The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog


1608/9. Marriages. Richard Ernley et Elizab. Cogswell, Mar. 28. 1610. John Wilkins et Margery Cogswell, Sept. 13. 1615. Roger Tanner & Elizab. Cogswell, Apl. 17. 161 5. John Cogswell & Elizabeth Thompson, Sept. 10. Burials. 1 581. Robert Cogswell, June vii. 1 581/2. Elizabeth, filia Edward Cogswell de Lygh, Jan. xx. 1587. Robert Cogswell, Sept. 10. 1590/1. Morrisius Cogswell de Dylton, Feb. xx. 1592. John Cogswell, til. Edwd. Cogswell, Apl. II. 1597. Anthonius Cogswell, son of Edward, June 28. 1603. 1605. Alicia Cogswell, \idua, Aug. i. Richard Cogswell (plague raged at this date), Dec. 11. 1608. Phillis, uxor Mr. William Thompson, vicar Sepult, July 19. 1609. Stephen Cogswell de Lygh, .Nov. 13. 1610. Margery, til. Stephen Cogswell, Aug, 14. It is unknown what connection, if any, the Cogswells of We.'^tbury may have had with a certain Richard Cogwell who died June 12, 1534. to whose memory was erected in Faversham Church a large stone, in which was set a brass plate, still in a good state of preservation, on which were engraved the following quaint lines : " Slboso bim btl^oft iiifaarlli; aub oft, ifiott! barb it totrt to flttt from btb unto tbt pitt, ^rom pitt nnto (lagnt tlnit nt'tr Bhall ttaat, certagnf, Bt faoulb not bot ont sin all tbr tnorli) lo totnn." ROBERT COGSWELL. Robert and Alicia Cogswell were the grandparents of John- (Cogswell. immigrant to America in J635. They lived in Westbury Leigh, County of Wilts, England. Robert Cogswell, as appears from his will, was a manufacturer of woollen cloths. Little is known of him. The Register of the Parish gives the date of his burial June 7, 1581. Mrs. Alicia Cogswell survived her husband. The date of her burial is given Aug. i, 1603. Their children were: Robert; Richard; Stephen; Joane, m. Freestone; Margaret, m. lene; Margery, m. John Whatley ; Edith, ni. T/iomas Sfnms ; Edward, m. A/ia- . Vii/. Registers of St. Mary's Chapel, Parish of All Saints and Westbury, Wilts County, England.

THE WILL OF ROBERT COGSWELL. Probate Court, London. Dated, i, 1581. Proved, July 14, 1581. " In the name of God, Amen. I, Robert Cogswell bequeath my soul to God & my bodye to be buried in the Churche or in the Churchyarde of Westburye. To St. Mary's Church, Saram, sixpence. To Westbury Church, twelvepence. To the Church in Diltun, twelvepence. Item : I give to the poore people of Leigh & Dilton a sack of wheate to be broken and given unto them. Unto my sonne Robarte Cogswell, the house of Han- cock, &c. To Rychard Cogswell, my sonne, 3;^ ds. Sd. To Stephen Cogswell, my sonne, 6jC- Item. I give unto Rychard & Stephen, my sonnes. all my sheares with the rest of my workinge tooles, that pertayneth to my occupation, after their mother doe give up the use of them, Stephen to have his portion at the age of 24. To Margaret Cogswell, my daughter, (jjC '3-'- 4


Probate Court, London.<br />

Dated, i, 1581. Proved, July 14, 1581.<br />

" In the name of God, Amen. I, Robert Cogswell bequeath my soul to God & my<br />

bodye to be buried <strong>in</strong> the Churche or <strong>in</strong> the Churchyarde of Westburye. To St. Mary's<br />

Church, Saram, sixpence. To Westbury Church, twelvepence. To the Church <strong>in</strong> Diltun,<br />

twelvepence. Item : I give to the poore people of Leigh & Dilton a sack of wheate to<br />

be broken and given unto them. Unto my sonne Robarte Cogswell, the house of Han-<br />

cock, &c. To Rychard Cogswell, my sonne, 3;^ ds. Sd. To Stephen Cogswell, my sonne,<br />

6jC- Item. I give unto Rychard & Stephen, my sonnes. all my sheares with the rest of my<br />

work<strong>in</strong>ge tooles, that pertayneth to my occupation, after their mother doe give up the use of<br />

them, Stephen to have his portion at the age of 24. To Margaret Cogswell, my daughter,<br />

(jjC '3-'- 4

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