History of Northampton, Massachusetts, from its settlement in 1654;

History of Northampton, Massachusetts, from its settlement in 1654; History of Northampton, Massachusetts, from its settlement in 1654;



1755] FOURTH FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. 279 set out, but this morning cloudy, we set out between 7 and 8 of tlie clock for fear of rain. Came to Clapp's at West- field about 10 of the clock, there eat breakfast and about 11 of the clock set out for Northampton. Came to my own house about 2 of the clock afternoon. All good weather since we set out which was a great favor, especially for me when just recovered from sore sickness. I left Albany June 17, 1755, and left at my lodgings, in Jacob Clement's Indian interpreter a small trunk. I think about -4 "or 5 fine shirts and necks some caps 2 or 3 white handkerchiefs a little bag of gold in the trunk, the numher of pieces or of pounds I them ; when can't tell for I did not count I came away I lost my best clothes, coat, Jacket, and britches, my best wig, best hat, books, and sad- dle bags. I dont think of anything else there. But at Col. Taylor's at the flats I left 2 fine shirts, 2 necks and I think 2 caps. Things lost at Clements are in a closet locked up ; the key I brought with me it is now in a little trunk locked in my port mantle. June 15. Maj. Gen. Lyman, Dr. To making a gun, £4.0.0. To mending three locks, 4s. 8d. An account of the goods and chattels taken after the battle Sept. 8, 1755, in the late Col. William's regiment. Lake George, Sept. 12, 1755. An account of what plunder, guns \ six blankets from blankets, coats &c. Col. Williams v the enemy, 3 coats, Company Capt. Buck hath got, viz: \ 3 jackets. Col. Pomeroy's company, viz : I myself have got one gun one pistol, one hatchet, one bayonet, one in our company belonging to our regiment No. 94 3 French guns, a blanket belonging to the Province in the hands of Joseph Owen, a belt of wampum in the hands of Ensign Bixbj'" also an English gun marked I D. one gun suppose to belong to our army. 2 Gun locks 5 Hatchets 2 broken English guns a coat English and Knapsack. Major Ashley's company now Lt. Callender commander : one French gun, a pair plush breeches, one pair straked


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