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CAKK' lAMII.V KKCOKDS—NINTH GKNKRATION. 465 T?ii(lo-c> water. TlicN' had, 7270 1. Lena P>uckey, b. Ma}- 1"), 18S(). IX. CiiARLKS WiiSLEY PACKARD (5258) borii ill North Brid^re- Avater, Mass.. May 4, 1855), tiiarried Chira Iv. Kandall, of Kastoii, Mass., Dec. 25, 1880. Their cliildren are, 7271 1. Mary K. Packard. Oct. 31, 1882. 7272 2. Mildred Packard. 1). Dec.O, 1884. TX. Clifton Anderson Packard (5259) born in North Bridgewater, Mass., Jvily 2. 18(54, married Cora A. Clark, of Brockton, Mass., July 2, 1885. IX. Annie Frances Packard (5260) born in North Bridgewater, Mass.. July 8, 1866, married Clarence E. Anglim, of Brockton. Mass. Their children are, 7273 1. Edward Packard Anglim. b. July 29, 1888. 7274 2. Alice Gertude Anglim, b. Oct. 3, 1890. IX. IIerbert Packard (5261) boon in North Bridgewater, Mass., Jan. 2 1870, married Josie H. Bartlett, of Brockton, Mass., May 6, 1889. They have, 7275 1. Emma H. Packard, b. Jan. 6, 1890. IX. Louisa Carr (5263) born in North Bridgewater, Mass., April 27, 1858, married OrvisL. Randall, of Easton, Mass., July 6, 1880. Their children are, 7276 1. Annie F. Randall, b. Nov. 13, 1881. 7277 2. Ethel L. Randall, b. Aug. 20, 1883. IX. Marion Granville Carr (5265) born in Roxbury, Mass., Sept. 1, 1865, married Elsworth E. Cook, t)f Boston, Mass., June 22, 1891. IX. Charles Burley Carr (5268) born in North Bridge- Avater, Mass., Oct. 8, 1854, married Georgie Kimball, of Little- ton, Mass., Nov. 12, 1890. IX. Emma Priscilla Carr (5269) born in North Bridgewater, Mass., vSept. 3. 18,56, married Lorenzo B. Crockett, of Easton, Mass., May 5, 1881. Their children are, 7278 7279 1. 2. Sarah Carr Crockett, b. Aug. 12. 1882. Helen Mason Crockett, b. Aug. 26, 1888. IX. HATTrE Eliza Carr (5270) born in North Bridgewater, Mass., Jan. 9, 1860, married Roger Williams, of Taunton, Mass., Nov. 25, 1880. Their children are.


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