Genealogy of the Olmsted family in America : embracing the ...

Genealogy of the Olmsted family in America : embracing the ... Genealogy of the Olmsted family in America : embracing the ...


484 Olmsted Family Genealogy John W., 405 Millard Filmore, 321 Nathan C, 145 Phllo Mason, 321 Rinaldo, 406 Sidney N., 321 Stephen Olmsted, 321 William K., 405, 410 FBnrCIi, Frederick Almyron, 357 Frederick Seaton, 382 George Washington, 357 Henry Ferris, 357 Irving Hudson, 357 James Corbin, 357 FBINGI^E, I>wight Hlberr ton, 138 FU'ljiSIZ'EB, Charles Louis, 338 Frank Hamilton, 270, 338 Harold Mandevllle, 338, 374 Howard Dustin, 338 FURVES, James A., 279 John T., 279>S, Leon Franklin, 178 Lester Albert, 178 RAVrOBTa, Fdward Morris, 286 SAy, Frederick Sylvanus, 380 Walter Harold, 380 BEAD, Frnest O., 431 Harry Frederick, 431 KEED, Abijah, 204 Alvin J., 296 David C, 296 Ezra, 224 George N., 296 J. Crandall, 296 Luman, 204, 224 Oliver, 224 Rosooe Eliakim, 224 Roswell, 224 William, 224 BEHWICK, James, 134 BEW, Edward T., 323, 324 John Aurelian, 324 BEYITOIiDS, Charles Olmsted, 60 Delos, 345 Floyd C, 173 Francis, 60 Frederick Olmsted. 60 George, 60 John M., 60 Joseph G., 60 Silas Gleason, 173 BICE, Charles Josiah, 356 Herman Bradley, 381 Joseph Ferris, 366 BICHABSS, William, 72 BOBBIN'S, Frederick S., 347 BOBBBTS, Charles Farley, 340 Daniel, 269 Edtward Constant, 377 Francis Thacher, 377 Guy Milton, 340 John Taylor, 377 Orlan, 170 BOBnrSON, Caldwell Colt, 427 Francis, 427 Frederick Miller, 274 George Nelson, 274 Harry A., 357 Harry Arthur, 301 James Howard, 274 Thaddeus Peter, 274 William, 39 BODQEB, William Sherman, 386 BOFF, Henry, 417 BOSS, Byron, 74 Edward A., 143, 174 Edwin Burtis, 174 Elmore N., 143 Henry Cornwell, 170 Horace, 74 John N., 143, 174 Mason, 74 Robert Stanley, 143 Stanley B., 142 William Henry, 143 BOWUBY, Alfred G., 236 Archie B., 361 Robert E., 355 BOYCE, Roland. 98 HVTSTKImE, William J., 355 BumrAir, Arthur C, 146 Claude S., 146 Herbert W., 146 BUSS, Frank Henry, 141 Minor Oscar, 141 SAUISBUB'S', Lucius C, 134 Mason W., 134 Moreau J., 85, 134 Nathan J., 86 Samuel B., 86 SAUMOirS, Clark Melville, 410 Harold A., 410 Oliver J., 410 SAMSON, Henry Parsons, 369 Paul Olmsted, 369 SAin>EBS, Charles. 