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84 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—SIXTH GBXERATIOX. 113:} 6. Mary Carr, b. 1782, (1. May 7, 1855, VI. Capt. William Carr (592) ])()rii in Warren, K. I., Xov. 11, 17()4, married Betsey Hoar, March 1(5, 1788. She died Nov. 11, 1790. He next married Kehecca Phillips, of Bristol, K. I., Ausjj. 3, 1791. He died July 9, 1845. Their children were, 1134 1. Betsey Carr, b. March, 1789, d. May 17, 1790. 1135x2. William Carr, b. April 14, 1790. children by second wife, 1136 3. Nathan Carr, b. March 24, 1790, d. on vessel to N. Y. 1137x4. Betsey Carr, b. March 22, 1798. 1138 5. Harry Carr, b. Nov. 3, 1799, d. June 17, 1816, St. Lucas. 1139x6. Rebecca Carr, b. Jan. 17. 1802. 1140 7. Lydia M. Carr, 1). June 21, 1805, unm. 1141x8. Georo-e W. Carr, h. April 18, 1808. 1142x9. Abby Carr, b. Dec. 21, 1810. 1143 10. Charles Carr, b. Sept. 3, 1813, d. Jidy 10, 1835, Havana 1144 11. Mary P. Carr, b. July 4, 1815, unm. 1145x12. Harry P. Carr, b. Feb. U\, 1821. VI. vSaraii Cakk (5.)7) born in Little Compton, K. I., July 27, 1757, married William Wilbur, of William and Mary by Kev. Jonathan Kllis, Jan. 29, 1778. He was born Ma3' 17, 1747, and died March, 1805, Their children were, 1146 1. Abigail Wilbiu-, b. Jan. 8. 1779. 1147 2. William Wilbur, b. March 24, 1781. 1148 3. Sarah Wilbur, b. July 19, 1784. 1149 4. Jesse Wilbur, b. Aug-. 8, 1787. 11.50 5. Nathan Wilbur, b. March 15, 1791. 1151 6. Hannah Wilbur, b. Nov. 20, 1794. VI. Jonx Cak'R (599) born in Little Compton, R. I., June 5, 1761, married Mary Willjur, of J(thn and Lleanor, by ICev. Moses Shepherd, Nov. 23, 1794. vShe was born lul>' 3, 1773. Their children were, 1152 1. Abiii,ail Carr, b. Jan. 5. 1795. 11.53 2. Kdith Carr, b. April 17, 179(). 11.54 3. Mary Carr, 1). July 17. 1797, d. Jidy 12, 1814. 11.55 4. John Carr, b. Xov. 22, 1798, ])robabh' died young. 11.56 5. Mercy Carr, b. May 20. 1800. 1157 (5. William Carr, b. Aug. 14, 1801. 11.5S 7. Kodman Carr, b. May 21. 1805. 11.59 8. Benjamin Carr, b. Xov. 23, 1806.

CARR FAMILY RlilCORDS— SXTTII GEXKRATIOX. 85 IKK) 9. jolni Can-, h. March 23, 1809. IKil 10. riiomas Dritig Carr, b. April 25, 1811. Vr. Calkij Cakr ((503) born in North Kaston, Mass., March 11, I7(>7, married Aniit y J larvcy, in Taunton, Mass., in 1796, vSlic was born Nov. 12, 1770, and died Feb. 8, 1851. He died in North Kaston, July 29, 1889. Their children were, 1102x1. Caleb barr, b. July 14, 1797. 11():}X2. HWzn Carr, b. ])ec. 31 1798. 1 1(14 3. John Carr, b. Sept 3, 1800, d. June 11, 1815. 11(55x4. Kuth Carr, b. June 1, 1802. 110(5x5. Ksek Carr, 1). March 7, 1804. ll(;7x(). Lydia Carr, b. Feb. 11, 18(J(5. 1105 7. Telia Carr, b. Nov. 17, 1807, d. May 31, 1818. 11(59x8. bVancis Carr, b. Dec. 4, 1810. 1170 9. David 11. Carr. b. April 19, 1813, d. Oct. 26, 1845. \'I. ICsKK Cak'K' (()()5) born in North Easton, Mass., married Betsey Bates, in Kochester, Mass., and settled in Westport. He followed the sea, and was engaged in the coast trade. In the winter of 1812 he loaded his vessel with provisions for Norfolk, \'a., and with his oldest son Caleb, then fifteen years okl, and two seamen, started on their voyage, Feb. 14. The}'^ were all lost at sea as they were never heard of afterward. His wife died of consumption two years later, leaving a family of poor orphan children. The oldest daughter who was then mar- ried, brought up the youngest of them. They were, 1171x1. Kllaphelda Carr, b. July, 1795. 1172 2. Betsey Carr, b. 1796, d. Sept. 1811. 1173 3. Caleb Carr, b. Nov. 1, 1797, lost at sea in 1812. 1174 4. Ksek Carr, b. Jan. 1801, d. of fever in Norfolk, Va. 1175 5. James Carr, b. Dec. 1803, d. when 31 years old. 1176 X (5. Lydia Grinnell Carr, b. Nov. 180,5. 1177x7. Abby Castino Carr, b. Feb. 23, 1807. 1178x8. Mary Wilbur Carr, b. Nov. 2, 1309. 1179 9. Nancy Simmons Carr, b. July 29, 1811, d. March 13, 1878 \'I. Obed Carr (606) born in Nantucket, Mass., married a lady in France and had one son. He was lost at sea. VI. Robert Carr (607) born in Nantucket, Mass. He was engagetl in the merchant trade, and his ship was taken by the French and he died in prison. Some share of French spoilation indemnilN- mone^' has been paid iu his relatives.


