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70 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FIFTH GEXERATIOX 827 5. Abby Wiugate, d. at 18 years of age. 828 6. Mary Wingate, d. at 16 years of age. V. Samuel Carr (476) born in Aniesbnrj-, Mass., Oct. 4, 1761, married Sarah Carr, (484) of Newbury, Mass., Nov. 2, 1784. She w^as born in Newbury, Jan. 31, 1763. V. James Carr (477) born in Aniesbury, Mass., Sept. 13, 1763, married Miss Decker, of Wiscasset, Me. He followed the sea and \vas master of a large shij) from Wiscasset for several years. He died at sea when about 40 years old. \. Daniel Carr (478) born in Aniesbury, Mass., Sept. 17, 1765, married Sarah Ho3't, daughter of Mathias Hoyt, of Amesbury, in 1785. She was born in Aniesbury, in April, 1765, and died in Hallowell, Me., Jan. 13, 1856. He settled in Haverhill, Mass., and follo\ved the sea, commencing Avhen about 18 years of age, in the employ' of Moses Brown, of Newburyport, Mass., in the West India trade. In 1792, in connection with his brother Francis and others, he built a vessel and traded between Newburyport and Bangor, Me. He died of fever in the prime of life, Feb. 3, 1799. Their children were, 829x1. Thomas Hoyt Carr, b. 1785. 830x2. Sarah Carr, 1). 1787. 831x3. Daniel Carr. 832X4. George W^ Carr. 833 5. Charlotte Carr, d. when about 4 years old. 834 6. Ruth A. Carr, m. Col. Andrew Marston, of Hallowell. 835 7. Abigail Carr, d. when about 4 years old. V. Abigail Carr (480) born in Aniesbury, Mass., Ma^' 21, 1770, married Dr. William Iv. Abbott, of Ameslmr^', March 11, 1792. He died eight years after marriage, and about three years after his death, she married Dr. Weld, of Haverhill, Mass. They moved to Hallowell, Me., and after a few years to New York city, where she died when about 73 years old. She had no children. V. Moses Carr (481) l^orn about 1772, married Miss Stephens, of Hallowell, Me. He went to Ohio in 1814 with his t)ldest son with the intention of purchasing land, but they were taken sick and neither lived to return home. Their children were, 83(5 1. Daniel Carr, d. in Ohio in 1815. 8;n 2. James Carr.

CAKK FA.VfLV KBOOk'lXS— FIFTH GKNKRATIO?J. 71 888 3. Betsey Carr, ni. 839 4. Sarah Carr, m. 8 to 5. Moses Carr, m. in Thoniaslon, Me. V. Sakaii Cakk (484) l)()rn in Newbury, Mass., Jan. 31, 1703, married Samuel Carr, (47()) of Ameshury, Mass., Nov. 2, 1784. \'. A.WA C.\K>K' (485) horn in Ne\vl)ury, Mass., Aug. 8, 1767, married Stephen Bailey. Puhhshed Get. 27, 1787. V. Capt. Daxtkl Cakr (48(5) horn in Newhury, Mass., July 28, 1773, married Khzal)eth Worth, in Newhury, Nov. 19, 1795. The>' settled in North Haverhill, N. H., soon after marriage. She was htn-n in Newhury, Nov. 2, 1768, and died in North Haverhill, Sept. 18, 1836. He died in the same place, Nov. 10, 1852. Their children were, 841x1. Melinda Carr, h. Sept. 12, 1796. 842x2. Daniel Carr, h. Jan. 31, 1798. 843x3. Frederick Carr,'l). March 22, 1799. 844x4. Laura Carr, h. Jan. 1, 1801. 845x5. Samuel Carr, h. Feh. 14, 1803. 84() 6. Kdmund Carr, h. Nov. 14, 1804. 847 7. Klizaheth Carr, h. April 27, 1806, d. unm. 848X8. Nancy Carr, b. March 12, 1809. \'. DiiA. John Cakk (487) horn in Newbury, Mass., March 13, 1775, married Hannah Worth, in Newbury, Nov. 20, 1800. They settled in North Haverhill, N. H., where he died March 11, 1859. Their children were, 849x1. Hannah Carr, b. Aug. 31, 1801. 850x2. Eliza Carr, b. April 21, 1803. 851 3. Moses Carr, b. May 13, 1805, d. unm. 852x4. John Carr, b. Nov. 28, 1806. 8.53X5. Sarah Worth Carr, b. May 24, 1808. 854 X (5. Kdnmnd \V. Carr, b. July 18, 1810. 855 7. David S. Carr, b. March 16, 1812, d. Feb. 12, 1841. 856x8. Michael B. Carr, b. Feb. 19, 1814. 857 9. Daniel Carr, b. Feb. 7, 1816, d. July 30, 1823. 858x10. Hiram Carr, b. Jan. 10. 1818. 859x11. Joshua Carr. 1). March 1, 1820. 8(;o 12. Laura Carr, 1). Jan. 16, 1822. d. April 15, 1836, V. M(JSES Cakk (488) born in Newbury, Mass., July 3, 1777, married Abigail No^es, in Newbury, Oct. 23, 1800. She was


