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426 CARR FAiMILY RECORDS—NINTH GENERATION. Gfi94x 1. Warren Denison Carr, 1). July 30, 1843. child by second wife, 6695x2. Phebe Serepta Carr, b. Feb. 22, 1846. children by third wife, 6696x3. James Edward Carr, b. July 14, 1848. 6697x4. Sarah Cordelia Carr, b. Jan. 5, 1850. 6698 5. Frank Eugene Carr, 1). Oct. 28, 1851, d. June 22, 1876. 6699x6. Phila Amelia Carr, b. Jan. 10, 1853. 6700 7. Fred Henry Carr, b. Dec. 16, 1854, d. April 16, 1865. 6701x8. Charles Harvey Carr, b. Nov. 17, 1856. 6702 9. Alva Jay Carr, b. June 17, 1858. 6703 10. Virginia Adell Carr, b. Sept. 16, 1862. children by fourth wife, 6704 11. Matilda Elizabeth Carr, b. July 10, 1874. 6705 12. Mary Lovina Carr, b. June 23, 1876. 670(5 13. Alice Diantha Carr, b. Feb. 5, 1880. IX. Giles Collins Carr (4410) ])()rn in Pompe}^ N. Y., Aug. 12, 1818, married Hannah Stone, in Ottawa, Ills., Jan. 12. 1848. She was born in in Eden. N.Y.. July 29, 1825, and died near Riverside, Iowa, Dec. 20, 1890. He died in the same place, of heart disease, April 19, 1883. Their children are, 6707x1. Esther Amelia Carr, b. Sept. 9, 1849. 6708x2. Freelove Elizabeth Carr, b. Sept. 18, 1854. 6709x3. Edgar Daru Carr. h. Nov. 8, 1860. 6710x4. I^illy Gertrude Carr, b. Aug. 9, 1864. IX. Dr. James Edward Carr (4411) born in Camillus, Onondaga Co., N. Y., Dec. 25, 1819, married Diantha E. Hatch, of Pompe3% N. Y., April 8. 1846. She died of apoplexy, in Jordan, N. Y.. May 22, 1890. He now resides in Norway, Herkimer, Co., N. Y. No children. IX. Marion Pamelia Carr (4412) born in Camillus, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1821, married Dr. Kimball Favor, in Long Grove, 111., Feb. 22, 1812. He was born in New Chester, N H., May 15, 1816. They moved to vSan Francisco, Cal., where she died July 18, 1887. He practiced medicine man}" 3'ears in San Francisco, and is now living with his second wife in Tancred, Cal. His children by tirst wife are, 6711x1. Sarah E. Favor, b. Jtme 7, 1844. 6712x2. Diantha A. Favor, 1). Dec. 12, 1847. 6713x3. Susan A. Favor, b. Eel). 2(). 1851.

C.\UK FAMILY K'KCOK'DS .MX Til (JKNKK'ATIOX. 427 ()714 4. Charles S. b'avor. b. Oct. 17. 1850, d. Au,


()714 4. Charles S. b'avor. b. Oct. 17. 1850, d. Au,

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