Family-histories and genealogies : containing a series of ...

Family-histories and genealogies : containing a series of ... Family-histories and genealogies : containing a series of ...



"Nottn on tJje :ffumiUt& of nontf mXi Stuaf^ne Robert Bond, whose sister Jane was the wife of John Ogden, having married John Ogden's sister Hannah, the twofold alliance calls for a brief notice, here, of Robert Bond. Robert Bond is first heard of in Lynn, Massachusetts. He was " a resident of Southampton, L. I., as early as 1643. He was appointed, Oct. 1644, by the General Court of Connecticut, in company with Mr. Moore, 'to demand of each family of Southampton the amount they would give for the maintenance of scholars at Cambridge College.' He was one of the company that settled East Hampton in 1648." He was Magistrate in the Upper House of the General Court of Connecticut in 1660. In 1662-63 the vote was recorded to put in nomination at the next Court of Election "Mr. Bond" with two others. In the General Assembly of Election in 1663 " Mr. Bond was appointed a Commissioner" on Long Island, and "invested with magistraticall power on the Island," where the plantation of Southold was in an unsettled state. In 1664 "Mr. Bond" was appointed a Magistrate for East Hampton. Hinman says : " These facts fully prove the exalted standing held by Mr. Robert Bond in the early settlement of Long Island, while under the government of Connecticut. . . . He was for several years a Magistrate under Connecticut on Long Island, and as such attended the Gen'l Court at Hartford." " His intimacy with Ogden . . . and others of his neighbors who were about to remove to these parts, led him to cast in his lot with them, and lend his valuable counsels to the settlement of this 353


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