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26 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—THIRD GEXERATIOX. bring up his children, Robert and Abigail until of age, and then a certain part delivered unto them. The will of his son Robert was made Sept. 20, 1710, and proved Oct. 2, 1710, making his mother his only heir. Elizabeth, wife of Robert Carr died in 1724. She willed property to her grandson James Honeyman, grand daughter Elizabeth Dunbar and others. i.i:^luding her sister-in-law Mary, wife of Ralph Earl. The children of Robert and Elizabeth Carr were, 76 1. Robert Carr. d. unm. 1710. 77x2. Abigail Carr. III. EvSEK Carr (21) born in Newport, R. I., settled in Little trade. His wife's name Compton, R. I., and was a cooper by was Susanna, whom he married in l'J81. He died in Little Comp- ton, in 1744. His will was dated May 16, 1739, and proved Nov. 12, 1744. After setting aside a quarter of an acre of land for a family Inirying ground, he willed his entire estate to his son Robert except the following sums to his daughters: To daughter Mary, wife of John Brownwell, £5; daughter Sarah Thurston, £5; daughter Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Wilbur, £5; daughter Anna, wife of Jonathan Wood, £5; daughter Susanna, wife of Thomas \Vill)ur, £5; children of daughter Margaret CTos- son, £60; daughter Thankful, wife of William Lake, £5; grand daughter Mary, wife of Nathaniel Potter, 40s; grand daughter Deborah Carr, daughter of son Esek Carr, deceased, £50 at eighteen. The children of Esek and vSusanna Carr were, 78x1. Mary Carr. b. July 14, 168.1. 79x2. Sarah Carr, b. March 19, 1689. 80x3. EHzabeth Carr, b. July 29, 1691. 81x4. Esek Carr, 1). Aug. 23. 1693. 82x5. Anna Carr, b. Feb. 28, 1()9(). 83 6. Martha Carr, b. xMay 29, 1()98. 81x7. Susanna Carr. h. Sept. 20, 17(H1 85x8, Margaret Carr. 1). Jan. 16, 1703. 86x9. Robert Carr. 1). Feb. 24. 170(5. 87x10. Tliankful Carr, b. April 27, 1709. III. Mar(;aket Cark (22) born in Newport. R. I., married Nov. 27. 1670, and set- Richard Hartshorne, an eminent Quaker. 4'heir children were, tled in Middletown, N. J. 88 1. Sarah Hartshorne.

(WK'K l-AMILV IvMX'OKDS lllllv'l) CiHNKKATloN. 27 81) 2. Jliigh llailshonie. WX'S. Catharine HarislK.nic. 1). >\:\y 2, 1(582. 5)1 4. William Hartshoriic. III. Nk iioLAs Cak'r (2;}) boni in Newjjort, R. 1., Oct. 22, 1654, iiianictl K*checca Nicliolsoii, daii^liter of Joseph Nicholson, of I'orlsiiioutli, R. 1. She was born h'eb. 1, 1(556, and died May 13, 1703. lie lived in Jamestown, K'. I., and was the first representative of his town in the General Assembly, and during his lifetime held man\' offices of public trust. He died Feb. 17- 1709. In his will made June 10, 1708, mention is made of his sons Nicholas, Thomas and Benjamin; daughters Margaret IJattL'}', Jane, Mar^^ Kebecca and Ann Carr; brother-in-law Thomas Paine and brother Kdward Carr. Their children were, 92 X I. Nicholas Carr, b. Sept. 19, 1(579. 93 2. Joseph Carr, b. March 7, 1681, d. Aug. 9, 1702. 94 3. "Benjamin Carr, b. July 7, 1683, d. Dec. 27, 1684. 95 X 4. Margaret Carr. b. Oct. 22, 1684. 96 5. Jane Carr. b. Aug. 3, l(i86. 97 (5. Caleb Carr, b. March 27, 1688, d. Jan. 4, 1704-5 98 X 7. Mercy Carr, h. April 20, l(i90. 99 8. Rebecca Carr, b. May 12, 1(592. 100 9. Ann Carr, 1). Feb. 5, l(o94. 101 X 10. Thomas Carr, b. Jan. 25, 1696. 102x11. Benjamin Carr, b. Nov. 21, 1697. HI. Caleb Carr (25) born in Newport, R. I., Aug. 23, 1657, married Deborah Sayles. who was a grand daughter of Roger Williams. She was born about l(i.56, and died al)out 1700. He died in Jamestown, R. 1., Oct. 10, 1700, and his son John was made executor of his estate. Their children were, 103 X 1. John Carr, b. Jan. 4, 1681. 101 2. ..... Carr, b. Sept. 1(5, 1682. 105 X 3. Mercy Carr, b. Oct. 7, 1683. 10(5 4. Benjamin Carr, b. Oct. 31, 1685, d. March 15, 1701. 107 X 5. Daniel Carr, b. Nov. 15, 1(]87. 108x (5. PelegCarr, b. March 14, 1(59(1 109 X 7. Deborah Carr. UOX 8. Roba Carr. Ill 9. Rachel Carr. 112x10. Sayles Carr, b. Nov. 24, 1(596. HI. Samuel Cark (26) born in Newport, R. I., Dec. 15, 1(559.


