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92 CARK FAMILY RECORDS— SIXTH GENEKATIOX. of its most useful nxenibers, and his country one of its early, warm and indefatigable supporters. To the poor and distressed his purse as well as his hands were ever open, and his active benevolence let him perform many acts of kindness and liberality without ostentation or parade; and it may be said of him, that in his death the communit}^ realize the loss of a philanthropist and a truly lionest man." The children of Samuel and Damaris Carr were, 1277x1. Samuel Carr, b. June 8, 1781. 1278x2. Benjamin Carr,'b. Nov. 8, 1782. 1279x3. Damaris Carr, b. Oct. 21. 178+. 1280x4. Greene Carr, b. Dec. 29, 178(5. 1281 5. John Carr, b. Aug. 3, 1789, lost at sen. 1282x0. Robert Kobinson Carr, b. Sept. 18, 1791. 1283 7. Caleb Carr, b. Nov. 3, 1794, d. Aug. 11, 1795. 1284x8. Francis Carr, b. Aug. 27, 1796. VI. Ebkxezkr Carr (()98) bt)rn in Jamestown, K. I., Sei)t. 2J, 1760, married Marj^ L'^nderwood, of Jjenjamin, in Jamestt)wn, by John Weeden, warden, June 3, 1782. Their children were, 1285 1. John Carr, b. March 30, 1783, d. young. 1286 2. Joseph Carr, b. May 17, 1785. 1287 3. James Carr, b. Aug. 27, 1787. 1288 4. Waterman Carr, b. Nov. 15, 1789. 1289 5. Phebe Carr, b. Jan. 22. 1792. 1290 6. l^enjamin Carr, b. May 8, 1791, d. Oct. 9, 1794. 1291 7. Mary Carr, 1). Nov. 2, 179(5. 1292 8. Samuel Carr, b. May 21, 1799. 1293 9. Damaris Carr. b. Dec. 4. 1802. 1294x10. William Crardiner Carr, b. Sept. U, 1801. 1295 11. John Carr, 1). May 4, 1806. 129(5x12. Tiddeman Hull Carr, b. May 21. 1808. VI. Mary Carr (705) born in New])ort, k*. I., June 13. 17(53, married Joseph Mumford, \)y Rev. Gardiner Thurston, May 11, 1788. The^^ resided in NewporL and both tlied there. Their children were, 1297 1. Klizal)eth Mumfoni, b. Jan. 26, 1789. 1298 2. Mary Mumlord, I). May 12. 179i). 1299^ 3. Phebe Mumford, b. March 21, 1792, d. 18.59. 1300 4. Samuel Mumford, b. Sept. 12, 1796. __ 1301 5. Sarah Mumford, 1). July 15, 1798.

CAKR FAMILY RKCOK'DS—SIXTH GENKRATIOX. 9;} X\. Sakaii Cakk- (7()()) 1)01-11 in Newport, K. I., Ma}- 29, Hfif), married Pele^Carr. (722) She died July Ki, 1


X\. Sakaii Cakk- (7()()) 1)01-11 in Newport, K. I., Ma}- 29, Hfif),<br />

married Pele^Carr. (722) She died July Ki, 1

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