The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog

The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog The Cogswells in America - citizen hylbom blog


THE CHILDREN OF THE FIRST MARRIAGE WERE: Martha, b. Oct. ii, 176.S; m. John Safford ; d. March 17, 1S43. Edward, b. Dec. S, 1771. He died in early life. Susannah Clark, b. March 15, 1774; m. ^John Botany j m. -Dr. Philip Cilley ; d. April 2, 1866. Polly, b. Sei)l. 3, 1777; m. Nov. 2S, 1795, 'Ca//. Isaac Harding ; m. Oct. 4, 1S06, ^Xathatiicl Frothinghaii! : d. April 16, 1S61. Edward, b. June 23, 17.S0; m. ^Clarissa Brimmer ; m. -Hannah Brimmer ; d. June 28, 1 861. Bridget, b. April 17, 1782; m. David Giddings ; d. March 22, 1S65. Jttrmoranla. O;//. John Whipple was a farmer. He filled various town offices; was a cavalry officer of the Kevvihitiun. Hl was often employed in conveying letters and messages to and from Gen. Washington. Capt. Whipple was in the .service at the capture of Burgoyne. Mr. and Mrs. Sa^'orJ lived in Hamilton, Mass. Mr. Saftord died Oct. 17, iS;o. aged seventy years. Mrs. SafTord died March 17, 1843, aged seventy-four years. [ohii Botiiny WAi a Frenchman. He died Aug. 14, 1779, aged about twenty-eight years, in Ch,ulLstowii.'Ma.s>. .Mr... .SH>.,„n., Pol,u,y married -^Dr. Philip Ciller, of Salisbury, Mass. They removed tu Wearc, X. II., where Dr. Cilley died, Sept. 16, 1S54, at the age of eighty years; and Mrs. Cilley died Ajnil 2, 1S66, aged ninety-two years. Cap/. /s,i,ie J/aniiiierw^i a sea-captain, of fhailestown, Mass. He died March 27, iSoi, at the age of thirtv vears, in Hamilton, Mas--. .Vniiey. h. Sept. 10. iSoo, in Hamilton, Ma>^. She died in Salem, July 24, 1S27. .Mr... r.K'iy [irhif-ple] Hjiiling married, Oct. 4, 1.S06, -.Withaiiiel Froth lu^h.un, son of I)cac..n Janio Fi..tliiiml,:nn. He was horn July 12, 1770, in Charlestown, Mass. They resided in S.ilem, M,i>>., where he died, Nov. 15', 1S57, aged eighty-seven years; and Mrs. Frolhingham died .\pril 16, 1S61, aged eighty-three years. THEIR CHILDREN VVERK : haae flirdiw.:, b. Sept. 19, 1S17 ; m. July 17, 1S32, Elizabeth Potter. .Martha Cogswell, 1.. Jan. 2. iSio; m. May 5, 1S36, El/'ri.ige Gerry Kobinson. .Ibraham Kand,h. July 15, 1S12; m. Feb. 17, 1S34, ^Annie .Maria Breed : m. Mav 3, 1S42, -Sarah H'illarJ : m. Oct. 28, 1S74, ^Mrs. Jtdia .4. Adams : A. June i, iSSi. .l/.7':v. 1). Sept. 2, 1S15; d. -March 12. 1816. John Whipple, b. Sept. 17, t.SiS; in. June 22. 1841, Maty Aiigehiie Thompson. Elbndge Gerry AWwnson was a brother nf William S. Kobinson, the well-known writer " Warrington." .Vathaniel Frothingham, sun ..f I leacon lames Kfithingham. had a sister, Hannah Froth- ingham. who married Asa burditt. .I/r. and .Mrs IXr.'id GnhUn-s lived in Hami)t,-.n, Mas>., where SU. Giddings died Feb. 27, 1854: ai\d Mrs. Giddings died .March 22, 1865. Edward Whipple, son of Capt. John and Martha (Cogswell) Whipple, married 'Clari.t.ia /trimmer, of Beverly, Mass. After her death he married her sister, -I/annah Brimmer. They resided at the old Whipple homestead, in Hamilton. Mass. Mr. Whipple died June 28, iSrii, in Worthville, Cancll Co., Ky., at the .age of eightv vear>, at the residence of his son, Cieorge S. Whipple, .M. 1).

