Genealogy of the Olmsted family in America : embracing the ...

Genealogy of the Olmsted family in America : embracing the ... Genealogy of the Olmsted family in America : embracing the ...


482 Olmsted Family Genealogy James, 401 John, 401 John B., 401 Oliver Moody, 401 Simeon, 401 WlUlam, 401 Hedges Emmet, 170 HEIiI^irEB, Edwin Fayette, 33g Eugen, 338 George Warren, 338 Harold, 338 Howard, 338 William Olmsted, 338 EEKSIES, John P., 277 HENDEBSOIT, Allen, 134 HEBBIira, Reuben, 332 HESS, Franlc Judson, 340 HIGBEE, Charles, 110 Charles Howell, 110 William Howell, 110 HII^I^IS, Clark, 430 Donald, 430 Frank P., 430 Randolph, 430 Richard A., 430 Roy, 430 Stephen, 430 Hltl^inAIT, John Olmsted, 385 Lawrence, 385 Richard Henry, 385 HIIiIiS, Henry, 38 Hezeklah, 38 Leonard, 38 Stephen, 38 HII^TOH, Harley Clarke, 350 Lamar, 350 HOBBT, Benjamin, 237 Edwin, 237 Joseph, 237 Samuel S., 237 William, 237 HOBEB, Mathew John, 138 Samuel Bertie, 138 Willard Lewis, 138 William Henry, 138 HODCS-ES, Chauncey Leon, 424 James, 424 William F., 424 JIOXmCOMB, Albert, 261 Alexis, 261 Harry Sweetzer, 328 Hiram, 261 Wanzer, 261 William Worthy, 328 HOKCOMBE, Harold Goodwin, 154 John Marshall, 154 KOI^IrAND, Josiah Gilbert, 377 KOI^MAH', Edward Francis, 115 Elmer Thomas, 115 Leon Wright, 369 Myron Sylvanus, 115 HOI^MES, Carroll Olmsted, 363 Walter Monroe, 117 William Olmsted, 117 BOOFEB, Frederick Olmsted, 340 Ralph de Leslie, 340 HOBTOIT, Albert Henry, 128 Clarence Wesley, 129 Edward Francis, 128 Frederick Buell, 128 George Millard, 128 HOTCHKISS, Carlton Allen, 176 Charles Francis, 176 George Edward, 151, 177 George Henry, 176 Harrison Morton, 176 Henry Augustus, 151 Leon, 177 Ralph William, 176 Roy, 177 William Reed, 151, 176 HOYT, Benjamin, 237 Charles Smith, 284 Chauncey Olmsted, 284 James Clayton, 230 Mortimer James, 284 William Oscar, 284 HVBSOH, Henry, 110 Philip Woolsey, 110 Sanford, 110 William Edward, 110 HVMFHBEV, James L., 361 Theodore Friend, 351 HVN'TIH'aTOlT, Ethelwin, 173 Ford, 173 HUBD, Charles Lester, 380 HUBIiBUBT, Chauncey, 42 David Olmsted, 311 Edward Everett, 113 George Washington Reed, 120 George William, 316 Giles, 42, 71, 120 Henry Kingsbury, 66 Henry Winthrop, 113 Ira Cole, 316 Isaac, D. S., oil John, 42 Joseph