113:} 6. Mary Carr, b. 1782, (1. May 7, 1855,<br />

VI. Capt. William Carr (592) ])()rii in Warren, K. I., Xov.<br />

11, 17()4, married Betsey Hoar, March 1(5, 1788. She died Nov.<br />

11, 1790. He next married Kehecca Phillips, of Bristol, K. I.,<br />

Ausjj. 3, 1791. He died July 9, 1845. Their children were,<br />

1134 1. Betsey Carr, b. March, 1789, d. May 17, 1790.<br />

1135x2. William Carr, b. April 14, 1790.<br />

children by second wife,<br />

1136 3. Nathan Carr, b. March 24, 1790, d. on vessel to N. Y.<br />

1137x4. Betsey Carr, b. March 22, 1798.<br />

1138 5. Harry Carr, b. Nov. 3, 1799, d. June 17, 1816, St. Lucas.<br />

1139x6. Rebecca Carr, b. Jan. 17. 1802.<br />

1140 7. Lydia M. Carr, 1). June 21, 1805, unm.<br />

1141x8. Georo-e W. Carr, h. April 18, 1808.<br />

1142x9. Abby Carr, b. Dec. 21, 1810.<br />

1143 10. Charles Carr, b. Sept. 3, 1813, d. Jidy 10, 1835, Havana<br />

1144 11. Mary P. Carr, b. July 4, 1815, unm.<br />

1145x12. Harry<br />

P. Carr, b. Feb. U\, 1821.<br />

VI. vSaraii Cakk (5.)7) born in Little Compton, K. I., July 27,<br />

1757, married William Wilbur, of William and Mary by Kev.<br />

Jonathan Kllis, Jan. 29, 1778. He was born Ma3' 17, 1747, and<br />

died March, 1805, Their children were,<br />

1146 1. Abigail Wilbiu-, b. Jan. 8. 1779.<br />

1147 2. William Wilbur, b. March 24, 1781.<br />

1148 3. Sarah Wilbur, b. July 19, 1784.<br />

1149 4. Jesse Wilbur, b. Aug-. 8, 1787.<br />

11.50 5. Nathan Wilbur, b. March 15, 1791.<br />

1151 6. Hannah Wilbur, b. Nov. 20, 1794.<br />

VI. Jonx Cak'R (599) born in Little Compton, R. I., June 5,<br />

1761, married Mary Willjur, of J(thn and Lleanor, by ICev. Moses<br />

Shepherd, Nov. 23, 1794. vShe was born lul>' 3, 1773. Their<br />

children were,<br />

1152 1. Abiii,ail Carr, b. Jan. 5. 1795.<br />

11.53 2. Kdith Carr, b. April 17, 179().<br />

11.54 3. Mary Carr, 1). July 17. 1797, d. Jidy 12, 1814.<br />

11.55 4. John Carr, b. Xov. 22, 1798, ])robabh' died young.<br />

11.56 5. Mercy Carr, b. May 20. 1800.<br />

1157 (5. William Carr, b. Aug. 14, 1801.<br />

11.5S 7. Kodman Carr, b. May 21. 1805.<br />

11.59 8. Benjamin Carr, b. Xov. 23, 1806.

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