166 Cooper, 166 David, 166 SAHFOBD, Lauren Jerome, 246 Orlando Harman, 246 SABGEHT, Francis, 119 Winthrop Henry, 119 SAX, Arthur G., 140 Floyd D., 140 George H., 140 Marshall C, 140 Wilber B., 140 SCOFIEI^D, Addison, 275 SCOTT, Thomas Winfleld, 334 SCOVXIiKE, Edward Ely, 164 SCBAITTON', Cuthbert, 93 Edward Brown. 54 Henry Harris, 54 Henry T., 93 W^illiam Bennett, 54, 93 SCTJTT, Floyd R., 422 James B., 422 Joseph F., 422 William W., 422 SEABVB'S', Edward, 323 William Alfred, 323 SBAVLAXr, William, 282 SEEI^E-S-, Bartholf, 316 Charles, 316 Edward, 316 Edward H., 319 Frederick, 316 Irvin, 319 Peter Townsend, 316 Robert Raymond, 319 SEEI^VE, Harry L., 160, 178 Murny Walter, 160, 178 SETMOVB, Allyn Olmsted, 164 Charles Olmsted, 329 Christopher, 329 David Chapln, 164 Dennison Olmsted, 122 Edward G., 124 Francis Hall. 106 Frederick Elisha, 77, 125 George B., 124 Howard York, 164 Jay H., 124 Jonathan Goodwin, 76, 124 Kirtland Henry, 77 Lanson Lauren, 76 Marion Frank, 364 Melancthon Hiram, 122, 164 Theodore Frederick, 125 Zechariah, 427 SEXTON, Frank L., 303 SMEETS, David L.. 153 George, 153 John M., 153 Paul, 153 Samuel, 153 SISEia>OIT, Asa Olmsted, 56 Eugene Constantine, 56 Theodore, 56 SHmWWftTT, Arthur Leland, 410 Ernest True, 410 Frank S., 410 Lawrence Fremont, 411 SSEBWOOD, Charles, 239 Christopher, 239 Derwent, 357 George Smedes, 299 Philip, 239 Smith Jones, 239, 299 William, 239, 299 SIKItCWAT, Anson, 335 Edward, 335 Frederick, 335 William, 335 Winfleld, 335 SmFSON, Albert, 137 Ellsworth, 137 S3L&SE, Arthur Jarvis, 161 George Norman, 179 George Theron.^ 161, 179 Slk&nsoir, Leander, 285 SanxX'S', Howard Dwight, 354 Jam es Robinson, 354 SHOTS, Alfred Henry, 142, 173 Charles Alanson, 301 Clifton R., 301 Ebenezer Dutton, 52 Edward H., 314 EJzra Powell Kellogg, 52 Gaylord, 173 George E., 301 Harvey Olmsted, 372 Hinsdale Stookbrldge, 372 John O., 314 Jonathan Crosby, 52 Raymond Stockbridge, 372 Robert E., 145 Roland P., 366 Sylvester Olmsted, 52 William P., 301, 314 SasrOVT, Charles Dean, 327 Charles Edward, 368 Joseph Williams, 368 Marshall Olmsted, 327 Olln Douglas, 327 Warren James, 368 SOI^OMOir, Lloyd Clark, 414 SOOYSIQTH, Haven, 157 SOBKBtrBQEB, Elbert, 313 Hiram, 313, 430 Stephen, 313, 430 SOTT^E Eugene Beauharnols, 240 Hiram Allen, 240 John Sanford. 240 Joseph Darius, 240 SFAIVDIXTG, Charles, 409 George, 409

