The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog


i«4 Alfred, b. July 27, 1804; m. Sophia Henderson ; H. Nov. 16, 187S. Timothy, b. March 15, 1S07. He died, unmarried. Aug. 7, 1S43. Jo.u-ph Badger, b. Dec. 11, 1808: m. May 8. 1833, Sarah Chase Currier. Jiidilli Ahiiira, b. March 26, 181 1 ; m. June 20, 1S31, Hon. James Bell. Hannah Elizabeth, b. Dec. iS, 1S13. She died in infancy, March S. 1814. Riitl: Cogswell, b. April 15, 1815: m 1836, Dr. John M. Berry ; d. May 2, 1869. Francis William, b. Sept. 10, 1817: m. 'Elizabeth Brewer; m. -Elizabeth A\ Kendall. .Albert Gallatin, b. July 10, 7.S19, He died, unmarried, June lO, 1847. \athaniel" Ul'HAM, I JSiofirap{)tcaI. Timothf', 2'imothy'\ J'hineas\ Phineas'K Phineas-. John^, horn 1597, /'/ England), son of Rev. Timothy Uphani. was in person a man six feet and four inches in height, well proportioned, perfectly erect, and of inost commanding presence. He was successful in business and took an active part in public affairs. He was elected to the State Legislature in 1807-8, and 1808-9, ^^'3^ a member of the Governor's Council in iSii and 1812, and was Collector of the direct tax in his district in 1813. Mr. I'pham was nomi- nated for Representative to the National Congress in 1814; was renominated in 1S16. and chosen by a large majority. He took his seat Dec. 6, 1817. as a member of the Fifteenth Congress in the House of Representatives. He was twice re-elected, and having served six years, he declined a further re- election. 'I he Seventeenth Congress closet! its session March 3. 1823. and Mr. Upham bade .Tdieu to Congress and public life to retire to the quiet of his own village .md ti.e enjoyment of his family and pleas.nnt home. For a fuller biography of Hon. Nathaniki. Upham. vid. .Notues df John I'pham and DtSCENDANTS. Mks. Judith (Cooswelli Upha.m was an only d lughter. The date of her birth is given oy some March 9, instead of March 13. 1776. She has been described in person as "five feet eleven inches high, hair dark brown, fore- head high, nose Grecian, mouth small, eyes blue, complexion fair, form full and well proportioned, and her voice peculiarly melodious.'' Siie was generously endowed intellectually, and possessed of a benevolent heart. She appreciated and greatly admired the works of .4ddison. Scott. Goldsmith. Cowper, and Beattie. One of Mrs. Upham's gifted sons has emb.ilmed hei features and personal grace in the following lines : "Hinv oft in solitude's eredtirv lioin When thought andfeeline: nun a qiii,-l.;n,-d fi'-.vei J sit in /ensive .'den,; itnd retm,;- Each well-kiKnvn feature, each attractive grace : Her silent grief when those she loved vient loroui;. Ilci- smile, her kindly words, her voice of soiij;. All else may fail, all otherjoys may die And leave the fount of hope and feeling dry ; But life nor death shallfrom my bosom tear .4 mother's looks, ho lindness. and liir cart"

'85 iHrmorantrat. Timothy ;>//,;;«, father of Hon. Nathaniel L'pham, was born Feb. 20, 1S4S, in Maiden, Ma.s.5. He graduated in 176S from Harvard College, and was Pastor of the Congregational Church in Deerfield, N. H., from 1772 to his death, Feb. 21, iSii. Afrs. Hannah (Gookiii) Uphani, mother of Hon. Nathaniel Upham, was the daughter of Rev. Nathaniel and Love (Wingate) Gookin. She was born .\pril 22, I7i;4, in North Hampton, N. H., and was a lineal descendant of Major-Gen. Daniki. Gookin {Hannah-, Rn Xathaniel*, A'n: Xathanicl^, Rti\ A'athanid'-, Major-Gcn. Daniel'^ Gookin), who was born, 161 2, in Kent, England. Mrs. Hannah Upham died Aug. 4, 1797. Mention is made of her as a person of "great phvsical and mental activity." Her tastes were refined, her disposition gentle, and her pietv fervent. .-^ simple stone marks her final resting-place, which bears this inscription : " HANNAH, Consort of the REV. TIMOTHY UPHAM, Who departed this life Aug. 4, 1797, In the 44th Year of her Age," "If truth, love, virtue, each attractive grace That warms the heart, or animates the face. If tears, or sighs, or ardent prayers could save The kind, the generous from the silent grave. Then death, relentless, must have lost his prey. And with it lost his cruel power to slay One who shall rise and shine in realms ahoz'e, Forever happy in her Saviour s Inh-r E. C. \V. REV. TH(iM,\S COG.'^WEI.L IRH.AM, D. D. Tho.mas Coc.swell L'tham, the eldest child of Hon. Nathaniel and Judith (Cogswell) Upham, was born in Deerfield, N. H. He graduated in 1818 from Dartmouth College, and in 1S21 from Andover Theological Seminary. He was assistant teacher of Hebrew in the Seminary, and from 1823 to 1S24 Colleague Pastor of the Congregational Church in Rochester, .\. H. Rev. Mr. Upham for forty-two years, 1825-1867, was Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy, and Instructor in Hebrew in Bowdoin College. Me. He married Phebe Lord, of Kennebunkport, Me., a lady of great loveliness of character. They had no children, but adopted several. Prof. Uphani died April 2, 1S72, in New York. His published works are numerous and also deeply spiritual and suggestive. Prof. Upham published a Transla- tion of John's Biblical AreJucology: Manual of Peace: Elements of Mental Philosophy: Out- lines of Disordered Mental Action: Life and Keligious tlxperience of Madame Guyon: Life of Faith: Principles of Interior or Hidden Life: Treatise on the Will; Ratio Disciplina:: Treatise on Divine Union: Religious Maxims: Life of Madame Catherine Adorna: Letters ^-Esthetic, Social, and Moral. Written from Europe. Egypt, and Palestine: .Method of Prayer: and The Absohile Religion. HON. NATHANIEL G. UPHAM. LL. I). Nathaniel G. Upham, son of Hon. Nathaniel and Judith (Cogswell) Upham, was born in Deerfield, N. H. He married ^Elizabeth Watts Lord, daughter of Nathaniel and I'hebe (Walker) Lord. She was born March 23, 1810, in Kennebunkport, Me. They resided in Concord, N. H. .Mrs. Upham died Aug. 17, 1833. Judge Upham married ^Eliz,i W. Burnham, daughter of Rev. .Abraham Kurnhani, D. D. She was born Feb. 21, 1S13, in Pembroke, N. H. They resided in Concord, N. H, Hor,. Nathaniel G. Upham, LL. D., both in abiiuv