69 THE CHILDREN OF THE FIRST MARRIAGE WERE: John, m. Maria Story. William B., died unmarried. Mary Ann, m. Non. J. C. h'itnble. George 6'., b. Oct. 2, 1S17; m. Atin Elna- Clarissa Brimmer, m. John Brown. M.D. bel/i Bailey; d. June 19, iSSi. Edward, died unmarried. Kebecea B., m. Joseph Cummings. Emerson Cogs^oell, m. Hcpsy Trash. Joshua Jewell, m. Caroline A. I/amM.t. Hon. J. C. Kemble was, 1SS3. the Editor of a leading paper in Troy, X. Y. GEORGE S. WHII'PLE, M. I). George S. Whipple was born Oct. z, 1S17, in Hamilton, Mass. ; was educated in Bradford Academy under Prof. Benjamin Greenleaf, principal. He went West when quite young and taught school. With his earnings, he attended the Medical University in Louisville, Ky. After completing his medical course, he married .\nn Elizabeth Bailey, daughter of Hon. Thomas H. Bailey, of Carroll Co., Ky., and settled in Worthville. Ky., where he had a successful prac- tice until the Rebellion. He cast in his lot with the Confederates, and joined the Fourth Kentucky Cavalry under Morgan. He was appointed assistant surgeon and held the posi- tion until the regiment surrendered at Mount Sterling, April, 1S65. After the surrender he returned to Worthville, but soon removed to Louisville, where he practised until ill health compelled him to retire to Worthville. .\t the close of the war, having lost his property, he became discouraged and broken in spirits, his health gave way, and he died J\me 19, i.S.Si, in Worthville, Ky. Dr. Whipple was an esteemed member of the Methodist Church, and died with strong faith in his .Saviour. The funeral sermon was preached by Re\. John Kce\e-, from Heb. i.\. 2-. The widow, a son, and a daughter survive. A daughter, Mary Ann Kcmbic. died in childhood. Clara B., married Erederick II. Prentiss. They resided, 1SS3, at if. Bul- finch Street, Boston, Mass. The son, Thomas //. />'., was, 1SS3, connected with the house of H. W. Reese, Louisville, Kv. EMERSON COGSWELL. [90] (jS^encalogtcal. Emerson'^ Cogswell, {Emerson*, Wi/liam^, William-, Johii^), son of Emerson'* [28] and Mary (Pecker) Cogswell, was bapt. Feb. 12, 1743, in Ipswich, Mass. He married, 1773, ^Eiuiicc Robinson, daughter of Dr. Jeremiah and Eunice (Amsden; Robinson. She was born in Westford, Mass. They resided in Concord, Mass. Mrs. Eunice Cogswell died, and Mr. Cogswell married, May 3, 1789, -Ann Lcam- ara. She was born in 1762 and died Oct. 3, 1792. Mr. Cogswell then married, 1794, '^Mrs Elizabetli (Batcman) IhUtrick, widow of Nathan Buttrick, who survived him. Lieut. Cogswell died May 13, 1808. Mrs. Cogswell afterward married Amos Havward, of Winchendon, Mass THE CHILDRK.N OF THE FIRST MARRIAGE WERE: Mary, [251] m. Michael Stone, M.D.; d. Dec. 4, 1799. Bridget, [252] b. April 25, 1774. She died young. Lucy, [253] b. April 27, 1776; m. Nov. 30, 1795, James Call ; d. about 1856.


Martha, b. Oct. ii, 176.S; m. John Safford ; d. March 17, 1S43.<br />

Edward, b. Dec. S, 1771. He died <strong>in</strong> early life.<br />

Susannah Clark, b. March 15, 1774; m. ^John Botany j m. -Dr. Philip Cilley ; d.<br />

April 2, 1866.<br />

Polly, b. Sei)l. 3, 1777; m. Nov. 2S, 1795, 'Ca//. Isaac Hard<strong>in</strong>g ; m. Oct. 4, 1S06,<br />

^Xathatiicl Froth<strong>in</strong>ghaii! : d. April 16, 1S61.<br />

Edward, b. June 23, 17.S0; m. ^Clarissa Brimmer ; m. -Hannah Brimmer ; d. June<br />

28, 1 861.<br />

Bridget, b. April 17, 1782; m. David Gidd<strong>in</strong>gs ; d. March 22, 1S65.<br />