Olmsted, 66, 113 HYATT, Charles, 284 Philip O., 284 IDE, Francis S., 414 Grant S., 409 IVES, Albert, 119 Frank, 119 Ralph, 119 JENKS, Arthur, 104 Edward, 104 Frederick Stanley, 104 George Clinton, 104 JONES, Albert Henry, 304 Charles Holbrook, 146 Griffith Milton, 169 James Taylor, 304 Tom Olmsted, 169 JOSXiIIT, Henry, 137 JOtTBEBT, Clement Carver, 415 Bldon, 415 Eldon Gordon, 412 Sylvester Gordon, 415 Wilfred A., 412 KEEI^EB, Charles Lewis, 262 George Olmsted, 262 Henry, 262 Joseph Belden, 262 KEIiI^OaQ, Ezra Powell, 52, 90 John Olmsted, 90 Jonathan Crosby, 52 Montgomery Anderson, 90 Sylvester Truman, 52, 90 William Lindsey, 90 KEI^SET, Weston Maynard, 179 KENT, Benjamin L., 296 KETCHUU, Charles Townsend, 315 David, 315 Edward Alonzo, 315 Joseph Secor, 315 William Olmsted, 315 KIUBAXK, Lyman Chandler, 373 XINO, Charles, 339 Charles Olmsted, 149 George Allen, 149 Joseph Elijah, 226 Louis Henry, 149 Prince A., 416 KIiraSBUBY, Andria Milton, 75 Dennison, 44, 75 Frederick Lucas, 75 George F., 74 Gilbert Dennison, 75 Harry, 44 John, 44, 74 John Dennison, 75 Joseph, 44, 75 Joseph Byron, 75 XINNEB, Asa, 169 Frank, 169 Leonard, 169 KIBX, Samuel K. O., 285 KITTBEDQE, Benjamin R., 178 KNAFP, Daniel, 308 Everett, 376 Frank Lester, 308 XOON, Archie Marvin, 362 Archie Wallace, 384 Frank Hiram, 362 I^ADD, Amos, 410 Eugene F., 410 William Porter, 410 I;ASKEB, George C, 140 I^EAVITT, Alfred, 103 Frank W., 151 Westley Lea, 103, 151 William, 103 I^ENNOIT, Clarence D., 89 Cyrenlus Moses, 89 I^ESH, George Mason Holmes, 179 £EWIS, Irving C, 359 UTTKE, Frederick Scott, 411 IiOAB, Charles JefCerson, 375 Earl George, 375 Frederick John, 375 lOCKWOOS, Charles Edwin, 311 Ebenezer, 311 Edwin Fitch, 311 Herman, 317 I^OiriTSBUBV, Harry A., 350 I^O'WBIE, John Marshall, 379 Selden Gale, 379 McJA'Z', William Seymour, 125 Md^ATTGHIiIN', Walter Bruce, 356 McI^EAN, Allan, 155 Archibald, 419 George Washington, 419 Henry Coit, 155 John T., 419 IScHITCHEI^I^, John. 397 McNAi;!^, Harrold, 381 McFHEBSON, Adam, 417 Benjamin Mills, 417 Daniel Griswold, 417 John Hall, 417 Thomas Adams, 417 UANIT, Leslie Edwin, 358 MAmniTG, Burton Augustus, 157 Edward Henry, 157 Roger Welles, 157 MAITSFIEI^D, Burdett P., 149 Clarence, 149 MABFIEKD, Samuel Haywood, 416