Henry, 409 Jerry, 409 SPABSOW, John Wentworth, 359 SFEXTCIiB, Charles S., 302 Frederick "W., 302 George F., 302 Rufus J., 302 SFEBKT, Elbert, 430 Jabez, 430 "Walter, 430 William, 430 STACKHOUSE, Samuel John, 365 STAin^ET, Ashbel, 23, 24, 27, 36, 61 Asher Osborn, 90 Asher Porter, 90 Benjamin Olcott, 90 Caleb, 23 Egbert, 61 Blisha, 27 George, 61 Henry Olmsted, 46 Isaac, 23 Jacob, 90 James, 61 Jonathan 24 Joseph, 23 Martin, 27 Moses, 23, 36 Samuel, 27 Theodore, 27 Thomas S., 46 William, 26, 61 William Henry, 90, 142 SnrAJTTOIT, Edmund. 339 STABK, Henry Wilder, 407 SIXABXrS, Henry Putnam, 165 Stuart Olmsted, 165 BXHEIX, Timothy, 424 SXEFHXITS, William Marshall, 415 STETrXNTOUS, Henry Olmsted, 322 STEVENSOIir, Charles Butler, 377 Donald McWilliams, 349 Donald Raworth, 377 John Gault, 349 William Raworth, 349 STOCXTOir John Potter, 372, 387 Richard, 372 STOSBABO, Crosby Eugene, 306 Liucien Harding, 306 Shapley, 321 Shirley Goodrich, 359 William Fayette, 306 William Sanford, 306, 359 STOHE, Albert, 285 Bbenezer R., 285 Frank Edward, 135 John (Don) Olmsted, 135 STOBT, Columbus, 79 Elliott, 79 John Q., 79 Melvin, 79 KSKEETHM, Ashbel Henry, 115 Clarence Edwin, 115 George Martin, 115 Harry Perclval, 115 Henry, 273 Julius Edwin, 115 Orrin Danvers, 115 Ralph, 115 SmunrO, EUsworth Olmsted, 165 Prentice, 161, 179 Robert Chamberlain, 165 Index 485 Theron George, 119, 161 Theron R., 165 STVBQESS, Charles, 233 David M., 233 John, 233 Levi O., 233 STTTBaiS, Roibert Bement, 379 Samuel Davis, 379 STJlitlVAK, Earl Roy, 144 Warner Hopkins, 144 SWAir, Pitch Williams, 271 Frederick Hill, 271 Nathan Pitch, 224, 271 wailiam, 148 SWEET, Francis Westervelt, 372 Freeman, 383 Louis de Wolf, 372 Walter, 383 SWEETKAITD, Loren Lorenzo, 81 SWETT, Darwin Moulton, 405 Wilmer, 405 TABEB, Bert, 430 Elbert, 430 Ralph, 430 TAIJCOTT, F. L., 64 TATBO, Robert Henry, 158 TA'SXOB, Burr, 229 Charles Curtis, 365 Dean French, 365 Eliphalet, 229 Francis W., 319 Frederick, 319 George, 229 Henry Bailey, 319 Leland P., 179 Ralph William, 365 Vernon Frank, 428 THOBCPSOK, Arthur Lee, 373 Clayton B., 373 Clinton O., 373 Frederick, 373 Roy W., 373 Silas E., 373 TBlTBTEUt, Edward Olmsted, 153, 177 TISDEir. Kenneth, 384 Lyle, 384 Tm^OTBOy, Lester. 335 TINKEB, Reuben, 29 Sylvanus, 29 William Olmsted, 29 TOOF, Charles, 141 Frank, 141 Frederick, 141 Herman, 141 TOWRE, Floyd W., 374 Harry R., 374 Walter D., 374 TOWirSBMS Ernest, 146 Horace Earle, 146 TBACT, Cornelius Lansing, 295 TBEKAEHE, William Allen, 143 TBEVOB, George Wheeler, 320 TBSPPE, Clarence Morton, 161 Edward Snow, 368 TTTCXEB, Stephen Olmsted,, 55 TUIAEB, Philo, 76 Wareham, 77 William Henry, 77 'X'UMJIlC'J^lFJfE, John James, 382 Tinurajt, Frank E., 95, 145 John Strong, 179 William C, 95, 145 TYJ^EB, Justin Arthur, 119 Romaine, 119 UI^I^EBY', Richard Stockton, 387 UTTEB, Adalbert, 139 VAIT BUBEIT, Charles Henry, 290 Frank, 290 Fredericlc, 290 Herbert, 290 VAIT BTTSKIBK, Lawrence, 64 VANSEBBIXiT, Charles Bdson. 171 Edwin Mark, 171 Farley, 126 Henry, 126 John Jacob, 126 Lewis, 126, 170 Mark, 126, 171 Orrin Austin, 126, 170 Riley, 126 W^illiam Mark, 171 Willie Guy, 171 VAIT SUSEM', Alexander Martin, 295 Charles Palmer, 295 Louis Lindsley, 295 "VAJSt TASSEI^t Benjamin DeF., 330 Frank, 330 George Ogden, 330 Lewis James, 330 Louie, 330 William Ackerman, 330 VOIG-KT, Arthur Goodwin, 154 VOSBTTBO, Elmer E., 125 George G., 125 WADE, Clarence O., 341 Floyd, 341 George M., 341 John Wesley, 341 Le-wis v., 341 Orville C, 341 Ralph J., 375 WADSWOBTK, Charles Frederick, 113, 158 Craig W., 158 Craig Wharton, 113, 158 Frederick E., 121 George H., 121 Herbert, 113 James, 64 James S., 65, 112 James Samuel, 158 James Wolcott, 113, 158 Livingston, 113 Romeyn B., 121 Sereno D., 121 William Austin, 113 William O., 121 William Wolcott, 65, 113 WAITE, Alfred S., 342 Edward Grant, 342 Frank A., 342 Joseph S., 342 Robert, 376 Spencer A., 342 William A., 342 VTA^bBBXDOE, Arthur Hess, 374 Edward Dewey, 374 WAZ^I^ACE, George Gale, 387 Lew B., 387 WAUIiS, E!merson Gibson. 427 Everett EIroy, 427 WAKTEB, Clinton M., 168 Clyde D., 168 Robert Bruce, 168 Thaddeus T., 168 WABD, Frank, 309 Jasper Dudley, 377

