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48 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FOURTH GEXERATIOX. IV. Susannah Carr (171) born in Salisbury, Mass., Oct. 25, 1731, married Michael Maxfield, April 8, 1753. IV. Betty Carr (174) born in Salisbury, Mass., Sept. 18.1737, married Benjamin Colby, Nov. 12, 1855. IV. Mary Carr (175) born in Salisbury, Mass., Nov. 1, 1739, married Israel True, Aug. 20, 1761. IV. Klliott Carr (176) born in Salisbury, Mass., Jul}- 5, 1742, married Joanna Dow, Their children were, 447x1. Hannah Carr, b. Nov. 23, 1765. 448 2. Betty Carr, b. Nov. 27, 1767. 449 3. Jemima Carr, b. Dec. 4, 1769. 450 4. Khoda Carr, b. July 18, 1772. 451 5. Sarah Carr, b. Feb. 20, 1775. 452X6. John Carr, b. March 11, 1778. 453 7. Nathan Carr, b. June 5, 1781. 454 8. Nanne Carr, b. Nov. 28, 1787. IV. John Carr (178) born in Newbury, Mass., married Anne Moody, Jul}" 28, 1738. They lived Their children were. June 4, 1711, in Newbury. 455x1. John Carr, b. May 16, 1739. 456x2. Samuel Carr, b. Dec. 6, 1740. 457 3. Anne Carr, b. March 6, 1743. 458 4. Sarah Carr, b. July 26, 1745. 459x5. Mary Carr, b. April 22, 1757. IV. Ann Carr (279) born in Newbury, Mass., Oct. 10, 1313, married Thomas I'errin, of Jpswick, Mass., July 28, 1729. IV. Dr. Moses Carr (180) born in Newbury, Mass., Nov. 28, 1715. Pie settled in Dover, N. H., when a young man and mar- ried Mary Gerrish, daughter of Paul Gerrish. He practiced medicine in Somerville, N. H., for 60 years. He was town clerk, judge of the common court of pleas, and a representative to the legislature. He died March 30, 1800. Their children were, 460 1. John Carr, b. Oct. 6, 1741. 461 2. Paul Carr, b. July 6, 1743, d. Sept. 5, 1753. 4(52 3. Mary Carr, b. Oct. 21, 1744, m. John Rollins, d. Apr. 1823. 463 4. Moses Carr, b. May 28, 1746, m. Hannah Humbleton. 464x5. James Carr, b. April 22. 1748. 465 6. Betsey Carr, 1). July 2(5, 1849, m. Rev. R. T. Tibbitts.

CAKMC KAMrLY KKCOKDS— FOUKTII GKNKRATION. 49 4()() 7. vSarali Carr, b. vSei)t. 17, 1751,


4()() 7. vSarali Carr, b. vSei)t. 17, 1751,

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