Jttrmoranla.<br />

O;//. John Whipple was a farmer. He filled various town offices; was a cavalry officer<br />

of the Kevvihitiun. Hl was often employed <strong>in</strong> convey<strong>in</strong>g letters and messages to and from<br />

Gen. Wash<strong>in</strong>gton. Capt. Whipple was <strong>in</strong> the .service at the capture of Burgoyne.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Sa^'orJ lived <strong>in</strong> Hamilton, Mass. Mr. Saftord died Oct. 17, iS;o. aged<br />

seventy years. Mrs. SafTord died March 17, 1843, aged seventy-four years.<br />

[ohii Boti<strong>in</strong>y WAi a Frenchman. He died Aug. 14, 1779, aged about twenty-eight years,<br />

<strong>in</strong> Ch,ulLstowii.'Ma.s>.<br />

.Mr... .SH>.,„n., Pol,u,y married -^Dr. Philip Ciller, of Salisbury, Mass. <strong>The</strong>y removed tu<br />

Wearc, X. II., where Dr. Cilley died, Sept. 16, 1S54, at the age of eighty years; and Mrs.<br />

Cilley died Ajnil 2, 1S66, aged n<strong>in</strong>ety-two years.<br />

Cap/. /s,i,ie J/aniiiierw^i a sea-capta<strong>in</strong>, of fhailestown, Mass. He died March 27, iSoi,<br />

at the age of thirtv vears, <strong>in</strong> Hamilton, Mas--.<br />

.Vniiey. h. Sept. 10. iSoo, <strong>in</strong> Hamilton, Ma>^. She died <strong>in</strong> Salem, July 24, 1S27.<br />

.Mr... r.K'iy [irhif-ple] Hjiil<strong>in</strong>g married, Oct. 4, 1.S06, -.Withaiiiel Froth lu^h.un, son of<br />

I)cac..n Janio Fi..tliiiml,:nn. He was horn July 12, 1770, <strong>in</strong> Charlestown, Mass. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

resided <strong>in</strong> S.ilem, M,i>>., where he died, Nov. 15', 1S57, aged eighty-seven years; and Mrs.<br />

Frolh<strong>in</strong>gham died .\pril 16, 1S61, aged eighty-three years.<br />


haae flirdiw.:, b. Sept. 19, 1S17 ; m. July 17, 1S32, Elizabeth Potter.<br />

.Martha Cogswell, 1.. Jan. 2. iSio; m. May 5, 1S36, El/'ri.ige Gerry Kob<strong>in</strong>son.<br />

.Ibraham Kand,h. July 15, 1S12; m. Feb. 17, 1S34, ^Annie .Maria Breed : m. Mav 3, 1S42,<br />

-Sarah H'illarJ : m. Oct. 28, 1S74, ^Mrs. Jtdia .4. Adams : A. June i, iSSi.<br />

.l/.7':v. 1). Sept. 2, 1S15; d. -March 12. 1816.<br />

John Whipple, b. Sept. 17, t.SiS; <strong>in</strong>. June 22. 1841, Maty Aiigehiie Thompson.<br />

Elbndge Gerry AWwnson was a brother nf William S. Kob<strong>in</strong>son, the well-known writer<br />

" Warr<strong>in</strong>gton."<br />

.Vathaniel Froth<strong>in</strong>gham, sun ..f I leacon lames Kfith<strong>in</strong>gham. had a sister, Hannah Froth-<br />

<strong>in</strong>gham. who married Asa burditt.<br />

.I/r. and .Mrs IXr.'id GnhUn-s lived <strong>in</strong> Hami)t,-.n, Mas>., where SU. Gidd<strong>in</strong>gs died Feb. 27,<br />

1854: ai\d Mrs. Gidd<strong>in</strong>gs died .March 22, 1865.<br />

Edward Whipple, son of Capt. John and Martha (Cogswell) Whipple, married 'Clari.t.ia<br />

/trimmer, of Beverly, Mass. After her death he married her sister, -I/annah Brimmer. <strong>The</strong>y<br />

resided at the old Whipple homestead, <strong>in</strong> Hamilton. Mass. Mr. Whipple died June 28, iSrii,<br />

<strong>in</strong> Worthville, Cancll Co., Ky., at the .age of eightv vear>, at the residence of his son, Cieorge<br />

S. Whipple, .M. 1).

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