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CARR FAMILY K'HC()KM)s piiiK'i) c! i;xi:i^ A rr( )X. 29<br />

];iiiie8 Carr, east on ye iiraveyarcl, and south on land or street<br />

leatlinu; to sttnie windmill. Also one small house and wareliousL.'<br />

adjoiniuo- on yo wharf, heretofore my ^grandfather's, with<br />

the wharf and laud whereon they stand, and the whole<br />

breadth thereof to Cai)t. Mumford's lane, and also one-half of<br />

ri inainder of said wharf, excej)t the part where Josejih (iardi-<br />

uer's shop stands, and the yard north thereof the widtli of said<br />

shoj) to Capt. Mumford's line, which I reserve to myself; all<br />

of which 1 convey and coniirm to my brother Caleb Carr, and<br />

his heirs and assigns forever."<br />

"Sccotid,<br />

I a'ive my father's mansion house and outhouse<br />

adjacent, and the land adjoining and belonging thereto, l)ound<br />

north on Capt. KUery's land; east on land of my said father;<br />

aouth on the street; and west on hind now in possession of Alexander<br />

Mason, I convey to ni}^ brother John Carr."<br />

the south-west corner or district tenement in<br />

'Third, I give<br />

which Alexander Mason now dwells, unto my brother Francis<br />

CM arr.<br />

"Fourth, I give my sister Ann Barker, the one-half or westmore<br />

end of the new house built by my father, with one-half<br />

of the garden adjoining, with IG feet at the west en(\ of the<br />

house, and 20 feet back from the street."<br />

"Fifth, I give my sister Patience the other half of said house<br />

and land."<br />

"Sixtli, I give assurance of all the above bequests, provided<br />

my mother have the use of all said gifts until each party<br />

comes of age, except my brother's mansion house, which 1 reserve<br />

to myself until Alexander Mason's house comes into my<br />

hands, until which time 1 grant my mother equal privileges<br />

in said house, and when the said parties come of age, they<br />

shall pa}' to my mother their proportional part of £20 per annum.<br />

And that the well at the mansion house shall be free to<br />

all the ])rothers and sisters, and my mother shall have all the<br />

movables of the estate, she paying the debts therof. And if<br />

any of these parties die without issue, then all the property<br />

shall revert to me and my heirs, and for the due performance<br />

of all of these I provisions, bind myself in the penal sum of<br />

£500, N. K. money. Signed Aug. 2o, 1715, Samuel Cakr.<br />

The children of John and Waite Carr, were,<br />

114 1. John Carr, h. Xov. 23, lODl, d. June 5, 1694.

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