks. Kerry resided <strong>in</strong> Great FalU, X. II. TlK-ir

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