The English ancestry of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford, Ct ...

The English ancestry of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford, Ct ... The English ancestry of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford, Ct ...


58 The English Ancestry of married daughters ; from this I infer that their mother was a daughter (possibly no longer living), especially as one of the children bore her grandmother's name. These children were (i) Ann h ; (2) Angnys [Agnes]. 31 vii. Ellen, b. ; unmarried in 1550 when her father died, and hence I suppose the youngest child, but her name does not appear in her mother's Will ; whether she deceased be- fore her mother or is one of the daughters whose husbands' names are given, we do not know ; if the former be the case, she was perhaps the wife of Rycheman. WILL OF THOMAS MARVYN.* 3Jn tlje name of ptJ amen the xviij th Day of novembre in the yere of our Lord god 1550 I Thomas Marvyn of this towne of Harwiche &c make this my testament &c. ffirst I bequeth my soule to god &c and my body to be buried &c [sic] In the churche of Harwiche to the w ch I give and bequeth xx h' of Lawfull money of englaund in maner and forme under wryten Item I will the said xx 1 ' shall remayne in iiij of the moste Credeble and substancial per- sons of the said towne from tyme to tyme to the intent that they shall provid and by yere and yerly for the space of xx ti yeres as moche corne as shall or commeth [sic] to the some of xx s and the same corne to be geven to the pore ympotent Lame and nedy w*in the said towne of Harwiche aforesaid yere and yerly unto the said xx 11 be fully bestowed accordinge to this my Laste will Item I give to the Reparations of the said churche iij 1 ' Item I give to Sir Robert the curet of the said church x s Item to every one of my godchildren xij d apeece Item I give and bequeth to Elen my doughter xl h" and the money to be paid in thre yeres that is to say at the day of her mariage * The original is at Somerset House, London, — Commissary London, Essex and Herts. November, 1550. That has no divisions into paragraphs, which are made here for convenience of reference.

Reinold and Matthew Marvin 59 xx ]i And that day twelve month next ensuynge x 11 And that day twelvemonth next ensueyng that other x 11 in full contentacion and 1 ' payment of the said xl Item I give to Anne my wief all my houses in Harwiche and all my other goodes both moveable and unmoveable to give and to sell at her pleasure whome I ordeyne and make my fathfull and sole Executrice of this my Last will she to dispose for my sowle and all chersten soules as she shall thinke moste pleasure to god and com- fort to my soule wytnes herof Richard Coper Rye Pett Thomas Paynter Ric Dowe and other were presente &c xvij° Decembris WILL OF ANNE MARVEN.* 3Tn tl)c name of ffoB &men the xx daye of marche In ye ye re of ower Lord god Mccccclvij 1 ' And in the forte and fyfte yere of Phelype and Mary by the grace of god Kyng & quene of yngland spayne france both the siciles Jherusalem & yerland Defenders of ye fayth arche Dukys of austrych Dukys of Melayn borgondy & brabante Countes of Hanspurge flanders & tyrall I Anne Marven of the towne of Harwych In ye Counte of essex wedow in ye dyosys of Londyn beyng syke of body but of good & perfett Re- mambrans thankes be gevyn unto all myghtty god Here hath ordenyd thys my presente testament Contaynyng theryn my laste wyll Renowncyng all other formall wylles In maner & forme here after folowyng fyrst I do bequethe & geve my sowle unto Almyghty god my Creatur & Redemer He to do w l yt hys godly wyll & plesur And my body to be beryid in the church yard of Harwych afforsaide Item I do geve and bequethe unto ye mayntenance of y e towne marche of Harwich xxs. of good & laffull money of ynglande to be * Recorded at Somerset House, London, — Commissary London, Essex and Herts, December, 1558. The same remark as to paragraphs applies to all these Wills.

58<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>English</strong> Ancestry <strong>of</strong><br />

married daughters ; from this I infer that their mother was<br />

a daughter (possibly no longer living), especially as one <strong>of</strong><br />

the children bore her gr<strong>and</strong>mother's name. <strong>The</strong>se children<br />

were (i) Ann h<br />

;<br />

(2) Angnys [Agnes].<br />

31 vii. Ellen, b. ; unmarried in 1550 when her father died,<br />

<strong>and</strong> hence I suppose the youngest child, but her name does<br />

not appear in her mother's Will ; whether she deceased be-<br />

fore her mother or is one <strong>of</strong> the daughters whose husb<strong>and</strong>s'<br />

names are given, we do not know ; if the former be the case,<br />

she was perhaps the wife <strong>of</strong> Rycheman.<br />


3Jn tlje name <strong>of</strong> ptJ amen the xviij th Day <strong>of</strong> novembre in the<br />

yere <strong>of</strong> our Lord god 1550 I Thomas Marvyn <strong>of</strong> this towne <strong>of</strong><br />

Harwiche &c make this my testament &c. ffirst I bequeth my<br />

soule to god &c <strong>and</strong> my body to be buried &c [sic] In the churche<br />

<strong>of</strong> Harwiche to the w ch I give <strong>and</strong> bequeth xx h'<br />

<strong>of</strong> Lawfull money<br />

<strong>of</strong> englaund in maner <strong>and</strong> forme under wryten Item I will the said<br />

xx 1 ' shall remayne in iiij <strong>of</strong> the moste Credeble <strong>and</strong> substancial per-<br />

sons <strong>of</strong> the said towne from tyme to tyme to the intent that they<br />

shall provid <strong>and</strong> by yere <strong>and</strong> yerly for the space <strong>of</strong> xx ti yeres as<br />

moche corne as shall or commeth [sic] to the some <strong>of</strong> xx s <strong>and</strong> the<br />

same corne to be geven to the pore ympotent Lame <strong>and</strong> nedy w*in<br />

the said towne <strong>of</strong> Harwiche aforesaid yere <strong>and</strong> yerly unto the said<br />

xx 11 be fully bestowed accordinge to this my Laste will<br />

Item I give to the Reparations <strong>of</strong> the said churche iij 1 ' Item I<br />

give to Sir Robert the curet <strong>of</strong> the said church x s<br />

Item to every one <strong>of</strong> my godchildren xij d apeece<br />

Item I give <strong>and</strong> bequeth to Elen my doughter xl h" <strong>and</strong><br />

the money<br />

to be paid in thre yeres that is to say at the day <strong>of</strong> her mariage<br />

* <strong>The</strong> original is at Somerset House, London, — Commissary London, Essex <strong>and</strong><br />

Herts. November, 1550. That has no divisions into paragraphs, which are made<br />

here for convenience <strong>of</strong> reference.

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