The English ancestry of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford, Ct ...

The English ancestry of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford, Ct ... The English ancestry of Reinold and Matthew Marvin of Hartford, Ct ...


44 The English Ancestry of Wills. Further, as no reference whatever is made to Mrs. Hewit, but half the estate is to go at once to her sons, and most of the remainder on the death of the widow, it can hardly be doubted that the mother had deceased. 23 ii. Daughter (?), b. ; mar. Beteryche, and had (1) Matthew, 5 and (2) John. These sons, as stated above, were not of age when Robert died, but as Matthew was to have £4, which was to go to John, in case the elder brother died before he became of age, which is a larger sum than is indi- vidually given to those certainly known to be Robert's grand- children, we are disposed to regard Matthew and John as the children of a daughter who also died before her father. An Alice Beteryche is given a small legacy by Reynold, but whether of this family is not known. 24 iii. Sissely [Cicely], b. about 1525 or earlier; mar. John Blosse, and had (1) John 5 the eldest, (2) Robert, (3) Thomas, (4) Anne, (5) Bridget, and (6) a child, born in 1560 as the Will of Isabell shows. The dates of birth of all but the last are unknown ; clearly however the eldest must have been only a child, when their grandfather died in 1556/7. John Blosse is made executor of Robert's Will with Hewit, and sole ex- ecutor of Isabell's. The family of Bloss, — the name some- times spelled Blois,— is found in Ipswich in the Parish of St. Nicholas as early as 1448, and in that town or its vicinity from the fifteenth century to the seventeenth and later. WILL OF ROBERT MARVEN.* 3Tn tl)t name of {Jlrti &men the x daye of December and in the thurd and fouerthe yere of Philip and Marye bie the grace of god of ynglande spayne ffraunce both Cecilles Jerusalem and yrlande * The original is at Somerset House, London, — Commissary London, Essex and Herts. January, 1556-7. That has no divisions into paragraphs, which are made here for convenience of reference.

Remold and Matthew Marvin 45 Kinge and quene defendors of the fayth archedukes of austria Dukes of Myllen burgundie and brabande countice of Hasporge flaunders and Tyroll I Robert Marven of Ramsey in the diocesse of London beinge in good and whole mende and of good Remembraunce thankes be unto allmightie god doe make and ordeine thys my last Will and testamente in Manner and forme folowinge fyrst I bequethe my Soule to allmightie god and to the celestiall companie of yeven mye bodye to be beriede in the churche of Ram- sey aforsayd Item I geve To the comen boxe in Ramsey xlr. Item I geve to Issbell my wyffe my howses and landes that I have in Ramsey bothe fre and coppie unbequethed for terme of hur lyffe and after hur Decesse I wyll that Jemes Hewit to have the saide houses and landes bothe fre and coppie with ther apurte- naunces ther unto belonginge to him and to his heyers and assigners Item I geve and bequethe unto issbell mye wyve vj Kene xx Shepe iij seme of whete and on seme of mistlene and iiij seme of barley to be payde this yere Item I geve unto the sayde issbell mie wyffe a horse Item I geve more unto the seid issbell mye wyffe the on halfe of mye howshollde stuffe with halfe the chese and hallfe the swyne Item I geve and bequeth the other hallfe of mye howshollde stuffe unto James Hewite withe hallfe the chese and hallfe the swyne to be equallie devide betwene them in part and part lyke Item I doe sell mye lande called bosemans & bodies unto James Hewyt for iij score poundys to fullfyll mye wyll and paye my legace Item I geve and bequethe unto Frauncis borflete mye lande in miche Okeley called puttyttes To hym and to his heyers and assigners Item I wyll my brother in lawe Robert borflete and mye sister to have the saide land called puttites till frauncis ther sone come to the age of xxj yeres and yf it fortune frauncis to depart this present lyffe before he come to the age of xxj yere with ought yssu of his bodie lawfullye begotten than I will the sayd lande be soullde

44 <strong>The</strong> <strong>English</strong> Ancestry <strong>of</strong><br />

Wills. Further, as no reference whatever is made to Mrs.<br />

Hewit, but half the estate is to go at once to her sons, <strong>and</strong><br />

most <strong>of</strong> the remainder on the death <strong>of</strong> the widow, it can<br />

hardly be doubted that the mother had deceased.<br />

23 ii. Daughter (?), b. ; mar. Beteryche, <strong>and</strong> had (1)<br />

<strong>Matthew</strong>, 5 <strong>and</strong> (2) John. <strong>The</strong>se sons, as stated above, were<br />

not <strong>of</strong> age when Robert died, but as <strong>Matthew</strong> was to have<br />

£4, which was to go to John, in case the elder brother died<br />

before he became <strong>of</strong> age, which is a larger sum than is indi-<br />

vidually given to those certainly known to be Robert's gr<strong>and</strong>-<br />

children, we are disposed to regard <strong>Matthew</strong> <strong>and</strong> John as<br />

the children <strong>of</strong> a daughter who also died before her father.<br />

An Alice Beteryche is given a small legacy by Reynold,<br />

but whether <strong>of</strong> this family is not known.<br />

24 iii. Sissely [Cicely], b. about 1525 or earlier; mar. John<br />

Blosse, <strong>and</strong> had (1) John 5 the eldest, (2) Robert, (3) Thomas,<br />

(4) Anne, (5) Bridget, <strong>and</strong> (6) a child, born in 1560 as the Will<br />

<strong>of</strong> Isabell shows. <strong>The</strong> dates <strong>of</strong> birth <strong>of</strong> all but the last are<br />

unknown ;<br />

clearly however the eldest must have been only a<br />

child, when their gr<strong>and</strong>father died in 1556/7. John Blosse<br />

is made executor <strong>of</strong> Robert's Will with Hewit, <strong>and</strong> sole ex-<br />

ecutor <strong>of</strong> Isabell's. <strong>The</strong> family <strong>of</strong> Bloss, — the name some-<br />

times spelled Blois,— is found in Ipswich in the Parish <strong>of</strong><br />

St. Nicholas as early as 1448, <strong>and</strong> in that town or its vicinity<br />

from the fifteenth century to the seventeenth <strong>and</strong> later.<br />


3Tn tl)t name <strong>of</strong> {Jlrti &men the x daye <strong>of</strong> December <strong>and</strong> in the<br />

thurd <strong>and</strong> fouerthe yere <strong>of</strong> Philip <strong>and</strong> Marye bie the grace <strong>of</strong> god<br />

<strong>of</strong> yngl<strong>and</strong>e spayne ffraunce both Cecilles Jerusalem <strong>and</strong> yrl<strong>and</strong>e<br />

* <strong>The</strong> original is at Somerset House, London, — Commissary London, Essex <strong>and</strong><br />

Herts. January, 1556-7. That has no divisions into paragraphs, which are made<br />

here for convenience <strong>of</strong> reference.

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