The English ancestry of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford, Ct ...

The English ancestry of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford, Ct ... The English ancestry of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford, Ct ...


84 The English Ancestry of Item I wyll & giv to Barbara my wyfe all those my houses & landes bothe free & Coppy aswell that I hav in essex as also In Suffolke duringe the natural lyfe of the sayd Barbara my wyfe & After her deceas I wyll all ye sayd houses shall remayne to my sonn Mathewe & to the heyres of his body lawfully begotten & yf it fortune my sonn Mathev to dye without heyres of his body law- fully begotten then I wyll my sayd houses & landes shalbe sold by the discretione of myne executors or of their executors or admin- istrators to ye most adwantage & the money thereof commynge to be equalye parted betwen & amonge the Chyldren aswell of my brother John Merven & of Raynold Marveyn lat of Ramsey de- ceased and also Amonge the Chyldren of thomas Herd my brother ye whiche he latly had by his lat wyf Christian Marven to be equaly parted Amonge them then livinge Item also I wyll & giv to my wyfes Daughters y* is to say to Jon Margaret & Marye brett out of the sayd houses & landes so beinge sold x Lib of lawfull money of england to be equaly parted between them Item I wyll y' the sayd barbara my wyfe shall hav aswell the governans and bringinge up of my sonn Mathew As also the order- inge & the disposinge of his sayd legacyes to his Most Advantage untill y e sayd mathev com to the age of xxj yeares Condicionally yf she my sayd wyfe wyll fynd my sayd sonn mathew continually to scoole & learnynge by all the space of x yeares But & yf the sayd Barbara my wyfe shall refus or neglect so to do then I wyll y l Thomas herd my brother shall hav aswell y e orderinge & bringinge up of ye sayd mathew as also of the disposinge ye sayd his legacyes to the sayd Mathew my sonns most profyt fyndinge hym to schoole by all y e yeares befor named Item yf it shall chans y e sayd barbara my wyfe to Marye then I wyll y* the sayd barbara ever after to have but ye on half & pro- fytes of my sayd houses & landes & the other half to remayne to ye us & profyt of my sonn mathew

Item yf he y l Reinold and Matthew Marvin 85 she shall marye w'all befor the day of ther Mar- iage shall be bound with sufficient suertyes in a bond of two hun- drethe £i to my sayd sonn Mathew for the performynge & fulfill- inge of thes his legacyes All ye Rest of my goodes unbequethed I giv to Barbara my wyfe she payinge all my Debts & seyinge my funerall Chardges Payd Executors of this my last wyll & testament I ordeyne & mak bar- bara my wyfe & my brother thomas Herd of Ramseye And he for to have for his Payns herin to be taken fyve £i of lawful money of england yf he shall do all the dutyes of my executor And for all other Costes and Chardges y l he shalbe at about ye sam executor- shyppe to be alowed hym by barbara my wyfe Item Also I wyll y* my houses & landes In ly till Otleye Called brandons & clay pyttes to be sold by myne executors & y l Richard Hedge of Ramsey to hav his former bargayne therin & he Payinge for it as hathe beine Rehersed befor sufficient wytnesses at his ffyrst bargayne Makyne & the money therof commynge to be Ordered by the Discretione of myne executors Thes beinge wyt- nesses John Lovell vicar of Ramsey Henry Smythe Wylliam luckyne & other mo withe Henry brooke Date of probate not given. John Lovell, one of the witnesses, had been appointed Vicar of Ramsey by Bishop Grindall about nine months before the date of the above Will ; he remained in the Parish less than four years.* 27 Thomas 4 (Thomas, 3 Thomas,- Robert 1 ), of Harwich, was born not far from 1528, and was the son of Thomas and Anne * Lovell went from Ramsey to Stanwey, where he held the living of All Saints' and its Chapel-of-ease, St. Albright's, with that of the neighboring Church in Abberton, *intil his death, early in 1570.

Item yf he y l<br />

<strong>Reinold</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Matthew</strong> <strong>Marvin</strong> 85<br />

she shall marye w'all befor the day <strong>of</strong> ther Mar-<br />

iage shall be bound with sufficient suertyes in a bond <strong>of</strong> two hun-<br />

drethe £i to my sayd sonn Mathew for the performynge & fulfill-<br />

inge <strong>of</strong> thes his legacyes<br />

All ye Rest <strong>of</strong> my goodes unbequethed I giv to Barbara my wyfe<br />

she payinge all my Debts & seyinge my funerall Chardges Payd<br />

Executors <strong>of</strong> this my last wyll & testament I ordeyne & mak bar-<br />

bara my wyfe & my brother thomas Herd <strong>of</strong> Ramseye And he for<br />

to have for his Payns herin to be taken fyve £i <strong>of</strong> lawful money <strong>of</strong><br />

engl<strong>and</strong> yf he shall do all the dutyes <strong>of</strong> my executor And for all<br />

other Costes <strong>and</strong> Chardges y l he shalbe at about ye sam executor-<br />

shyppe to be alowed hym by barbara my wyfe<br />

Item Also I wyll y* my houses & l<strong>and</strong>es In ly till Otleye Called<br />

br<strong>and</strong>ons & clay pyttes to be sold by myne executors & y l<br />

Richard<br />

Hedge <strong>of</strong> Ramsey to hav his former bargayne therin & he Payinge<br />

for it as hathe beine Rehersed befor sufficient wytnesses at his<br />

ffyrst bargayne Makyne & the money ther<strong>of</strong> commynge to be<br />

Ordered by the Discretione <strong>of</strong> myne executors <strong>The</strong>s beinge wyt-<br />

nesses John Lovell vicar <strong>of</strong> Ramsey Henry Smythe Wylliam<br />

luckyne & other mo withe Henry brooke<br />

Date <strong>of</strong> probate not given.<br />

John Lovell, one <strong>of</strong> the witnesses, had been appointed<br />

Vicar <strong>of</strong> Ramsey by Bishop Grindall about nine months<br />

before the date <strong>of</strong> the above Will ; he remained in the Parish<br />

less than four years.*<br />

27 Thomas 4 (Thomas, 3 Thomas,- Robert 1<br />

), <strong>of</strong> Harwich, was<br />

born not far from 1528, <strong>and</strong> was the son <strong>of</strong> Thomas <strong>and</strong> Anne<br />

* Lovell went from Ramsey to Stanwey, where he held the living <strong>of</strong> All Saints' <strong>and</strong><br />

its Chapel-<strong>of</strong>-ease, St. Albright's, with that <strong>of</strong> the neighboring Church in Abberton,<br />

*intil his death, early in 1570.

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