
Untitled Untitled


280 CARR FAMILY RECORDS—EIGHTH GENERATION. Creek, N. Y. He is largely engaged in farming. Their children are, 4629 1. Ella Carr, b. May, 1859. 4630x2. Jennie Carr, b. Nov, 1865. VIII. Lydia Ann Carr (2470) born in Cliautauqua Co., N. Y., Feb. 1837, married Jackson Berr^', in 1856. He died in March, 1890. vShe died in Oct. 1890. Tlieir children are, 4631x1. Alice Berry, b. May, 1859. 4632x2. Avis Berry, 1863. VIII. Lydia Maria Niles (2487) born in Otego, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1818, married Cephas Tillson in Butternvit, N. Y., April 9, 1840. She died July 20, 1846. Their children are. 4633 1. Henry Harrison Tillson. b. Jan. 31. 1841, d. June 4, '(54. 4334 2. Analiza Tillson, b. March 10, 1845, d. Jan. 19, 1880. VIII. John Howard Niles, (2489) born in Otego, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1821, married Elizabeth Cummings, in Butternut, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1849. He died in Delhi, N. Y., June 27, 1877. Tlieir children are, 4635x1. George Cummings, b. Sept. 14, 1850. 4636x2. Darius Duncan Niles, b. June 27, 1852. 4637x3. Fanny Maria Niles, b. Aug. 19, 1855. 4638x4. Blanch Carr Niles, b. Sept. 3, 1863. VIII. Desire Ann Niles, (2490) born in Otego, N. Y., June 25. 1824, married Hiram Randall, in Butternut, N. Y., June 19, 1845. He was born Dec. 25, 1816. They reside in Otego. Their children are. 4639 1. Ossion Adelbert Kandall, b. May 18, 1846. 4640 2 Damaris A. Randall, 1). Sept. 23, 18.50, m. H. Blakely. VIII. Phebe Carr Niles (2492) 1)orn in Otego, N. Y.. Sept. 28. 1828, married Constant Mathewson. in Butternut, N. V.. Nov. 29, 1853. He is a railroad conductor. She died at Manas- sas, Va., Oct. 2:>, 1877. Their children are, 4641x1. Nellie Niles Mathewson, ]). Nov. 30, 1854. 4(542 2. Charles S. Mathewson. !). Oct. 14. 18(57. m. VIII. Jane Eliza Niles (2493) l)()rn in Otego, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1831, married Charles .\. Shepherd, in Dort Jarvis, N. V.. June 1,1865. He was a soldier in Co. E, 90th N. Y. vol. He was express agent in Otego, and died Jan. 25, 1S75. The (J. A. K.

C.\K'K> 1 \MILY KKCOKDvS— KKill III CKMHRATION. 281 Pos'i 1S9, N. Y., is named alter liiiii. vSlic resides i:i Washinsi- ton, I). C 'Plie\' had, 4()-t;i I. Lena (>. Shepherd, 1). May 4()14 2. —— Shepherd, son, d. >'oung. 4()4r) 3. —— Shej)herd, son, d. Noung'. li), 1871. \'III. D.wiKL W. NiLES (241)4) horn in Otego, N. Y., Dec. 2(5, 183:5, married I lannah Malviiia 1 Iolii(hiy, in Otego, Jan. 25, 1864. She was horn ()et. 3, 1831. The\' reside in Springfield, S. I). Tlie\' had, 4'Uf5 I. Richard V. Xiles, h. iMay21, 1808, d. Jan. 24. 1890. VIII. George Nelson Cak'k (2495) born in Otego, N. Y\, June 2i), 1846. He is engaged in manufacturing shoes in Otego. He has no famil> . \'III. vSaka Meihtable Kound (2496) horn at vSidne}^ Plains, Delaware Co., N. Y"., June 7, 1834. She was a successful school teacher for many years. She died unmarried at Manassas, Va., March 1(5, 1872. VIH. Rev. Joux Kmory Round (2497) born in West Winlield, N. Y^, Nov. 25, 1835, married Hattie Maria Case, in Bos- t(m, Mass., Oct. 26, 1863. She was born in Boston, Aug. 18, 1843. He was captain in the 43d Mass. vol. 1862 and 1863, and has l)een a clergyman in the M. E. church since 1857. He was president of the Centennary Biblical Institute, in Baltimore, Md.. from 1872 to 1882, He received the degree of D. D. in 1881. He died in Baltimore, Jan. 10, 1892, and was buried at Manas- sas, Va. Their children are, 4(547 1. Kate Newburn Kound, b. Sept. 15, 1864, clerk in Wash 4(548 2. Robert Clement Round, b. Feb. 25, 1871, p. o. clerk. 4649 3. Genevie Calvert Round, b. Jan. 21, 1873. 4(i50 4. Hattie Crystal Round, b. Dec. 25, 1880. 4651 5. .Etheldride Waity Round, b. June 3, 1883. VIH. Hon. George Carr Round (2198) born in Kingston, Pa., vSept. 14, 1837, married Emily C. Bennett, in Manassas, Va., vSept. 19, 1877. She was born in London, Canada, April 20, 1859, and descended through her father, Charles Bennett, from the vShattucks, Bloods, Lakins, early settlers of Mass. mentioned in the "Shattuck Famil}^" a ])ook already published; and from her mother's father, John Maitland, who descended from the Maitlands, a noble Scottish family of the house of Lauderdale.

