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50 CAKR FAMILY RECORDS—FOURTH GENBRATIOX. 47() 5. Samuel Carr, b, Oct. 4, 1761, in Ainesbury, Mass. 477x6. James Carr, b. Sept. 13, 17()3. „ „ 478x7. Daniel Carr, b. Sept. 17, 1765. 479 8. Bettee Carr, b. Nov. 26, 1767. d. young. 480 XU. Abigail Carr, 1^. May 21, 1770. 481x10 Moses Carr. IV. JrniTH Carr (186) born in Newburj', Mass., June 15, 1730, married Stephen Morse, Oct. 5, 1749. IV. Daxiel Carr (187) born in Newbury, Mass., July 13, 1734, married Betty Chase, in Ne\vl)ur3% July 19, 1757. After her death he married Elizal^eth Chase, Oct. 19, 1772. She was l)orn in 1741, and died in Haverhill, N. H., Jan. 24, 1819. He died in the same place, April 12, 1822. Their cliildren were, 482 1. Klizabeth Carr, 1). Nov. 27, 1758, d. Nov. 20, 1759. 483 2. Klizabeth Carr, b. June 11, 17()0. 484x3. Sarah Carr, 1). Jan. 31, 1763. 485x4. Anna Carr, 1). Aug. 8, 1767. children by second wife Elizabeth, 483x5. Daniel Carr, b. July 28, 1773. 487x6. John Carr, b. March 13, 1775. 488x7. Moses Carr, b. July 3, 1777. 489x8. Judith Carr, b, Aug. 20, 1779. TV. AxNE Carr (188) born in Newbury, Mass., July 13, 1734, married Samuel Brown, March 1, 1759. IV. Bradbtry Carr (189) born in Newbury, Mass., Juh' 27, 1713, married Anne Kichardson, of Xewbury, Dec. 5, 1734. Their children ^vere, 490 1. Bradbury Carr, 1). Dec. 28, 1735, d. Dec. 31, 1735. 491 2. Anne Carr, b. Jan. 15, 1737. 492 3. Ruth Carr. b. March 15, 1739. IV. DoRoTiiv Carr (191) born in Newbury, Mass.. Sept. 8, 17 K), married Nathan Merrill, jr., of Newbury, Oct. 16, 1731. IV. Sarah Carr (192) born in Salisbury, Mass., July 21. 1721, married Josiah French. Dec. 20, 1739. She next married John Ordway, of South Hampton, X. H., Dec. 8, 1742. lY. JunrTH Carr (193) b;)rnin Salisbury, Mass., July 21. 1721, married Daniel Il()3't, June 24, 173(5. I\'. KijZAUHTH Carr (!!)!) boni in SalislMiry, Mass., June 28,

CAKMC FAMILY KMvCOKDS— FOUK'TH GKNEFv'ATION. 51 172;}. nianicd Nathan Kooers, of Newbiirj', Mass., Aug. 18, 1744. I\'. k'lciiAK'i) Cakmv' (1!)")) born in Salisbniw, Mass., March \:i, 172."), married .Sarah Cook, in NewlMiry, Mass., April IG, 17-15. 'I'heir chilchen wore, -I9:iXl. Kichard Carr, 1). Oct. 12, 1747. 4S)t 2. Sarah Carr, 1). March 17, 1741). 1!).") ;{. Jolni Carr, b. Jan. 12, 1702. 4!)() !. ) Joseph Carr, b. March \:i n.lG. 4!)7 ."). ( Henjaniin Carr, b. ,, ,, I\'. K'liDKCCA Caick (190) born in Salisbury, Mass., Jan. 0, 1727, married I»enjamin Ordway, of South Hampton, N. H., Oct. 80, 174f). 1\'. James Cakr (197) l)orn in Salisbury, Mass., Oct. 3, 1728, married Mary Greeley, Nov. 23, 17r)(). She died April 8, 1798. He (lied Jtnic 9, 1812. Their children were, 498 1. Mary Carr, b. Sej^t. 21, 1757. 499 2. Judith Carr, b. Aug. 13, 175i), d. Jan. 31, 1849, unm. 500x3. James Carr, b. Sept. 10, 17G1. 501 4. Elizabeth Carr, b. Sept. 19, 1763, d. Sept. 16, 1779. 502 5. Esther Carr, b. Dec. 9, 1765, d. April 9, 1836. 503 X (5. Levi Carr, b. Jan. 25, 1768. 504 7. Sarah Carr, b. Aug. 17, 1770, d. Sept. 1855, unm. IV. Thomas Carr was born in England, about 1679, and mar- ried Mar}^ Dabney. vSlie was born Jan. 22, 1680, and died in Virginia, Sept. 7, 1748, Thomas is supposed to have come from the border land between England and Scotland, and had a grant of land from the king, consisting of 25,000 acres, in the counties of Louisa and Albermarle, in \'irginia. This ancient document was written on parchment, granting to "our trusty and well-beloved Thomas Carr, gentleman, a tract of land in our colon}' of Virginia." It is supposed that came over from England wdth Thomas and his two wife, brothers namel}^: R()l)ert and John. Robert settled in another part of the colou}^ and John died witliout issue. Thomas died Ma}^ 29, 1738. Their children were, 505x1. John Carr, b. June 25, 1706. 506x2. William Carr, b. about 1707. 507x3. TlKjnnis Carr, b. „ 1709. 508x4. Sarah Carr, h. Nov. 14, 1714.


