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810 CAKK FAMILY KECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATIOX. 5117 4. Sarah L. Carr, b. June 1, 1867, d. Oct. 6, 1868. 5118 5. Sarah Roberta Carr, b. Feb. 19, 1874. VIII. TiTiTS William Cark (3008) bora in Pitt Co., N. C, Feb. 27, 1841, married Ada Gray Little, in Pitt Co., Feb. 1866. She was born IMarch 28, 1848, and died Feb. 8, 1882. 27, He next married Dora E. Little, Sept. 1, 1887. They reside in Castoria, X. C, where he is engaged in general mercliandise. His children by tirst wife, are, 5119 1. William Gray Carr, b. Dec. 25, 1866. 5120 2. Mathew Lawrence Carr, b. Oct. 24, 1870. 5121 3. Frederick Lewis Carr, b. Aug. 7, 1873. 5122 4. Dora Little Carr, b. Oct. 13, 1886. VIII. Parker Carr (3009) born in Chester, X. H., T"ne 10, 1809, married and had a family. He died in Hookset, X. H., Feb. 11, 1869. They had, 5123x1. James R. Carr, b. May 10, 1841. VIII. Joseph Carr (3010) born in Derrj^ N. H., Sept. 11,1819. He went to Boston when about 18 years old and found employment in a store. Hy strict attention to business he gradually" worked his way up to an important position in one of the largest wholesale drj^ goods houses in the city. He was the first man to travel over the countr}" and sell goods by samples. He has been a ver^- successful business man and has accumulated a handsome property in the dr^^ goods trade. He has now retired from active business. He married SaraVi Jane Frederick, Feb. 3, 1851, in Quincy, jMass., where they now reside. Their children are, 5124x1. Mary Jane Carr, b. Dec. 22, 1851. 5125 2. Alice Maria Carr, b. Jan. 26, 1853. 5126x3. E. Frederick Carr, b. Aug. 8, 1855. 5127 4. Joseph Gould Carr, 1). July 24. 1860, d. March 24, 1861. VIII. Hazex Eugene Carr (3013) born in Oxford, X. H., Oct. 11, 1836, married Martha Julia Eaton, in Wentworth, X. H., Jan. 24, 1866. She was born in Wentworth, June 3, 183(5. He died Aug. 7, 1884, in Oxford, where she now resides. Their cliildren are, 5128x1. Lydia Williams Carr, 1). May 8, 1868. 5129 2. Jesse Eat(m Carr, h. June 11, 1872. 5130 3. Charles Everett Carr, 1). March 15, 1875.

Joseph Cakk (3010) born Sept. 11, 1819.

Joseph Cakk (3010) born Sept. 11, 1819.

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