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GO CARR FAMILY RKCORDvS—FIFTH GENERATIOX G58 1. Deborah Carr, b. Jan. 20, 1790. 659 2. Caleb Carr, b. Sept. 23, 1791. V. Hannah Carr (388) born in the township of Oyster Baj^ near Jericho, L. 1., July 24, 1716, married Jeremiah Kobbins. vShe (lied in N. J.. Nov. 19, 1762. Of her last moments, her lirother Caleb wrote: "Dear sister Hannah ish'ing at the point of death. As her husband and I were standing by her, she ex- that cannot be pressed herself thus— 'I feel a degree of peace expressed. Me-thinks I have a sight of the tree of life.' Then she followed with an exceeding fervent prayer. I took m3'' leave of her with the conviction that she wovild soon be with my beloved; and J pra3"ed God we might live such we misfht come to them in the Lord's good time." ren of Hannah and Jeremiah were, lives that The child- 660 1. AlmyRobbins, b. 1733. ()()1 2. Elizabeth Kolil)ins, 1). 1733, m. Henry Cook, of John. ()()2 3. Hannah Kobbins, 1). 1739, m. Keese Cook, of John. (\(yS 4. Sarah Kobbins, 1). 1742, m. John Tibbitts, of William. 661 5. Samuel Kobbins, b. 1745, m. Elizabeth Cook, of John. 665 (5. Isaac Kobbins, b. 174(5, m. Margaret Tibbitts, of Wm. 6(56 7. Stephen Kobbins, b. 1750, m. Mariam Seaman, 667 8. Phebe Kobbins, b. 1752, m. Benjamin Bedell. (568 9. Abigail Kobbins, b. 1755, m. Samuel Tibbitts. (569x10. Job K

CAK'K' I'AMll.Y K'i;'/()K'I)S I'll Til (ilvNKK AT[( )N. 61 civil behavior. And as it was Iut wish, so it is iiiitie, that you should not make 3'ourselves too line. vS[)eak no bad words, take not (rod's name in vain l)y any means, keep no 1)ad company, tell no lidsehoods, be not forward in idle discourse, be just in N'oiir dealinos as I have been, punetual to your promises, charital)le to the i)oor, and keep to tlu> I*^-ieiids' plain language. And if ^'ou sliould arrive to be men and women, and are inclined to niarr>', set not ^our affections on any ])ers()n till you lind them to be well groundetl in your own religion, and to be living in the fear of God. For that with a morsel will be bet- ter to you llian great riches without it. To my children, given l)\- me your father, 4th month, 19th da}', 17()2, Caleb Carr." The children of Caleb and Sarah Carr were, ()70xl. Mary Carr, b. Sept. 80, 1747. ()71x2. Job Carr, b. July 15, 1750. ()72 3. Thonuis Carr, b. Jan. 27, 17513, d. April 8, 17o8. (578x4. Samuel Carr, b. Oct. 22, 1754. (574x5. Isaac Carr, b. March 10, 1757. (575x6. Hannah Carr, b. Sept. 10, 1759. 676x7. Sarah Carr, b. April 14, 17(32. V. Capt. Caleb Carr (840) born in Newport, K. I., 1720, married Elizabeth Phillips, in Newport, Nov. 15, 1741, bj^ Rev. Nicholas Eyres. She was born in 1722, and died Feb. 28, 1805. He died Dec. 30, 1783. The following is a cop}' of Capt. Carr's commission in the colonial service: "By the Hon. Samuel Ward, Esquire, Governor, Captain General and Commander-in-Chief of and over the English colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantation in New Eno-land. in America." "To Caleb Carr, Gentleman, Greeting: Whereas the General Assembly of the colony aforesaid, at their session in Newport on the first Wednesday' in this instant, may chose and appoint \()u the said Caleb Carr,^Captain of Fort George upon Goat Island, in the township of Newport, in the colon}' aforesaid, I do therefore in the Name of His Most Sacred Majesty George the Third b}' the (rraceof God King of Great Britain, &c., hereby authorize, emjiower and commission you the said Caleb Carr to have, take and exercise the Office of Captain of the Fort aforesaid, with full Power and Authority to conduct, order and command all such Officers and Soldiers as do or sliall

CAK'K' I'AMll.Y K'i;'/()K'I)S I'll Til (ilvNKK AT[( )N. 61<br />

civil behavior. And as it was Iut wish, so it is iiiitie, that you<br />

should not make 3'ourselves too line. vS[)eak no bad words, take<br />

not (rod's name in vain l)y any means, keep no 1)ad company,<br />

tell no lidsehoods, be not forward in idle discourse, be just in<br />

N'oiir dealinos as I have been, punetual to your promises,<br />

charital)le to the i)oor, and keep to tlu> I*^-ieiids' plain language.<br />

And if ^'ou sliould arrive to be men and women, and are inclined<br />

to niarr>', set not ^our affections on any ])ers()n till you<br />

lind them to be well groundetl in your own religion, and to be<br />

living in the fear of God. For that with a morsel will be bet-<br />

ter to you llian great riches without it. To my children, given<br />

l)\- me your father, 4th month, 19th da}', 17()2, Caleb Carr."<br />

The children of Caleb and Sarah Carr were,<br />

()70xl. Mary Carr, b. Sept. 80, 1747.<br />

()71x2. Job Carr, b. July 15, 1750.<br />

()72 3. Thonuis Carr, b. Jan. 27, 17513, d. April 8, 17o8.<br />

(578x4. Samuel Carr, b. Oct. 22, 1754.<br />

(574x5. Isaac Carr, b. March 10, 1757.<br />

(575x6. Hannah Carr, b. Sept. 10, 1759.<br />

676x7. Sarah Carr, b. April 14, 17(32.<br />

V. Capt. Caleb Carr (840) born in Newport, K. I., 1720, married<br />

Elizabeth Phillips, in Newport, Nov. 15, 1741, bj^ Rev.<br />

Nicholas Eyres. She was born in 1722, and died Feb. 28, 1805.<br />

He died Dec. 30, 1783. The following is a cop}' of Capt. Carr's<br />

commission in the colonial service:<br />

"By the Hon. Samuel Ward, Esquire, Governor, Captain General<br />

and Commander-in-Chief of and over the English colony<br />

of Rhode Island and Providence Plantation in New Eno-land.<br />

in America."<br />

"To Caleb Carr, Gentleman, Greeting: Whereas the General<br />

Assembly of the colony aforesaid, at their session in Newport<br />

on the first Wednesday' in this instant, may chose and appoint<br />

\()u the said Caleb Carr,^Captain of Fort George upon Goat<br />

Island, in the township of Newport, in the colon}' aforesaid, I<br />

do therefore in the Name of His Most Sacred Majesty George<br />

the Third b}' the (rraceof God King of Great Britain, &c., hereby<br />

authorize, emjiower and commission you the said Caleb<br />

Carr to have, take and exercise the Office of Captain of the<br />

Fort aforesaid, with full Power and Authority to conduct, order<br />

and command all such Officers and Soldiers as do or sliall

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