MABSH, Dwight, 399 Elijah, 395, 398 Elisha, 395 Ephraim, 398 Poster, 399 Jacob, 399 James, 399 Joel, 395, 399 Jonathan, 395, 399 Judah, 395 Noah, 395 Sewell, 399 Thayer, 398 Thomas, 395, 398 William, 396 Zenas, 399 MABSHAI^K, Andrew, 321 Henry "W., 321 MASTEB, Henry, 174 John Redman Coxe, 174 "William Olmsted, 174 MATTHEWS, Leroy Alton, 415 MA'?, Emery, 385 Marvin, 385 UAXSOIT, Croydon Kingsley, 181 Grant Ellsworth, 181 Karl Ruskin, 181 Ward Olmsted, 181 M£A9, Eri Melville, 289 Eugene, 289 MEADEB, Willard Olmsted, 301 MEDSAUOH, Edward M., 89 George Henry, 89 MEBCSAH'T, Aaron, 268 Abel L,., 268 Arlo J., 268 David O., 268 Dewltt C, 268 Enoch, 268 George W., 268 Gordon, 268 Harry, 150 James P., 268 Lewis H., 268 Norman Mills, 268 Oliver, 268 Silas B., 268 mCHAEIi, Ernest Ambrose, 358 SUSDKEBBOOK, James Louis, 371 Chauncey O., 348 IIXDKEB, Charles D., 409 Charles Wesley, 404 David M., 409 Edward, 414 Frank C, 168, 181 Granville, 409, Harvey Lee, 409 Herman Robert, 181 Isaac Eldward, 409 La Rue, 415 Le Roy, 415 Levi, 409 Lewis P., 374 Merlin, 414 Roy, 409 Russell, 415 William Henry, 404 lajUiS, Benjamin, 417 Charles Dudley, 76 Charles Hudson, 417 Francis L., 371 Henry, 76 Virgil X, 375 Willis Burr, 371 ICOEHXtTa, Sage Alexander, 124 MOOBE, Leon, 383 Michael, 358 Index 483 William Robert, 358 MOBE, Charles, 430 Harmon, 430 MOBGAIT, Austin Avery, 355 Bela Brewster, 355 Eugene H., 304 Harvey Ferris, 355 Israel Pitch, 355 Oliver Charles, 304 William Charles, 355 William George, 381 MOBIiEY. Frank May, 137 UOBSE, William, 177 MOBTOir, Hawley Edwin, 376 SCOSS, Edward Lewis, 339 Joseph Olmsted, 339 XOJJI.TOISt, Arthur Ferris, 380 Ernest Francis, -380 Robert Harrison, 380 Sylvanus Ferris, 380 aCUl^I^AJTV, A. J., 64 MUXTG-EB, George, 413 Gershom, 413 KITBDOCK, Samuel, 309 ITASS, Abraham, 208 Charles, 234 Daniel, 208 Jared, 208, 234 Samuel O., 208 N'A'YXOB, Howard H., 374 VTEWEImIm, John, 192 Joseph, 192 Robert William, 138 Samuel, 192 Thomas, 192 NICSOKS, Arthur, 430 Chauncey, 430 Edd, 430 Irvin, 430 KICOKi Frederick Walter. ITHiES, Daniel Swift, 109 Edward Cullen, 109 John Olmsted, 109 William Porter, 109 ITOBI^E, Charles M., 144, 175 Frederick E., 175 George Henry, 144, 175 Harry Eugene Hall, 175 irOBTH, Frederick Benedict, 114 NOBTSBOF, Albert B., 236 Francis B., 236 Hiram Olmsted, 236 Jared A., 236 NOBTOH, Alvin L., 270 Edwin, 41 Jabez, 25 Job, 41 John, 25 Julian, 41 Linus, 25 Samuel, 25 Selah, 25, 40, 41 William, 41 William S., 270 irOTEWABE, Albert, 298 Asa B., 239, 299 Chauncey N.. 239, 299 James H., 239, 298 Myron H., 239 Myron P., 299 Warren, 299 ITITDD, Alfred, 177 Harold, 177 Roland, 177 William, 177 OSEIiK, Everett M., 430 Harold E., 430 OODEN, Archibald Gracie, 377 OSBOBN, Asher P., 51 David, 292 Edwin J., 142, 174 Frank O., 142 Stanley J., 142 OVTI^AVr, Madison Willis, 353 William Frederick, 353 FAI^MEB, Bert H., 176 PAIVTEB, William Olmsted, 350 FABISa, J. Raymond, 375 Orval H., 375 FABK, Frank E., 175 PABSONS, Charles Sutherland, 117 Henry Herbert, 117 Samuel Leonard, 117 PABTBISQE, Charles L., 367 PAUIi, Dean Richmond, 147 Dudley Olmsted, 429 Richmond Walker, 429 PAXTON, Edward Samuel, 166 James Everett, 166 PEET, Olmsted, 431 FEBKIN'S, Carleton Hyde, 163 Clarence Edgar, 169 Prank L., 170 Frederick Lyman, 121 George Henry, 121 Kenneth Rogers, 163 Willard S., 324 Wjlliam More, 331 FHEKPS, Charles, 86 PICKETT, Charles K., 401 J. Frank, 405 Jacob H., 401 John W., 401 Russell T., 401 PXBBCE, Gaylord, 247 Loren Richard, 313 PIEBSOir, Howard Olmsted, 369 PHTITE'S', Jonathan Olmsted, 51 Petit Smith, 51 Sylvester, 51 PITKUT, Albert, 62 Anthony, 63 Austin, 71 Charles, 71 Charles S., 112 Daniel, 36, 62 George, 39 James, 36, 62 John, 38 John W^aldo, 63 Leonard, 62 Ozias, 36 Ralph, 62 Robert, 63, 112 Robert Knox, 112 PI^ACE, Edward, 291 John, 291 FnATT, Winfred B., 115 Fi;UMB, Oscar, 336 POMEBO'S', Daniel P., 74 Eleazer, 74 Horace, 74 FOBTEB, Charles Brainard, 116 Edward Brewster. 116 Frank Leslie. 321 Prank R., 410 Frederick Lord, 116 George Edward, 405 George N., 145 Haynes Lord, 116 John S., 410