484 <strong>Olmsted</strong> Family <strong>Genealogy</strong><br />

John W., 405<br />

Millard Filmore, 321<br />

Nathan C, 145<br />

Phllo Mason, 321<br />

R<strong>in</strong>aldo, 406<br />

Sidney N., 321<br />

Stephen <strong>Olmsted</strong>, 321<br />

William K., 405, 410<br />

FBnrCIi, Frederick Almyron,<br />

357<br />

Frederick Seaton, 382<br />

George Wash<strong>in</strong>gton, 357<br />

Henry Ferris, 357<br />

Irv<strong>in</strong>g Hudson, 357<br />

James Corb<strong>in</strong>, 357<br />

FBINGI^E, I>wight Hlberr<br />

ton, 138<br />

FU'ljiSIZ'EB, Charles Louis,<br />

338<br />

Frank Hamilton, 270, 338<br />

Harold Mandevllle, 338,<br />

374<br />

Howard Dust<strong>in</strong>, 338<br />

FURVES, James A., 279<br />

John T., 279<br />

IUI.<strong>in</strong>>S, Leon Frankl<strong>in</strong>, 178<br />

Lester Albert, 178<br />

RAVrOBTa, Fdward Morris,<br />

286<br />

SAy, Frederick Sylvanus,<br />

380<br />

Walter Harold, 380<br />

BEAD, Frnest O., 431<br />

Harry Frederick, 431<br />

KEED, Abijah, 204<br />

Alv<strong>in</strong> J., 296<br />

David C, 296<br />

Ezra, 224<br />

George N., 296<br />

J. Crandall, 296<br />

Luman, 204, 224<br />

Oliver, 224<br />

Rosooe Eliakim, 224<br />

Roswell, 224<br />

William, 224<br />

BEHWICK, James, 134<br />

BEW, Edward T., 323, 324<br />

John Aurelian, 324<br />

BEYITOIiDS, Charles <strong>Olmsted</strong>,<br />

60<br />

Delos, 345<br />

Floyd C, 173<br />

Francis, 60<br />

Frederick <strong>Olmsted</strong>. 60<br />

George, 60<br />

John M., 60<br />

Joseph G., 60<br />

Silas Gleason, 173<br />

BICE, Charles Josiah, 356<br />

Herman Bradley, 381<br />

Joseph Ferris, 366<br />

BICHABSS, William, 72<br />

BOBBIN'S, Frederick S., 347<br />

BOBBBTS, Charles Farley,<br />

340<br />

Daniel, 269<br />

Edtward Constant, 377<br />

Francis Thacher, 377<br />

Guy Milton, 340<br />

John Taylor, 377<br />

Orlan, 170<br />

BOBnrSON, Caldwell Colt,<br />

427<br />

Francis, 427<br />

Frederick Miller, 274<br />

George Nelson, 274<br />

Harry A., 357<br />

Harry Arthur, 301<br />

James Howard, 274<br />

Thaddeus Peter, 274<br />

William, 39<br />

BODQEB, William Sherman,<br />

386<br />

BOFF, Henry, 417<br />

BOSS, Byron, 74<br />

Edward A., 143, 174<br />

Edw<strong>in</strong> Burtis, 174<br />

Elmore N., 143<br />

Henry Cornwell, 170<br />

Horace, 74<br />

John N., 143, 174<br />

Mason, 74<br />

Robert Stanley, 143<br />

Stanley B., 142<br />

William Henry, 143<br />

BOWUBY, Alfred G., 236<br />

Archie B., 361<br />

Robert E., 355<br />

BOYCE, Roland. 98<br />

HVTSTKImE, William J., 355<br />

BumrAir, Arthur C, 146<br />

Claude S., 146<br />

Herbert W., 146<br />

BUSS, Frank Henry, 141<br />

M<strong>in</strong>or Oscar, 141<br />

SAUISBUB'S', Lucius C,<br />

134<br />

Mason W., 134<br />

Moreau J., 85, 134<br />

Nathan J., 86<br />

Samuel B., 86<br />

SAUMOirS, Clark Melville,<br />

410<br />

Harold A., 410<br />

Oliver J., 410<br />

SAMSON, Henry Parsons,<br />

369<br />

Paul <strong>Olmsted</strong>, 369<br />

SA<strong>in</strong>>EBS, Charles. 166<br />

Cooper, 166<br />

David, 166<br />

SAHFOBD, Lauren Jerome,<br />

246<br />

Orlando Harman, 246<br />

SABGEHT, Francis, 119<br />

W<strong>in</strong>throp Henry, 119<br />

SAX, Arthur G., 140<br />