C.\K'K> 1 \MILY<br />


Pos'i 1S9, N. Y., is named alter liiiii. vSlic resides i:i Washinsi-<br />

ton, I). C 'Plie\' had,<br />

4()-t;i I. Lena (>. Shepherd, 1). May<br />

4()14 2. —— Shepherd, son, d. >'oung.<br />

4()4r) 3. —— Shej)herd, son, d. Noung'.<br />

li), 1871.<br />

\'III. D.wiKL W. NiLES (241)4) horn in Otego, N. Y., Dec. 2(5,<br />

183:5, married I lannah Malviiia 1 Iolii(hiy, in Otego, Jan. 25, 1864.<br />

She was horn ()et. 3, 1831. The\' reside in Springfield, S. I).<br />

Tlie\' had,<br />

4'Uf5 I. Richard V. Xiles, h. iMay21, 1808, d. Jan. 24. 1890.<br />

VIII. George Nelson Cak'k (2495) born in Otego, N. Y\, June<br />

2i), 1846. He is engaged in manufacturing shoes in Otego. He<br />

has no famil> .<br />

\'III. vSaka Meihtable Kound (2496) horn at vSidne}^ Plains,<br />

Delaware Co., N. Y"., June 7, 1834. She was a successful school<br />

teacher for many years. She died unmarried at Manassas, Va.,<br />

March 1(5, 1872.<br />

VIH. Rev. Joux Kmory Round (2497) born in West Winlield,<br />

N. Y^, Nov. 25, 1835, married Hattie Maria Case, in Bos-<br />

t(m, Mass., Oct. 26, 1863. She was born in Boston, Aug. 18, 1843.<br />

He was captain in the 43d Mass. vol. 1862 and 1863, and has<br />

l)een a clergyman in the M. E. church since 1857. He was<br />

president of the Centennary Biblical Institute, in Baltimore,<br />

Md.. from 1872 to 1882, He received the degree of D. D. in 1881.<br />

He died in Baltimore, Jan. 10, 1892, and was buried at Manas-<br />

sas, Va. Their children are,<br />

4(547 1. Kate Newburn Kound, b. Sept. 15, 1864, clerk in Wash<br />

4(548 2. Robert Clement Round, b. Feb. 25, 1871, p. o. clerk.<br />

4649 3. Genevie Calvert Round, b. Jan. 21, 1873.<br />

4(i50 4. Hattie Crystal Round, b. Dec. 25, 1880.<br />

4651 5. .Etheldride Waity Round, b. June 3, 1883.<br />

VIH. Hon. George Carr Round (2198) born in Kingston,<br />

Pa., vSept. 14, 1837, married Emily C. Bennett, in Manassas, Va.,<br />

vSept. 19, 1877. She was born in London, Canada, April 20, 1859,<br />

and descended through her father, Charles Bennett, from the<br />

vShattucks, Bloods, Lakins, early settlers of Mass. mentioned<br />

in the "Shattuck Famil}^" a ])ook already published; and from<br />

her mother's father, John Maitland, who descended from the<br />

Maitlands, a noble Scottish family of the house of Lauderdale.

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