482 <strong>Olmsted</strong> Family <strong>Genealogy</strong><br />

James, 401<br />

John, 401<br />

John B., 401<br />

Oliver Moody, 401<br />

Simeon, 401<br />

WlUlam, 401<br />

Hedges Emmet, 170<br />

HEIiI^irEB, Edw<strong>in</strong> Fayette,<br />

33g<br />

Eugen, 338<br />

George Warren, 338<br />

Harold, 338<br />

Howard, 338<br />

William <strong>Olmsted</strong>, 338<br />

EEKSIES, John P., 277<br />

HENDEBSOIT, Allen, 134<br />

HEBBIira, Reuben, 332<br />

HESS, Franlc Judson, 340<br />

HIGBEE, Charles, 110<br />

Charles Howell, 110<br />

William Howell, 110<br />

HII^I^IS, Clark, 430<br />

Donald, 430<br />

Frank P., 430<br />

Randolph, 430<br />

Richard A., 430<br />

Roy, 430<br />

Stephen, 430<br />

Hltl^<strong>in</strong>AIT, John <strong>Olmsted</strong>,<br />

385<br />

Lawrence, 385<br />

Richard Henry, 385<br />

HIIiIiS, Henry, 38<br />

Hezeklah, 38<br />

Leonard, 38<br />

Stephen, 38<br />

HII^TOH, Harley Clarke,<br />

350<br />

Lamar, 350<br />

HOBBT, Benjam<strong>in</strong>, 237<br />

Edw<strong>in</strong>, 237<br />

Joseph, 237<br />

Samuel S., 237<br />

William, 237<br />

HOBEB, Ma<strong>the</strong>w John, 138<br />

Samuel Bertie, 138<br />

Willard Lewis, 138<br />

William Henry, 138<br />

HODCS-ES, Chauncey Leon,<br />

424<br />

James, 424<br />

William F., 424<br />

JIOXmCOMB, Albert, 261<br />

Alexis, 261<br />

Harry Sweetzer, 328<br />

Hiram, 261<br />

Wanzer, 261<br />

William Worthy, 328<br />

HOKCOMBE, Harold Goodw<strong>in</strong>,<br />

154<br />

John Marshall, 154<br />

KOI^IrAND, Josiah Gilbert,<br />

377<br />

KOI^MAH', Edward Francis,<br />

115<br />

Elmer Thomas, 115<br />

Leon Wright, 369<br />

Myron Sylvanus, 115<br />

HOI^MES, Carroll <strong>Olmsted</strong>,<br />

363<br />

Walter Monroe, 117<br />

William <strong>Olmsted</strong>, 117<br />

BOOFEB, Frederick <strong>Olmsted</strong>,<br />

340<br />

Ralph de Leslie, 340<br />

HOBTOIT, Albert Henry,<br />

128<br />

Clarence Wesley, 129<br />

Edward Francis, 128<br />

Frederick Buell, 128<br />

George Millard, 128<br />

HOTCHKISS, Carlton Allen,<br />

176<br />

Charles Francis, 176<br />

George Edward, 151, 177<br />

George Henry, 176<br />

Harrison Morton, 176<br />

Henry Augustus, 151<br />

Leon, 177<br />

Ralph William, 176<br />

Roy, 177<br />

William Reed, 151, 176<br />

HOYT, Benjam<strong>in</strong>, 237<br />

Charles Smith, 284<br />

Chauncey <strong>Olmsted</strong>, 284<br />

James Clayton, 230<br />

Mortimer James, 284<br />

William Oscar, 284<br />

HVBSOH, Henry, 110<br />

Philip Woolsey, 110<br />

Sanford, 110<br />

William Edward, 110<br />

HVMFHBEV, James L.,<br />

361<br />

Theodore Friend, 351<br />

HVN'TIH'aTOlT, E<strong>the</strong>lw<strong>in</strong>,<br />

173<br />

Ford, 173<br />

HUBD, Charles Lester, 380<br />

HUBIiBUBT, Chauncey, 42<br />

David <strong>Olmsted</strong>, 311<br />

Edward Everett, 113<br />

George Wash<strong>in</strong>gton<br />

Reed, 120<br />

George William, 316<br />

Giles, 42, 71, 120<br />

Henry K<strong>in</strong>gsbury, 66<br />

Henry W<strong>in</strong>throp, 113<br />

Ira Cole, 316<br />

Isaac, D. S., oil<br />

John, 42<br />

Joseph <strong>Olmsted</strong>, 66, 113<br />

HYATT, Charles, 284<br />

Philip O., 284<br />

IDE, Francis S., 414<br />

