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02 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FIFTH GENERATTOX. belong unto the said Fort. And in case of any Invasion or attack of any enemy upon the said Fort, 3'ou are to the utmost of your Skill and Ability with the men under your Command, to resist, fight and expel, kill and burn and destroy all Ships, Vessels and l^arties that may attack or attempt the said Ft)rt, in Ortler to preserve the Interest of His Majesty and his good Subjets in these Part. And you are always to follow andobej^ such further Instructions, Directions and Orders as shall from Time to Time l)e issued unto }'ou by \()ur Siq^erior Officers." "Given untler 1113' Hand and the seal of llie said Colony, this Fourth Da}^ of Ma>', 17(!r), and in the Fiftli year of His said Majesty's Keign. By his Honor's Command, Henry Ward, Sect'y." The children of Caleb and Elizabeth Carr were, 677x1. Samuel Carr, b. —18, 1742. 678x2. CaleJ) Carr, b. May 7. 17-U. ()79 8. William Carr, 1). Jan. 27. 174'), d. —12. 680x4. Waite Carr, June 20, 174S, 681 ~). John Carr, b. 682 6. Walter Clarke Carr, d. Aug. . 688 7. Phillip Carr, b. April , 684 8. Nicholas Carr, d. Oct. 17, . 1752.



belong unto the said Fort. And in case of any Invasion or attack<br />

of any enemy upon the said Fort, 3'ou are to the utmost<br />

of your Skill and Ability with the men under your Command,<br />

to resist, fight and expel, kill and burn and destroy all Ships,<br />

Vessels and l^arties that may attack or attempt the said Ft)rt,<br />

in Ortler to preserve the Interest of His Majesty and his good<br />

Subjets in these Part. And you are always to follow andobej^<br />

such further Instructions, Directions and Orders as shall from<br />

Time to Time l)e issued unto }'ou by \()ur Siq^erior Officers."<br />

"Given untler 1113' Hand and the seal of llie said Colony, this<br />

Fourth Da}^ of Ma>', 17(!r), and in the Fiftli year of His said<br />

Majesty's Keign.<br />

By his Honor's Command, Henry Ward, Sect'y."<br />

The children of Caleb and Elizabeth Carr were,<br />

677x1. Samuel Carr, b. —18, 1742.<br />

678x2. CaleJ) Carr, b. May 7. 17-U.<br />

()79 8. William Carr, 1). Jan. 27. 174'), d. —12.<br />

680x4. Waite Carr, June 20, 174S,<br />

681 ~). John Carr, b.<br />

682 6. Walter Clarke Carr, d. Aug. .<br />

688 7. Phillip Carr, b. April ,<br />

684 8. Nicholas Carr, d. Oct. 17, .<br />


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