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392 CARK FAMILY RECORDS NINTH GENERATION. Erie C, N. Y., May 20, 183(), married Grace ^lills, Dec. 31, 1878. She was bora Feb. 17, 1852. He was postmaster in Galesburg-, Ills., for over twenty years. He is a pri)minent pviblic speaker, and under President Harrison was appointed U. S. miriister to Denmark. He is now 'practicing law in Galesbur^. Their children are, ()20r) 1. Julia C. Carr, b. April 2, 1876. ()20G 2. Clark M. Carr. b. March 16, 1878. IX. Grace Delia Carr (3940) born in Galesburg, I!ls., Aug. 22, 1852, nriarried J. C. Fahnnistock, Nov. 7, 1878. They reside in Galesburg. Their children are, 6207 1. Fanny Fahnnistock, b. Nov. 15, 1879. 6208. 2. Grace Fahnnistock, 1). June 12,1886. IX. Belle M. Carr (3948) l)orn Axig. 30, 1854, married Dan- iel McCarthy, in Chicago, Ills., Jan. 30, 1883. He was born in 1851. She graduated at the Young Ladies' Seminary, in Hamilton, Canada. N(^ children. IX. Levi K. Carr (3949; born July 18, 1857, married Anna Conegan, in Chicago, Ills., [an. 13, 1882. She was born in Milwaukee, Wis., in 1864. They reside in ^J'roy Grove, Ills. Their children are, 6209 1. Arbell M. Carr, b. Jan. 3, 1883. 6210 2. Dauphina M. Carr, b. Fel). 28, 1885. 6211 3. Honora T. Carr, b. Aug. 27, 1886. 6212 4. Daniel Carr, b, Nov. 28, 1887, d. July 18, 1888. IX. Robert J. Carr (3951) liorn Aug. 11, 1867. He is a graduate of a college, studied law and was admitted to the bar Dec. 4, 1889. He is practicing law in Ottawa, Ills. He married Annie Crane Hatheway, Dec. 30, 1891. IX. Enoch Bordwell (3952) born in Potter. Yates Co., N. Y., March 19, 1823, married Julia Ann Woodin, Sept. 20, 1846. He died in Kidgeway, ElkCo., Pa., Sept. 11, 1880. Tiu-ir children are, 6213x1. Moreiice Julia Bordwell, b. April 25, 1849. (5214 2. Gilbert Sliearer Bordwell, I). March 26, 1851. ()215x3. Ida Janette Bordwell, b. Feb. 3, 18.13. ()216x4. Mary Roxana Bordwell, b. Aug, 6, 1855. 6217x5. \'ictor Plerbert Bordwell. b. Nov. 1. 1857. ()2'18X6. Nellie La Nore Bordwell, b. ."^larch (5, I860.

CAK'K KAMILY KMiCORD.S —NINTH OKNIJKATION. '.iiKi r)2lf)x7. Jessie lulilli liordweil, 1). ."). Sept. 18()2. (5220 S. Cluirles JJordwell, b. July 2, ISiif), d. Oct. 2U, 1808. ()221 S). Lal)erii Honlwell, 1). Ai)ril ;5, 1807. (5222X10. Mertie Uordwell, b. Feb. 10, 18(5!). IX. LvDiA IviAiK'A ISoK'DW i;ll(39o3) born Dec. 11, 1824, married H. C. Howard, Aug-. 17, 1845. They live at Bear Lake, Pa. They have, (5228 1. Helen (3. Howard, b. Oct. 14, 1850. d. Feb. 2, 1805. ()224x2. Flora S. Howard, b. April 17, 1852. IX. Mary Koxaxa Bordwell (3954) ])()rn Jan. 20, 1828, married William J. Smith, Dec. 1817. She died in 1892. Their children are, (5225 1. Oscar A. Smith, b. Jan. 8, 1849. 022:5 2. Victor H. Smith, b. Oct. 10, 1850. (5227x3. Walter B. Smith, b. Oct. 15, 1852. IX. Dr. Richard Keuijen Bordwell, (8955) born Jan. 10, 1832, married Mary K. Brown, May 22, 1853. Their children are, (5228 1. Eugene O. Bordwell, b. March 12, 1854. (5229x2. Ernest Kichard Bordwell, b. March 2, 1856. (5230 3. Charles Bordwell, b. April 17, 1803. ()231 4. Grace B. Bordwell, b. Jan. 10, 180(1 IX. Dr. John Bordwell (3950) born Feb. 17, 1834, married Edna Seele3% April 2, 1850. The3^ reside in Ridgeway, Pa. Tlieir children are, (5232 1. Addie R. Bordwell, b. March 12, 1805. (5233 2. Clarissa E. Bordwell, b. Jan. 20, 1868. (5234 3. Stoddard B. Bordwell, b! Sept. 18, 1874. IX. Sarah M. Bordwell (3958) l)()rn July 30, 1840, married Rev. John Hill, Dec. 9, 1850. She died March 27, 1880. Their children are, (J235 1. Warren R. Hill, b. Aug. 30, 1801, d. Nov. 19, 1874. of music. (523(5 2. Earl H. Hill, b. Jan. 8, 1804, professor (5237 3. Willis B. Hill, 1). Dec. 22, 1874, d. April 19, 1889. IX. Charles Theodore Bokdwell (3959) born Feb. 15, 1843, married Laura Luama Pierce (4028) AjDril 9, 1872. They reside at Bear Lake, Pa. Their children are, (5238 1. Ellwood Charles Bordwell, b. March 0, 1873. 6239 2. Ivan Theodore Bordwell, b. May 31, 1875. (5240 3. India May Bordwell, b. Nov. 13, 1877.


