The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog


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76<br />

Elizabeth Wise, daughter of John and (Denison) Wise, and grand-<br />

daughter of Rev. John Wise, of Chebacco Parish. She was born Sept.<br />

19, 1744. <strong>The</strong>y hved <strong>in</strong> Chebacco Parish, Ipswich, Mass. Col. Cogs-<br />

well died April 19, 1S19. Mrs. Cogswell died Oct 31, 1838.<br />


Elizabeth, [290] b. Aug. 6, 17731 m. Dec. 4, iSoo. Dr. Parker Russ ; d. June 5, 1.S03.<br />

Makv, [291] b. Feb. 2.S, 177S: m. John Choale, Esq.,: d. June 2S, 1860.<br />

Abigail, [292] b. June 7, 17S1 : m. Nov. 17, 1S07, Co/. Joseph Farley; d. May 12, 184^1.<br />

Jo.\-4THAN, [293] b. July 14, 1783. He died <strong>in</strong> early manhood, Oct. 13, 1S13.<br />

Daniel DE.\I.'^o.\, [294] b. March 31, 17^9. He died <strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>fancy, Feb. 19, 1790.<br />

jStoQrapljttal.<br />

Jonathan Cogswell was born on the " Cogswell farm " <strong>in</strong> Chebacco<br />

Parish, where he settled down and became a thrifty farmer. In 1791 he pur-<br />

cliased and removed to what was called the '• Picker<strong>in</strong>g place." <strong>The</strong> house<br />

was the '' old parsonage," built by Rev. Mr. Picker<strong>in</strong>g, the second m<strong>in</strong>ister of<br />

that parish, and occupied by him for many years, and afterwards by Rev. John<br />

Cleaveland and Rev. Mr. Porter. It had also been the residence of Dr.<br />

Davis, the first physician, who settled <strong>in</strong> that part of Ipswich. Mr. Cogswell<br />

was a public man, filled many important positions He was Justice of the<br />

Peace, Feoffee of the grammar school. Judge of the Court of Sessions, on the<br />

"Committee of Correspondence and Inspection," <strong>in</strong> the Revolutionary period,<br />

Capta<strong>in</strong> of a military company raised <strong>in</strong> 1774, Major <strong>in</strong> 1775. and Colonel of<br />

the Second Regiment of Massachusetts <strong>in</strong> the army of the Revolution from<br />

1776 to the close of the war. He was a member of the State Constitutional<br />

Convention of 1780, and of the Massachusetts United States Constitutional<br />

Convention of 1788. He voted for the adoption of the Constitution of the<br />

United States. He was Representative to the C.ener.il Court of Massachusetts<br />

for seventeen years, <strong>in</strong> 1776, 1792, 1793, and from 1800 to 1813 consecu-<br />

tively. Col. Cogswell was greatly affected by the death of his only sur\-iv<strong>in</strong>g<br />

son. Col. Jonathan Cogswell, Jr., a young man of ability and great promise,<br />

whose death was a public calamity as well as a great bereavement to his family.<br />

For appropriate obituary notices of both father and son, vi.l. "<strong>The</strong> History<br />

OF Essex, Mass." Col. Cogswell, Sen., died April 19, i8ig, on the forty-fourth<br />

anniversary of the battle of Lex<strong>in</strong>gton, and the year <strong>in</strong> which the ancient par-<br />

ish of Chebacco became the new town of Esse.v, Mass.<br />

^rmoranUa.<br />

EUz.ih,-lh ;;•/.',-. who married Jun.ith.m « og-m.ll, «a> a ^. .iiuLJanulncr of Kev<br />

and a descendant nf Cen. Daniei Oeni-^im. ller moihcr was a

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