Family-histories and genealogies : containing a series of ...

Family-histories and genealogies : containing a series of ... Family-histories and genealogies : containing a series of ...


#fltreti=3lotinsoit of Secretary of the Treasury, eventually adopted the practice of the law. He undoubtedly possessed the greatest qualities of a legal mind, but was necessarily wanting in the course of reading required for an experienced counsel. To supply such deficiency he had usually associated with him, in important cases, Richard Harison, in whose office Thomas L. Ogden was then studying. At the conjuncture of Hamilton's partial retirement from the law, to assume the command of the army raised during the short French War, he had need of an assistant to manage his unfinished business. Those who had known Thomas L. Ogden in his boyhood, and followed with interest the early part of his professional career, were not slow in recognizing the powers of his mind. A proposition was accord- ingly made to him, and a business connection formed with General Hamilton, which continued until the tragic death of that great man. The early reputation which Mr. Ogden established for integrity and legal capacity, had the effect of investing him with the management of large interests. . . . As Law Officer of the Corporation of Trinity Church he was ever vigilant in protecting the title of its vast property ; Clerk and Member of the Vestry for a period of 35 years, and at the time of his death Senior Warden, he shared largely in the labors and responsibilities of that body. He was an early Patron of the Theological Seminary, and one of the original Trustees under the Act of Incorporation, also one of the Founders of the Prot. Episc. Soc. for Promoting Religion and Learn- ing in the State of New York, and at the time of his death Vice President of that Society. The politics of Mr. Ogden were in correspondence with the Federal doctrines of Washington and Hamilton, and, when the Federal Party broke up, he ceased to be a partizan in new political combinations. At the breaking out of the war with Revolutionary France he entered, with three of his brothers, a company of Volunteers called the Federal Guards. . . . The powers of his mind endured to the last. Indefatigable in his labors he died, with unfaltering courage, at the post of duty.' " " "The inscription on his monument, in the robing-room of Trinity Church, is as follows : " ' Sacred to the Memory of Thomas Ludlow Ogden, for 38 years Vestryman of this Parish, and at the time of his death Senior Warden. Born at Newark, N. J., « Id. 278

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