Erie C, N. Y., May 20, 183(), married Grace ^lills, Dec. 31, 1878.<br />

She was bora Feb. 17, 1852. He was postmaster in Galesburg-,<br />

Ills., for over twenty years. He is a pri)minent pviblic speaker,<br />

and under President Harrison was appointed U. S. miriister<br />

to Denmark. He is now 'practicing law in Galesbur^. Their<br />

children are,<br />

()20r) 1. Julia C. Carr, b. April 2, 1876.<br />

()20G 2. Clark M. Carr. b. March 16, 1878.<br />

IX. Grace Delia Carr (3940) born in Galesburg, I!ls., Aug.<br />

22, 1852, nriarried J. C. Fahnnistock, Nov. 7, 1878. They reside<br />

in Galesburg. Their children are,<br />

6207 1. Fanny Fahnnistock, b. Nov. 15, 1879.<br />

6208. 2. Grace Fahnnistock, 1). June 12,1886.<br />

IX. Belle M. Carr (3948) l)orn Axig. 30, 1854, married Dan-<br />

iel McCarthy, in Chicago, Ills., Jan. 30, 1883. He was born in<br />

1851. She graduated at the Young Ladies' Seminary, in Hamilton,<br />

Canada. N(^ children.<br />

IX. Levi K. Carr (3949; born July 18, 1857, married Anna<br />

Conegan, in Chicago, Ills., [an. 13, 1882. She was born in Milwaukee,<br />

Wis., in 1864. They reside in ^J'roy Grove, Ills. Their<br />

children are,<br />

6209 1. Arbell M. Carr, b. Jan. 3, 1883.<br />

6210 2. Dauphina M. Carr, b. Fel). 28, 1885.<br />

6211 3. Honora T. Carr, b. Aug. 27, 1886.<br />

6212 4. Daniel Carr, b, Nov. 28, 1887, d. July 18, 1888.<br />

IX. Robert J. Carr (3951) liorn Aug. 11, 1867. He is a graduate<br />

of a college, studied law and was admitted to the bar<br />

Dec. 4, 1889. He is practicing law in Ottawa, Ills. He married<br />

Annie Crane Hatheway, Dec. 30, 1891.<br />

IX. Enoch Bordwell (3952) born in Potter. Yates Co., N. Y.,<br />

March 19, 1823, married Julia Ann Woodin, Sept. 20, 1846. He<br />

died in Kidgeway, ElkCo., Pa., Sept. 11, 1880. Tiu-ir children<br />

are,<br />

6213x1. Moreiice Julia Bordwell, b. April 25, 1849.<br />

(5214 2. Gilbert Sliearer Bordwell,<br />

I). March 26, 1851.<br />

()215x3. Ida Janette Bordwell, b. Feb. 3, 18.13.<br />

()216x4. Mary Roxana Bordwell, b. Aug, 6, 1855.<br />

6217x5. \'ictor Plerbert Bordwell. b. Nov. 1. 1857.<br />

()2'18X6. Nellie La Nore Bordwell, b. ."^larch (5, I860.

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