888 3. Betsey Carr, ni.<br />

839 4. Sarah Carr, m.<br />

8 to 5. Moses Carr, m. in Thoniaslon, Me.<br />

V. Sakaii Cakk (484) l)()rn in Newbury, Mass., Jan. 31, 1703,<br />

married Samuel Carr, (47()) of Ameshury, Mass., Nov. 2, 1784.<br />

\'. A.WA C.\K>K' (485) horn in Ne\vl)ury, Mass., Aug. 8, 1767,<br />

married Stephen Bailey. Puhhshed Get. 27, 1787.<br />

V. Capt. Daxtkl Cakr (48(5) horn in Newhury, Mass., July 28,<br />

1773, married Khzal)eth Worth, in Newhury, Nov. 19, 1795.<br />

The>' settled in North Haverhill, N. H., soon after marriage.<br />

She was htn-n in Newhury, Nov. 2, 1768, and died in North<br />

Haverhill, Sept. 18, 1836. He died in the same place, Nov. 10,<br />

1852. Their children were,<br />

841x1. Melinda Carr, h. Sept. 12, 1796.<br />

842x2. Daniel Carr, h. Jan. 31, 1798.<br />

843x3. Frederick Carr,'l). March 22, 1799.<br />

844x4. Laura Carr, h. Jan. 1, 1801.<br />

845x5. Samuel Carr, h. Feh. 14, 1803.<br />

84() 6. Kdmund Carr, h. Nov. 14, 1804.<br />

847 7. Klizaheth Carr, h. April 27, 1806, d. unm.<br />

848X8. Nancy Carr, b. March 12, 1809.<br />

\'. DiiA. John Cakk (487) horn in Newbury, Mass., March 13,<br />

1775, married Hannah Worth, in Newbury, Nov. 20, 1800. They<br />

settled in North Haverhill, N. H., where he died March 11, 1859.<br />

Their children were,<br />

849x1. Hannah Carr, b. Aug. 31, 1801.<br />

850x2. Eliza Carr, b. April 21, 1803.<br />

851 3. Moses Carr, b. May 13, 1805, d. unm.<br />

852x4. John Carr, b. Nov. 28, 1806.<br />

8.53X5. Sarah Worth Carr, b. May 24, 1808.<br />

854 X (5. Kdnmnd \V. Carr, b. July 18, 1810.<br />

855 7. David S. Carr, b. March 16, 1812, d. Feb. 12, 1841.<br />

856x8. Michael B. Carr, b. Feb. 19, 1814.<br />

857 9. Daniel Carr, b. Feb. 7, 1816, d. July 30, 1823.<br />

858x10. Hiram Carr, b. Jan. 10. 1818.<br />

859x11. Joshua Carr. 1). March 1, 1820.<br />

8(;o 12. Laura Carr, 1). Jan. 16, 1822. d. April 15, 1836,<br />

V. M(JSES Cakk (488) born in Newbury, Mass., July 3, 1777,<br />

married Abigail No^es, in Newbury, Oct. 23, 1800. She was

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