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434 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—XINTH GEXERATIOX, ward and Abbie (Sherman) Townsend, in 1872. They reside in Newport. IX. Ida Bush Geffroy (4509) born in Newport, R. I., mar- ried Theron Gledden, in Philadelphia, I^a. IX. Mary A. Geffroy (4510) born in Newport, K. I., married James Edward Burns, in Philadelphia, Pa. IX. Samuel Aelen (4511) bum in Newport, li. I., April 20. 1858, married Rose Duffee, of Newark, N. J., in New York city, Dec. 5, 1889. They reside in Newport. IX. ThomAvS G. Cakr (4519) l)()rn in Newport, R. I., Jan. 4, 1846, married Nellie Ivinsle^^ of Hamilton, R. 1. They reside in Providence, R. I. They have, 6815 1. Willis T. Carr, b. M«y, 1875. IX. Charles C. Carr (4520) born in Newport, R. I., Aug-. 7, 1850, married Amanda Kinsley, Hainilion, R.I., May, 1880. They reside in Hamilton. Their children are, 6816 1. Annie Carr, b. Nov. 28, 1881. 6317 2. Horace Carr, b. Feb. 1889. IX. Hattie C. Carr, (4521) born in Newport, R. I., Dec. 13, 1863, married Richard \Y. Fan, Jan. 18, 1881. The}' reside in Providence, R. I., and have, 6818 1. John M. Fan, b. Aug. 12, 1882. IX. George Hazard Carr (4522) born in Newport, R. I., Dec. 22, 1853, married Jennie Franklin Atkinson, April 29, 1880. She w^as born in Newport, Aug. 4, 1862. He is a bookseller in Newport. They have, 6819 1. Franklin Carr, b. Feb. 12, 1891. IX. Samuel E. Carr (4524) born in Newport, R. I.. Jan. 16. 1861, married Sallie P. Champlin, of Jamestown, R. I. No children. IX. Robert Ronrxsox Carr (4525) born in Newjiort. R. I.. June 7, 1850, married Mary Ann Chase, in Newport, Nov. 29, 1871. She died April 7, 1873. He next married Deborah Cogge- shall Chase, Dec. 10, 1874. His cliildren are, 6820 I. Mary Allen Carr, b. March 27, 1873. children by second wife, 6821 2. Sarah Coggeshall Carr, .b. Nov. 9, 1876. 6822 3. Grace Green Carr, 1). Feb. 27, 1883, d. July. 1883.

CARR FAMILY RhXORDS— XINTTI GE;NERATI0N. 435 ()S2;J 1. Marion Hiirn)U_i;lis Carr, h. Vc\). Xi, 1SS4. IX. KiiTiiURAH (rAviTT Cak'k {47)2()) l)()ni in (leor^etown.S. C, Nov. 24, 1870, married Walter Hodgkins, Jan. 1


()S2;J 1. Marion Hiirn)U_i;lis Carr, h. Vc\). Xi, 1SS4.<br />

IX. KiiTiiURAH (rAviTT Cak'k {47)2()) l)()ni in (leor^etown.S. C,<br />

Nov. 24, 1870, married Walter Hodgkins, Jan. 1

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