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IKK) 9. jolni Can-, h. March 23, 1809.<br />

IKil 10. riiomas Dritig Carr, b. April 25, 1811.<br />

Vr. Calkij Cakr ((503) born in North Kaston, Mass., March<br />

11, I7(>7, married Aniit y J larvcy, in Taunton, Mass., in 1796,<br />

vSlic was born Nov. 12, 1770, and died Feb. 8, 1851. He died in<br />

North Kaston, July 29, 1889. Their children were,<br />

1102x1. Caleb barr, b. July 14, 1797.<br />

11():}X2. HWzn Carr, b. ])ec. 31 1798.<br />

1 1(14 3. John Carr, b. Sept 3, 1800, d. June 11, 1815.<br />

11(55x4. Kuth Carr, b. June<br />

1, 1802.<br />

110(5x5. Ksek Carr, 1). March 7, 1804.<br />

ll(;7x(). Lydia Carr, b. Feb. 11, 18(J(5.<br />

1105 7. Telia Carr, b. Nov. 17, 1807, d. May 31, 1818.<br />

11(59x8. bVancis Carr, b. Dec. 4, 1810.<br />

1170 9. David 11. Carr. b. April 19, 1813, d. Oct. 26, 1845.<br />

\'I. ICsKK Cak'K' (()()5) born in North Easton, Mass., married<br />

Betsey Bates, in Kochester, Mass., and settled in Westport.<br />

He followed the sea, and was engaged in the coast trade. In<br />

the winter of 1812 he loaded his vessel with provisions for<br />

Norfolk, \'a., and with his oldest son Caleb, then fifteen years<br />

okl, and two seamen, started on their voyage, Feb. 14. The}'^<br />

were all lost at sea as they were never heard of afterward. His<br />

wife died of consumption two years later, leaving a family of<br />

poor orphan children. The oldest daughter who was then mar-<br />

ried, brought up the youngest of them. They were,<br />

1171x1. Kllaphelda Carr, b. July, 1795.<br />

1172 2. Betsey Carr, b. 1796, d. Sept. 1811.<br />

1173 3. Caleb Carr, b. Nov. 1, 1797, lost at sea in 1812.<br />

1174 4. Ksek Carr, b. Jan. 1801, d. of fever in Norfolk, Va.<br />

1175 5. James Carr, b. Dec. 1803, d. when 31 years old.<br />

1176 X (5. Lydia Grinnell Carr, b. Nov. 180,5.<br />

1177x7. Abby Castino Carr, b. Feb. 23, 1807.<br />

1178x8. Mary Wilbur Carr, b. Nov. 2, 1309.<br />

1179 9. Nancy Simmons Carr, b. July 29, 1811, d. March 13, 1878<br />

\'I. Obed Carr (606) born in Nantucket, Mass., married a<br />

lady in France and had one son. He was lost at sea.<br />

VI. Robert Carr (607) born in Nantucket, Mass. He was<br />

engagetl in the merchant trade, and his ship was taken by the<br />

French and he died in prison. Some share of French spoilation<br />

indemnilN- mone^' has been paid iu his relatives.

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