i«4<br />

Alfred, b. July 27, 1804; m. Sophia Henderson ; H. Nov. 16, 187S.<br />

Timothy, b. March 15, 1S07. He died, unmarried. Aug. 7, 1S43.<br />

Jo.u-ph Badger, b. Dec. 11, 1808: m. May 8. 1833, Sarah Chase Currier.<br />

Jiidilli Ahiiira, b. March 26, 181 1 ; m. June 20, 1S31, Hon. James Bell.<br />

Hannah Elizabeth, b. Dec. iS, 1S13. She died <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>fancy, March S. 1814.<br />

Riitl: Cogswell, b. April 15, 1815: m 1836, Dr. John M. Berry ; d. May 2, 1869.<br />

Francis William, b. Sept. 10, 1817: m. 'Elizabeth Brewer; m. -Elizabeth A\ Kendall.<br />

.Albert Gallat<strong>in</strong>, b. July 10, 7.S19, He died, unmarried, June lO, 1847.<br />

\athaniel" Ul'HAM, I<br />

JSiofirap{)tcaI.<br />

Timothf', 2'imothy'\ J'h<strong>in</strong>eas\ Ph<strong>in</strong>eas'K Ph<strong>in</strong>eas-.<br />

John^, horn 1597, /'/ England), son of Rev. Timothy Uphani. was <strong>in</strong> person a<br />

man six feet and four <strong>in</strong>ches <strong>in</strong> height, well proportioned, perfectly erect, and<br />

of <strong>in</strong>ost command<strong>in</strong>g presence. He was successful <strong>in</strong> bus<strong>in</strong>ess and took an<br />

active part <strong>in</strong> public affairs. He was elected to the State Legislature <strong>in</strong> 1807-8,<br />

and 1808-9, ^^'3^ a member of the Governor's Council <strong>in</strong> iSii and 1812, and<br />

was Collector of the direct tax <strong>in</strong> his district <strong>in</strong> 1813. Mr. I'pham was nomi-<br />

nated for Representative to the National Congress <strong>in</strong> 1814; was renom<strong>in</strong>ated<br />

<strong>in</strong> 1S16. and chosen by a large majority. He took his seat Dec. 6, 1817. as<br />

a member of the Fifteenth Congress <strong>in</strong> the House of Representatives. He<br />

was twice re-elected, and hav<strong>in</strong>g served six years, he decl<strong>in</strong>ed a further re-<br />

election. 'I he Seventeenth Congress closet! its session March 3. 1823. and<br />

Mr. Upham bade .Tdieu to Congress and public life to retire to the quiet of his<br />

own village .md ti.e enjoyment of his family and pleas.nnt home. For a fuller<br />

biography of Hon. Nathaniki. Upham. vid. .Notues df John I'pham and<br />


Mks. Judith (Cooswelli Upha.m was an only d lughter. <strong>The</strong> date of her<br />

birth is given oy some March 9, <strong>in</strong>stead of March 13. 1776. She has been<br />

described <strong>in</strong> person as "five feet eleven <strong>in</strong>ches high, hair dark brown, fore-<br />

head high, nose Grecian, mouth small, eyes blue, complexion fair, form full<br />

and well proportioned, and her voice peculiarly melodious.'' Siie was generously<br />

endowed <strong>in</strong>tellectually, and possessed of a benevolent heart. She<br />

appreciated and greatly admired the works of .4ddison. Scott. Goldsmith.<br />

Cowper, and Beattie. One of Mrs. Upham's gifted sons has emb.ilmed hei<br />

features and personal grace <strong>in</strong> the follow<strong>in</strong>g l<strong>in</strong>es :<br />

"H<strong>in</strong>v oft <strong>in</strong> solitude's eredtirv lio<strong>in</strong><br />

When thought andfeel<strong>in</strong>e: nun a qiii,-l.;n,-d fi'-.vei<br />

J sit <strong>in</strong> /ensive .'den,; itnd retm,;-<br />

Each well-kiKnvn feature, each attractive grace :<br />

Her silent grief when those she loved vient loroui;.<br />

Ilci- smile, her k<strong>in</strong>dly words, her voice of soiij;.<br />

All else may fail, all otherjoys may die<br />

And leave the fount of hope and feel<strong>in</strong>g dry ;<br />

But life nor death shallfrom my bosom tear<br />

.4 mother's looks, ho l<strong>in</strong>dness. and liir cart"

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