Genealogy of the Olmsted family in America : embracing the ...

Genealogy of the Olmsted family in America : embracing the ... Genealogy of the Olmsted family in America : embracing the ...


452 Olmsted Family Genealogy He was one of the managers on the part of the House who presented and argued before the United States Senate the impeachment proceedings against Judge Swayne of Florida. Discovering early that the member most skilled in the complicated parliamentary law and usages of the House had a great advantage in legislation, he devoted himself to the mastery of the subject, and has, on many important occasions, been called— perhaps more frequently than any other member to preside over the House of Representatives, either as Speaker pro tempore or as Chairman of the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union. More important rulings made by him are recorded in "Hinds' Parliamentary Precedents " than by any other Congressman who ever served in that body without having been Speaker. His well-known parliamentary skill led to his selection as Parliamentarian of the Republican National Convention of 1912. He received the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from Lebanon Valley College in 1903, and from Dickinson College in 1905. He is one of the Trustees of Pennsylvania State College. December 22, 1911, there apparently being no opposition to his continued service, he publicly announced that in the ensuing year he would not be a candidate for re-election, preferring to see more of his family and give more attention to his professional practice. He is the senior member of the firm of Olmsted & Stamm, which probably has as large a practice as any law firm in Pennsylvania; and at the expiration of his present term in Congress, March 4, 1913, he will devote his attention entirely to his profession and to the affairs of railroad and other enterprises with which he is officially connected. (No. 7825) Page 372 WILLLAM HAWLEY OLMSTED, M. D. Dr. Olmsted graduated in Medicine at Columbus, Ohio, in 1890, and is at present in active practice at Taylor, Pa., where he has resided for the past sixteen years. (No. 9300) Page 406 GEORGE WASHINGTON HAMMOND, M. D. Dr. Hammond was one of the most distinguished citizens of Gilsum, N. H. He graduated at Dartmouth Medical College, Aug. 21, 1824. Began the practice of his profession at Richmond, N. H. Removed thence to ProctorsvUle, Vt. Returned to Gilsum Feb., 1830, where he practiced medicine for thirty-six years. Removed in February, 1866, to Stockbridge, Madison County, N. Y. He was possessed of a mind of more than common activity, and his life was spent in study; he occupied a high position in medical circles. Had a taste for literary labors, and wrote with beauty and force. Was a leader in temperance work, and was in demand as a lecturer upon this subject. Interested in historical matters. One of the founders of the Universalist Library of Gilsum. Mr. Hammond inherited from his father one of the best farms in Gilsum. Represented the town in the Constitutional Convention of 1850. State Senator 1855-56. For many years a Justice of the Peace. He was a very large and powerful man, over six feet in height and at one time weighed over three hundred pounds.—From " History of Gilsum, N. H." —




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