Floyd D., 140<br />

George H., 140<br />

Marshall C, 140<br />

Wilber B., 140<br />

SCOFIEI^D, Addison, 275<br />

SCOTT, Thomas W<strong>in</strong>fleld,<br />

334<br />

SCOVXIiKE, Edward Ely,<br />

164<br />

SCBAITTON', Cuthbert, 93<br />

Edward Brown. 54<br />

Henry Harris, 54<br />

Henry T., 93<br />

W^illiam Bennett, 54, 93<br />

SCTJTT, Floyd R., 422<br />

James B., 422<br />

Joseph F., 422<br />

William W., 422<br />

SEABVB'S', Edward, 323<br />

William Alfred, 323<br />

SBAVLAXr, William, 282<br />

SEEI^E-S-, Bartholf, 316<br />

Charles, 316<br />

Edward, 316<br />

Edward H., 319<br />

Frederick, 316<br />

Irv<strong>in</strong>, 319<br />

Peter Townsend, 316<br />

Robert Raymond, 319<br />

SEEI^VE, Harry L., 160, 178<br />

Murny Walter, 160, 178<br />

SETMOVB, Allyn <strong>Olmsted</strong>,<br />

164<br />

Charles <strong>Olmsted</strong>, 329<br />

Christopher, 329<br />

David Chapln, 164<br />

Dennison <strong>Olmsted</strong>, 122<br />

Edward G., 124<br />

Francis Hall. 106<br />

Frederick Elisha, 77, 125<br />

George B., 124<br />

Howard York, 164<br />

Jay H., 124<br />

Jonathan Goodw<strong>in</strong>, 76,<br />

124<br />

Kirtland Henry, 77<br />

Lanson Lauren, 76<br />

Marion Frank, 364<br />

Melancthon Hiram, 122,<br />

164<br />

Theodore Frederick, 125<br />

Zechariah, 427<br />

SEXTON, Frank L., 303<br />

SMEETS, David L.. 153<br />

George, 153<br />

John M., 153<br />

Paul, 153<br />

Samuel, 153<br />

SISEia>OIT, Asa <strong>Olmsted</strong>, 56<br />

Eugene Constant<strong>in</strong>e, 56<br />

Theodore, 56<br />

SHmWWftTT, Arthur Leland,<br />

410<br />

Ernest True, 410<br />

Frank S., 410<br />

Lawrence Fremont, 411<br />

SSEBWOOD, Charles, 239<br />

Christopher, 239<br />

Derwent, 357<br />

George Smedes, 299<br />

Philip, 239<br />

Smith Jones, 239, 299<br />

William, 239, 299<br />

SIKItCWAT, Anson, 335<br />

Edward, 335<br />

Frederick, 335<br />

William, 335<br />

W<strong>in</strong>fleld, 335<br />

SmFSON, Albert, 137<br />

Ellsworth, 137<br />

S3L&SE, Arthur Jarvis, 161<br />

George Norman, 179<br />

George Theron.^ 161, 179<br />

Slk&nsoir, Leander, 285<br />

SanxX'S', Howard Dwight,<br />

354<br />

Jam es Rob<strong>in</strong>son, 354<br />

SHOTS, Alfred Henry, 142,<br />

173<br />

Charles Alanson, 301<br />

Clifton R., 301<br />

Ebenezer Dutton, 52<br />

Edward H., 314<br />

EJzra Powell Kellogg, 52<br />

Gaylord, 173<br />

George E., 301<br />

Harvey <strong>Olmsted</strong>, 372<br />

H<strong>in</strong>sdale Stookbrldge, 372<br />

John O., 314<br />

Jonathan Crosby, 52<br />

Raymond Stockbridge, 372<br />

Robert E., 145<br />

Roland P., 366<br />

Sylvester <strong>Olmsted</strong>, 52<br />

William P., 301, 314<br />

SasrOVT, Charles Dean, 327<br />

Charles Edward, 368<br />

Joseph Williams, 368<br />

Marshall <strong>Olmsted</strong>, 327<br />

Olln Douglas, 327<br />

Warren James, 368<br />

SOI^OMOir, Lloyd Clark,<br />

414<br />

SOOYSIQTH, Haven, 157<br />

SOBKBtrBQEB, Elbert, 313<br />

Hiram, 313, 430<br />

Stephen, 313, 430<br />

SOTT^E Eugene Beauharnols,<br />

240<br />

Hiram Allen, 240<br />

John Sanford. 240<br />

Joseph Darius, 240<br />

SFAIVDIXTG, Charles, 409<br />

George, 409

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