172;}. nianicd Nathan Kooers, of Newbiirj', Mass., Aug. 18, 1744.<br />

I\'. k'lciiAK'i) Cakmv' (1!)")) born in Salisbniw, Mass., March \:i,<br />

172."), married .Sarah Cook, in NewlMiry, Mass., April IG, 17-15.<br />

'I'heir chilchen wore,<br />

-I9:iXl. Kichard Carr, 1). Oct. 12, 1747.<br />

4S)t 2. Sarah Carr, 1). March 17, 1741).<br />

1!).") ;{. Jolni Carr, b. Jan. 12, 1702.<br />

4!)() !.<br />

) Joseph Carr, b. March \:i n.lG.<br />

4!)7 ."). ( Henjaniin Carr, b. ,, ,,<br />

I\'. K'liDKCCA Caick (190) born in Salisbury, Mass., Jan. 0,<br />

1727, married I»enjamin Ordway, of South Hampton, N. H.,<br />

Oct. 80, 174f).<br />

1\'. James Cakr (197) l)orn in Salisbury, Mass., Oct. 3, 1728,<br />

married Mary Greeley, Nov. 23, 17r)(). She died April 8, 1798.<br />

He (lied Jtnic 9, 1812. Their children were,<br />

498 1. Mary Carr, b. Sej^t. 21, 1757.<br />

499 2. Judith Carr, b. Aug. 13, 175i), d. Jan. 31, 1849, unm.<br />

500x3. James Carr, b. Sept. 10, 17G1.<br />

501 4. Elizabeth Carr, b. Sept. 19, 1763, d. Sept. 16, 1779.<br />

502 5. Esther Carr, b. Dec. 9, 1765, d. April 9, 1836.<br />

503 X (5. Levi Carr, b. Jan. 25, 1768.<br />

504 7. Sarah Carr, b. Aug. 17, 1770, d. Sept. 1855, unm.<br />

IV. Thomas Carr was born in England, about 1679, and mar-<br />

ried Mar}^ Dabney. vSlie was born Jan. 22, 1680, and died in<br />

Virginia, Sept. 7, 1748, Thomas is supposed to have come from<br />

the border land between England and Scotland, and had a<br />

grant of land from the king, consisting of 25,000 acres, in the<br />

counties of Louisa and Albermarle, in \'irginia. This ancient<br />

document was written on parchment, granting to "our trusty<br />

and well-beloved Thomas Carr, gentleman, a tract of land in<br />

our colon}' of Virginia." It is supposed that<br />

came over from England wdth Thomas and his<br />

two<br />

wife,<br />

brothers<br />

namel}^:<br />

R()l)ert and John. Robert settled in another part of the colou}^<br />

and John died witliout issue. Thomas died Ma}^ 29, 1738.<br />

Their children were,<br />

505x1. John Carr, b. June 25, 1706.<br />

506x2. William Carr, b. about 1707.<br />

507x3. TlKjnnis Carr, b. „ 1709.<br />

508x4. Sarah Carr, h. Nov. 14, 1714.

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