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40 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—FO I KIH GENERATION. IV. Daniel Carr (107) bom in Jamestown, R. I., Nov. 15, 1687, married Mary . R. I. Suppostd lo have settled in \Vai\vick, IV. Capt. Peleg Carr (1(8) horn in Jamestown, R. I., March 14, 1690, married Anne Crawford, Nov. 29, 1711. She was born May 13, 1690, and died Sept. 14, 1729. He was will by his fath- er, land in Kingstown and Cowset. He also owned property in Newport. He died Jan. 4, 1786. Their children were, 321 1. Freelove Carr, 1), 1714, died June 28, 1730. 325 2. Alma Carr, b. 1718, died Oct. 22. 1729. IV. Deborah Carr (109) born in Jameslown, R. 1., married John Greene, of Warwick, R. I., Dec. 6, 1711. She died May 6, 1729, the same day her last child was bom. Their childien w^ere, 326x1. Thomas Greene, b. Oct. 29, 1714. 327x2. Caleb Greene, 1). June 11, 171(;. 328x3. Anne Greene, b. Feb. 24, 1718. 329x4. Benjamin Greene, b. May 2, 1720. 330 5. Job Greene, b. March 29, 1722. 331x6. Almy Greene, b. Jan. 31, 1721. 332x7. Richard Greene, b. Oct. 4, 1725. 333 8. Nathaniel Greene, b. April 10, 1727. 334 9. Deborah Greene, b. May 6, 1729. l\\ RoHA Carr (110) bom in Jamestown, R.I., married Robert Hopkins in West Greewich, R. 1., Oct. 16, 1743. She next married John Noncs, Airg. 1, 1751. 1\\ vSayles Carr (112) born in Jamestown, R, I., Nov. 24, 1696, married Martha Child, in Newport, R. I., June 10, 1740. He ^vas willed land ])y his father in Cowset, Ne\v Bristol and a share in Crould island. He died in 1774. He is supposed to have had a son Sayles wlio settled in Warwick, R. 1. 335x1. Sayles Carr, b. a1)()ut 1712. IV. Job Cak>;v- (113) boni in Newport, K*. I.. Oct. 31, KJS'J, and settled with a colon \' of (Juakers in thi' townshij) of Oyster Ba}^, near Jericho, L. I. He married Hannah Willetts, only child of Ricliard and Al)io-ail (lirowiie) Willetts, of Jcriclio, Feb. 11, 1711. She was bom the 21th of llth month, 1686, and died in Jericho, tlie 27th of the Ittli tnonth, 1727, where she was buried. Job Carr lived and died in Jericho, and his farm is

CARW iWMiiA' km;c

CARW iWMiiA' km;c

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