Grant S., 409<br />

IVES, Albert, 119<br />

Frank, 119<br />

Ralph, 119<br />

JENKS, Arthur, 104<br />

Edward, 104<br />

Frederick Stanley, 104<br />

George Cl<strong>in</strong>ton, 104<br />

JONES, Albert Henry, 304<br />

Charles Holbrook, 146<br />

Griffith Milton, 169<br />

James Taylor, 304<br />

Tom <strong>Olmsted</strong>, 169<br />

JOSXiIIT, Henry, 137<br />

JOtTBEBT, Clement Carver,<br />

415<br />

Bldon, 415<br />

Eldon Gordon, 412<br />

Sylvester Gordon, 415<br />

Wilfred A., 412<br />

KEEI^EB, Charles Lewis,<br />

262<br />

George <strong>Olmsted</strong>, 262<br />

Henry, 262<br />

Joseph Belden, 262<br />

KEIiI^OaQ, Ezra Powell,<br />

52, 90<br />

John <strong>Olmsted</strong>, 90<br />

Jonathan Crosby, 52<br />

Montgomery Anderson,<br />

90<br />

Sylvester Truman, 52, 90<br />

William L<strong>in</strong>dsey, 90<br />

KEI^SET, Weston Maynard,<br />

179<br />

KENT, Benjam<strong>in</strong> L., 296<br />

KETCHUU, Charles Townsend,<br />

315<br />

David, 315<br />

Edward Alonzo, 315<br />

Joseph Secor, 315<br />

William <strong>Olmsted</strong>, 315<br />

KIUBAXK, Lyman Chandler,<br />

373<br />

XINO, Charles, 339<br />

Charles <strong>Olmsted</strong>, 149<br />

George Allen, 149<br />

Joseph Elijah, 226<br />

Louis Henry, 149<br />

Pr<strong>in</strong>ce A., 416<br />

KIiraSBUBY, Andria Milton,<br />

75<br />

Dennison, 44, 75<br />

Frederick Lucas, 75<br />

George F., 74<br />

Gilbert Dennison, 75<br />

Harry, 44<br />

John, 44, 74<br />

John Dennison, 75<br />

Joseph, 44, 75<br />

Joseph Byron, 75<br />

XINNEB, Asa, 169<br />

Frank, 169<br />

Leonard, 169<br />

KIBX, Samuel K. O., 285<br />

KITTBEDQE, Benjam<strong>in</strong><br />

R., 178<br />

KNAFP, Daniel, 308<br />

Everett, 376<br />

Frank Lester, 308<br />

XOON, Archie Marv<strong>in</strong>, 362<br />

Archie Wallace, 384<br />

Frank Hiram, 362<br />

I^ADD, Amos, 410<br />

Eugene F., 410<br />

William Porter, 410<br />

I;ASKEB, George C, 140<br />

I^EAVITT, Alfred, 103<br />

Frank W., 151<br />

Westley Lea, 103, 151<br />

William, 103<br />

I^ENNOIT, Clarence D., 89<br />

Cyrenlus Moses, 89<br />

I^ESH, George Mason<br />

Holmes, 179<br />

£EWIS, Irv<strong>in</strong>g C, 359<br />

UTTKE, Frederick Scott,<br />

411<br />

IiOAB, Charles JefCerson,<br />

375<br />

Earl George, 375<br />

Frederick John, 375<br />

lOCKWOOS, Charles Edw<strong>in</strong>,<br />

311<br />

Ebenezer, 311<br />

Edw<strong>in</strong> Fitch, 311<br />

Herman, 317<br />

I^OiriTSBUBV, Harry A.,<br />

350<br />

I^O'WBIE, John Marshall,<br />

379<br />

Selden Gale, 379<br />

McJA'Z', William Seymour,<br />

125<br />

Md^ATTGHIiIN', Walter<br />

Bruce, 356<br />

McI^EAN, Allan, 155<br />

Archibald, 419<br />

George Wash<strong>in</strong>gton, 419<br />

Henry Coit, 155<br />

John T., 419<br />

IScHITCHEI^I^, John. 397<br />

McNAi;!^, Harrold, 381<br />

McFHEBSON, Adam, 417<br />

Benjam<strong>in</strong> Mills, 417<br />

Daniel Griswold, 417<br />

John Hall, 417<br />

Thomas Adams, 417<br />

UANIT, Leslie Edw<strong>in</strong>, 358<br />

MAmniTG, Burton Augustus,<br />

157<br />

Edward Henry, 157<br />

Roger Welles, 157<br />

MAITSFIEI^D, Burdett P.,<br />

149<br />

Clarence, 149<br />

MABFIEKD, Samuel Haywood,<br />


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