bring up his children, Robert and Abigail until of age, and<br />

then a certain part delivered unto them.<br />

The will of his son Robert was made Sept. 20, 1710, and proved<br />

Oct. 2, 1710, making his mother his only heir.<br />

Elizabeth, wife of Robert Carr died in 1724. She willed property<br />

to her grandson James Honeyman, grand daughter Elizabeth<br />

Dunbar and others. i.i:^luding her sister-in-law Mary,<br />

wife of Ralph Earl. The children of Robert and Elizabeth<br />

Carr were,<br />

76 1. Robert Carr. d. unm. 1710.<br />

77x2. Abigail Carr.<br />

III. EvSEK Carr (21) born in Newport, R. I., settled in Little<br />

trade. His wife's name<br />

Compton, R. I., and was a cooper by<br />

was Susanna, whom he married in l'J81. He died in Little Comp-<br />

ton, in 1744. His will was dated May 16, 1739, and proved Nov.<br />

12, 1744. After setting aside a quarter of an acre of land for a<br />

family Inirying ground, he willed his entire estate to his son<br />

Robert except the following sums to his daughters: To daughter<br />

Mary, wife of John Brownwell, £5; daughter Sarah Thurston,<br />

£5; daughter Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Wilbur, £5; daughter<br />

Anna, wife of Jonathan Wood, £5; daughter Susanna, wife<br />

of Thomas \Vill)ur, £5; children of daughter Margaret CTos-<br />

son, £60; daughter Thankful, wife of William Lake, £5; grand<br />

daughter Mary, wife of Nathaniel Potter, 40s; grand daughter<br />

Deborah Carr, daughter of son Esek Carr, deceased, £50 at<br />

eighteen. The children of Esek and vSusanna Carr were,<br />

78x1. Mary Carr. b. July 14, 168.1.<br />

79x2. Sarah Carr, b. March 19, 1689.<br />

80x3. EHzabeth Carr, b. July 29, 1691.<br />

81x4. Esek Carr, 1). Aug. 23. 1693.<br />

82x5. Anna Carr, b. Feb. 28, 1()9().<br />

83 6. Martha Carr, b. xMay 29, 1()98.<br />

81x7. Susanna Carr. h. Sept. 20, 17(H1<br />

85x8, Margaret Carr. 1). Jan. 16, 1703.<br />

86x9. Robert Carr.<br />

1). Feb. 24. 170(5.<br />

87x10. Tliankful Carr, b. April 27, 1709.<br />

III. Mar(;aket Cark (22) born in Newport. R. I., married<br />

Nov. 27. 1670, and set-<br />

Richard Hartshorne, an eminent Quaker.<br />

4'heir children were,<br />

tled in Middletown, N. J.<br />

88 1. Sarah Hartshorne.

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